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Events Archive

People gathered in a field for the 2017 eclipse.

The Oregon State University Physics Department has been host to many amazing events over the years. Learn more about our past events by exploring below.

SeminarUnderstanding the goals and benefits of teamwork in undergraduate physics education
Alexandra Werth
ColloquiumSearching for a CURE? The impacts of a remote, high-enrollment, course-based undergraduate research experience in physics
Alexandra Werth
General EventOpen Door Conversations: Accessibility in the New Weniger 2
General Event
General EventOpen Door Conversations: Accessibility in the New Weniger
General Event
SeminarQuantitative Critical Methods in Discipline Based Education Research
Jayson Nissen
ColloquiumRacism and Sexism in Gateway Science Courses
Jayson Nissen
General EventWIC Fair
Faculty - student meetings
General Event
General EventCUWiP 2022
Donna Strickland (virtual)
General Event
General EventWomen in STEM
General Event
ColloquiumPhysics Town Hall
Graduate Student Council (Jonathon Alfson, Jerry Sun & Pedram Esfahani)
Ph.D. DefenseBioelectronic systems for neurosensing enabled by graphene
Carly Fengel
Ph.D. Defense
Ph.D. DefensePhotostability of Organic Semiconductors: From bulk to nanoscales
Nicole Quist
Ph.D. Defense
SeminarInclusive Recognition of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Impact within Promotion & Tenure
Rich Carter
ColloquiumSpin glasses, replicas and graphical models
Guenter Schneider, OSU Physics
SeminarHas life on Enceladus and Europa evolved biological rhythms? A survey of temperature-sensing genes in hydrothermal vent microbes
Rosalyn Fey
ColloquiumOpening the Gravitational-Wave Window
Beverly Berger, LIGO Collaboration, Stanford University
SeminarTransparent Conductive Oxide based Integrated Photonic Devices
Alan Wang
ColloquiumClimatic and Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear War
Alan Robock, Rutgers University
ColloquiumCell language: The role of cell-environment communication in tumor invasion
Mingming Wu, Cornell University
ColloquiumModeling protostellar systems
Kathryn Hadley, OSU Physics
ColloquiumEffective Practices for Physics Programs: A Personal View of the EP3 Initiative
David Craig, OSU Physics
ColloquiumMonte Carlo Simulation at All Temperatures
David Roundy, OSU Physics
SeminarUncovering Sequence Features Associated with Ribosomal Dynamics
David Hendrix
ColloquiumPhysics Town Hall
Grad Student Council (Jonathan Alfson, Pedram Esfahani, Jerry Sun)
ColloquiumState of the Department / Welcome & Introductions
Davide Lazzati, new grads
Ph.D. DefenseCrystallization and Growth of TiO2 Polymorphs from Pulsed Laser Deposited and RF-Sputtered, Amorphous Thin-Film Precursors
Okan Ağırseven
Ph.D. Defense
Ph.D. DefenseMorphodynamics of 3D Migrating Cancer Cells
Christopher Eddy
Ph.D. Defense
Ph.D. DefenseMonte Carlo Radiation Transfer Simulations of Gamma Ray Burst Prompt Emission
Tyler Parsotan
Ph.D. Defense
Senior ThesisSenior thesis presentations, Part II
PH403 seniors
Senior Thesis
Senior ThesisCancer Cell Detection with Mask R-CNN
Ryan Wong
Senior Thesis
M.S. DefenseAberration Correction of Optical Wavefronts with Sequential, Genetic, and Deep Learning Algorithms
Jesse Weller
M.S. Defense
Senior ThesisSenior thesis presentations, Part I
PH403 seniors
Senior Thesis
Ph.D. Defense(Opto)electronic Properties of Xylindein and Organic (Opto)electronic Devices
Gregory Giesbers
Ph.D. Defense
Senior ThesisIsolating Non-Blackbody Radiation Spectra from Low-Bandgap LEDs near Zero Bias
YiPeng Teo
Senior Thesis
Senior ThesisTwist in a Torus: Minimization of Nematic Configurations with Discontinuous Director Fields in Toroidal Coordinates
Trevor Reid
Senior Thesis
Seminar2 talks: Trevor Reid - Nematic Liquid Crystals and Nima Laal - NanoGrav
Travor Reid and Nima Laal
ColloquiumFirst Results from the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab
Tammy Walton (Fermilab)
Colloquium“Student Thinking about Measurements and Uncertainty in Physics.”
Gina Passante - Cal State Fullerton
ColloquiumDynamic Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions One Molecule at a Time
Sharonda LeBlanc (North Carolina State University)
Ph.D. DefenseKinesin-14 Motors with Novel Motility Behaviors and Functions
Guangxi Feng
Ph.D. Defense
ColloquiumUnder pressure: How mechanical forces “shape” the function of membranes and proteins
Juan Vanegas (Vermont)
SeminarPhysics Demographics from the AIP reports: What physicists do (and how much they make)
Heidi Schellman, Janet Tate, Xavier Siemens
ColloquiumFirst-principles modeling of optical properties of chromophores in the condensed phase
Tim Zuehlsdorff (OSU Chemistry)
SeminarHow I transitioned from academic to industry
Laura Sampson
ColloquiumDisappearing stars without a trace: what is their maximum angular momentum?
Ariadna Murguia-Berthier (UCSC)
ColloquiumUnderstanding the Higgs Boson and Top Quark at the Large Hadron Collider
Peter Onyisi (University of Texas - Austin)
ColloquiumThe Perseverance Rover: First Results from Mars and Next Steps in the Search for Life Beyond Earth
Briony Horgan (Purdue)
Ph.D. DefenseCarbon nanotube photodiodes tuned by dielectric environment
Mitch Senger
Ph.D. Defense
Ph.D. DefenseExciton and Polariton Nature in Organic Crystals
Jonathan Van Schenck
Ph.D. Defense
M.S. DefenseOptical Characterization of a Novel Fungi-derived Red Pigment
Carter Webber
M.S. Defense