2018-11-19 Colloquium Studying X-ray Binaries and Neutron Star Interiors through Globular Clusters Craig Heinke (Alberta, Edmonton)Colloquium
2018-11-14 Ph.D. Defense Ali Mousavian, PhD Defense Ali MousavianPh.D. Defense
2018-11-07 General Event Undergrad physics majors talk about transition to industry Chris May, Ally Mueller, Mattson ThiemeGeneral Event
2018-11-05 Colloquium Electron videography . . . in the twinkling of an eye Matthew GrahamColloquium
2018-10-31 Outreach Discovery Days Student and faculty volunteersOutreach
2018-10-30 Outreach Discovery Days Student and faculty volunteersOutreach
2018-10-29 Colloquium Kinesin-14s: Moving Into a New Paradigm Weihong QiuColloquium
2018-10-22 Colloquium Teaching Physics Sensemaking Liz GireColloquium
2018-10-19 Special Lecture The Wei Family Private Foundation lecture: “Atomic Sandwich: Photonics and optoelectronics of two-dimensional materials" Prof. Jie Shan, Cornell Applied PhysicsSpecial Lecture
2018-10-15 Colloquium Quantitative Behavior: Understanding what animals do and how brains control them Joshua W. Shaevitz (Princeton University)Colloquium
2018-10-08 Colloquium Revisiting the mechanical feedback between tumors and their microenvironment Bo SunColloquium
2018-10-01 Colloquium Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites; Photovoltaics and Beyond Professor Z. Valy Vardeny, University of UtahColloquium
2018-09-19 M.S. Defense David Rivella, MS Final Oral Exam David RivellaM.S. Defense
2018-09-18 M.S. Defense Greg Giesbers, MS Defense Greg GiesbersM.S. Defense
2018-09-18 Ph.D. Defense Bethany Matthews, PhD Defense Bethany MatthewsPh.D. Defense
2018-06-29 Ph.D. Defense Heterojunction Assisted Impact Ionization at the ZnS/Si Interface and Cu10Te4S13 Photodiodes Christopher ReidyPh.D. Defense
2018-06-18 Ph.D. Defense Mechanics Controls Collective Cancer Invasion Amani AlobadiPh.D. Defense
2018-06-14 Ph.D. Defense Amorphous TiO2: A thin film synthesis route to stabilization of metastable TiO2 brookite James HaggertyPh.D. Defense
2018-06-12 Senior Thesis Senior Thesis Presentations Part II Senior Class 2018Senior Thesis
2018-06-06 M.S. Defense Analogues in thermodynamics: the Partial Derivative Machine and Legendre transformations Michael VignalM.S. Defense
2018-06-05 Senior Thesis Senior Thesis Presentations Part I Senior class 2018Senior Thesis
2018-06-04 Colloquium The dynamics of students' engagement and persistence in science David Hammer (Tufts)Colloquium
2018-06-04 Senior Thesis Broad Histogram Algorithm Comparison for the Square Well Fluid Tanner SimpsonSenior Thesis
2018-05-31 Ph.D. Defense Single-Molecule Characterization of the PAKRP@ Motility Mechanism Allison GickingPh.D. Defense
2018-05-24 Senior Thesis Using Divertor Strike Point Splitting to Understand Plasma Response and its Sensitivity to Equilibrium Uncertainty Abraham TekluSenior Thesis
2018-05-24 Senior Thesis Radial Velocity Profiles and Magnetic Field Probes for Hypervelocity Plasma Deflagration Jets Jesse RodriguezSenior Thesis
2018-05-22 Senior Thesis Computing Wavefunctions of Silicon Donor Qubits with Density Functional Theory Yousif AlmullahSenior Thesis
2018-05-21 Colloquium Building Blocks of the Universe Tim Andeen, University of Texas at AustinColloquium
2018-05-16 Seminar Master Degree Defense : Decoding Cancer Cell Body Language with Deep Learning Chris EddySeminar
2018-05-16 Senior Thesis Localized structures in a diffusive run and tumble model for M. xanthus Patrick FlynnSenior Thesis
2018-05-15 Senior Thesis Analysis of Upper Ocean Surface Wave Structure in the Bay of Bengal using χSOLO Floats Matthew BallSenior Thesis
2018-05-14 General Event Sigma Pi Sigma Induction Ceremony General Event
2018-05-14 Colloquium TBA CancelledColloquium
2018-05-11 Special Lecture Distinguished Professor Lecture: With a little help from my friends: collaborative materials research and incorporating research into the undergraduate curriculum Prof. Janet TateSpecial Lecture
2018-05-09 Seminar Heterostructural Semiconductor Alloys Andriy Zakutayev, National Renewable Energy LaboratorySeminar
2018-05-08 Outreach Family Science Night Student and faculty volunteersOutreach
2018-05-07 Colloquium Phase transitions and the principle of detailed balance in living systems Fred Macintosh (Rice University)Colloquium
2018-05-03 Special Lecture Of Predators and Prey Dr. Henri BerestyckiSpecial Lecture
2018-05-02 Outreach Discovery Days Faculty and student volunteersOutreach
2018-05-01 Outreach Discovery Days Faculty and student volunteersOutreach
2018-04-20 Yunker Lecture The Dark Energy of Quantum Materials Laura H. Greene, Francis Eppes Professor of Physics, Florida State University & Chief Scientist, National High Magnetic Field LaboratoryYunker Lecture
2018-04-20 General Event Reception and poster session for Yunker lecture Laura GreeneGeneral Event
2018-04-19 Seminar The Topological Kondo Insulator SmB6: Surface States and Bulk Spin Excitons Laura Greene, Florida State UniversitySeminar
2018-04-09 Colloquium Cancelled due to speaker unavailability Eric AgolColloquium
2018-04-05 Special Lecture Catalyzing the transformation of science learning at OSU Prof. Corinne ManogueSpecial Lecture
2018-04-05 Outreach Family Science Night Student and faculty volunteersOutreach
2018-04-02 Colloquium Discovery potential of pulsar timing arrays Xavier Siemens (UW Milwaukee)Colloquium
2018-03-26 Colloquium High-throughput materials discovery and development: breakthroughs and challenges in the mapping of the materials genome Marco Buongiorno Nardelli (North Texas)Colloquium
2018-03-26 Seminar MRS Practice Talks Mitchell Senger, Carly FengelSeminar
2018-03-15 Outreach Periwinkle Family Science Night Faculty and student volunteersOutreach