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A male college student engages with children during Discovery Days
College of Science

Empowering communities: Highlights from the College of Science’s 2023-24 outreach

Whether fostering curiosity in local classrooms, providing resources for underserved communities or translating cutting-edge discoveries for the general public, our outreach bridges the gap between science and society, elevating both. Here are some examples from across our departments during 2023-2024.

A kid stands in the water holding wildlife.
College of Science

Building bridges: College of Science outreach fosters science literacy and inclusion

The College of Science is dedicated to enriching our community and promoting science literacy. Our recently launched Strategic Plan emphasizes making meaningful contributions on local, national, and global scales.

Nobel prize coin logo

Exploring science through the 2018 Nobel Prizes

The College of Science presents three talks by science faculty on the meaning of the 2018 Nobel Prize Awards in Physics, Chemistry and Medicine.

geometric illustration of atomic structures

Cornell physicist presents Wei Family Foundation Lecture on “atomic deli sandwich structures”

The College of Science welcomes Dr. Jie Shan, professor of applied and engineering physics at Cornell University, to campus to present the first Wei Family Private Foundation Lecture. She will present a talk entitled “Atomic sandwich: Photonics and optoelectronics of two-dimensional materials.”

Young woman working in lab with other students.

Building a pipeline for young women in STEM

What is the common denominator between isolating strawberry DNA, building Knex vehicles, spalting wood and probing sea anemone symbiosis?

superconductor levitating small cylinder

Yunker Lecture explores the dark energy of quantum materials

The 2018 Yunker Lecture, “The Dark Energy of Quantum Materials,” will be presented by physicist Laura Greene from Florida State University on April 20.

nobel prize logo

Understanding science's highest award: The Nobel Prizes

Three OSU scientists explore the 2017 Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry and medicine and the exciting scientific advances they represent at a public lecture April 30, 2018.

moon covering sun in a solar eclipse

An amazing moment in time: A year of planning for the solar eclipse pays off

Solar Eclipse 2017 was a stellar moment for the validity of astronomy, for science itself and for OSU astronomer Randall Milstein.

Roy Haggerty showing children a snake

Discovery Days foster a love for science

Nearly 800 students gathered for Discovery Days on campus to experience the rich and diverse world of science Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, 2017.

children looking at science themed booth
Graduate students

From the lab to the world: OMSI Science Communication Fellowships

Applications are open for Oregon's top academic and professional fellowship program: The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry's OMSI Science Communication Fellowship.

Row of rolled up STEM research posters

Share your research: Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium

The 2017 Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium invites all undergraduates to show off their research in lightning talks and poster sessions on September 14.

moon covering sun in a solar eclipse

As the sky darkens, science will shine during Total Eclipse at OSU

The OSU150 Space Grant Festival: A Total Eclipse Experience will draw tens of thousands to Corvallis for the epic solar eclipse on August 21.