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Studying How Students Learn to Think Like a Physicist

Studying How Students Learn to Think Like a Physicist

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 at 9:00 am
Weniger 304
Dr. Elizabeth Gire, University of Memphis
My research interests are centered on questions about how undergraduate students learn to think like physicists, particularly with regard to making sense of ideas and problems. I will discuss a three stage research agenda (1) identification and characterization of students' sense-making strategies, (2) identification and characterization of experiences that influence the development of these strategies, and (3) implementation of pedagogical strategies that potentially optimize the development of sense-making skills. My plan will include a longitudinal study of physics majors that builds on my previous work and that I believe will be synergistic with current research and curriculum development efforts at OSU. I will touch on expected outcomes on short and long-term timescales and possible funding strategies.
Corinne Manogue