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Events Archive

People gathered in a field for the 2017 eclipse.

The Oregon State University Physics Department has been host to many amazing events over the years. Learn more about our past events by exploring below.

ColloquiumStudying X-ray Binaries and Neutron Star Interiors through Globular Clusters
Craig Heinke (Alberta, Edmonton)
Ph.D. DefenseAli Mousavian, PhD Defense
Ali Mousavian
Ph.D. Defense
General EventUndergrad physics majors talk about transition to industry
Chris May, Ally Mueller, Mattson Thieme
General Event
ColloquiumElectron videography . . . in the twinkling of an eye
Matthew Graham
OutreachDiscovery Days
Student and faculty volunteers
OutreachDiscovery Days
Student and faculty volunteers
ColloquiumKinesin-14s: Moving Into a New Paradigm
Weihong Qiu
ColloquiumTeaching Physics Sensemaking
Liz Gire
Special LectureThe Wei Family Private Foundation lecture: “Atomic Sandwich: Photonics and optoelectronics of two-dimensional materials"
Prof. Jie Shan, Cornell Applied Physics
Special Lecture
ColloquiumQuantitative Behavior: Understanding what animals do and how brains control them
Joshua W. Shaevitz (Princeton University)
ColloquiumRevisiting the mechanical feedback between tumors and their microenvironment
Bo Sun
ColloquiumHybrid Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites; Photovoltaics and Beyond
Professor Z. Valy Vardeny, University of Utah
M.S. DefenseDavid Rivella, MS Final Oral Exam
David Rivella
M.S. Defense
M.S. DefenseGreg Giesbers, MS Defense
Greg Giesbers
M.S. Defense
Ph.D. DefenseBethany Matthews, PhD Defense
Bethany Matthews
Ph.D. Defense
Ph.D. DefenseHeterojunction Assisted Impact Ionization at the ZnS/Si Interface and Cu10Te4S13 Photodiodes
Christopher Reidy
Ph.D. Defense
Ph.D. DefenseMechanics Controls Collective Cancer Invasion
Amani Alobadi
Ph.D. Defense
Ph.D. DefenseAmorphous TiO2: A thin film synthesis route to stabilization of metastable TiO2 brookite
James Haggerty
Ph.D. Defense
Senior ThesisSenior Thesis Presentations Part II
Senior Class 2018
Senior Thesis
M.S. DefenseAnalogues in thermodynamics: the Partial Derivative Machine and Legendre transformations
Michael Vignal
M.S. Defense
Senior ThesisSenior Thesis Presentations Part I
Senior class 2018
Senior Thesis
ColloquiumThe dynamics of students' engagement and persistence in science
David Hammer (Tufts)
Senior ThesisBroad Histogram Algorithm Comparison for the Square Well Fluid
Tanner Simpson
Senior Thesis
Ph.D. DefenseSingle-Molecule Characterization of the PAKRP@ Motility Mechanism
Allison Gicking
Ph.D. Defense
Senior ThesisUsing Divertor Strike Point Splitting to Understand Plasma Response and its Sensitivity to Equilibrium Uncertainty
Abraham Teklu
Senior Thesis
Senior ThesisRadial Velocity Profiles and Magnetic Field Probes for Hypervelocity Plasma Deflagration Jets
Jesse Rodriguez
Senior Thesis
Senior ThesisComputing Wavefunctions of Silicon Donor Qubits with Density Functional Theory
Yousif Almullah
Senior Thesis
ColloquiumBuilding Blocks of the Universe
Tim Andeen, University of Texas at Austin
SeminarMaster Degree Defense : Decoding Cancer Cell Body Language with Deep Learning
Chris Eddy
Senior ThesisLocalized structures in a diffusive run and tumble model for M. xanthus
Patrick Flynn
Senior Thesis
Senior ThesisAnalysis of Upper Ocean Surface Wave Structure in the Bay of Bengal using χSOLO Floats
Matthew Ball
Senior Thesis
General EventSigma Pi Sigma Induction Ceremony
General Event
Special LectureDistinguished Professor Lecture: With a little help from my friends: collaborative materials research and incorporating research into the undergraduate curriculum
Prof. Janet Tate
Special Lecture
SeminarHeterostructural Semiconductor Alloys
Andriy Zakutayev, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
OutreachFamily Science Night
Student and faculty volunteers
ColloquiumPhase transitions and the principle of detailed balance in living systems
Fred Macintosh (Rice University)
Special LectureOf Predators and Prey
Dr. Henri Berestycki
Special Lecture
OutreachDiscovery Days
Faculty and student volunteers
OutreachDiscovery Days
Faculty and student volunteers
Yunker LectureThe Dark Energy of Quantum Materials
Laura H. Greene, Francis Eppes Professor of Physics, Florida State University & Chief Scientist, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Yunker Lecture
General EventReception and poster session for Yunker lecture
Laura Greene
General Event
SeminarThe Topological Kondo Insulator SmB6: Surface States and Bulk Spin Excitons
Laura Greene, Florida State University
ColloquiumCancelled due to speaker unavailability
Eric Agol
Special LectureCatalyzing the transformation of science learning at OSU
Prof. Corinne Manogue
Special Lecture
OutreachFamily Science Night
Student and faculty volunteers
ColloquiumDiscovery potential of pulsar timing arrays
Xavier Siemens (UW Milwaukee)
ColloquiumHigh-throughput materials discovery and development: breakthroughs and challenges in the mapping of the materials genome
Marco Buongiorno Nardelli (North Texas)
SeminarMRS Practice Talks
Mitchell Senger, Carly Fengel
OutreachPeriwinkle Family Science Night
Faculty and student volunteers