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Future Avenues for Physics and Astronomy Education Research

Future Avenues for Physics and Astronomy Education Research

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 at 9:00 am
Weniger 304
Dr. Colin Wallace, Center for Astronomy Education (CAE), Steward Observatory, University of Arizona
In this informal seminar, I will discuss my short-term and long-term plans for research in physics and astronomy education research, especially with regards to work I envision conducting at Oregon State. These plans include research into commonly taught physics and astronomy topics for which we currently have little research in students’ conceptual, quantitative, and/or learning difficulties. Additionally, I will expand the research base on 1) the effectiveness and abilities of instructors to implement research-validated instructional activities, and 2) the long-term effects of transformed educational experiences on students . These efforts will compliment the professional development activities (for undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and faculty) that I am currently involved with through my collaborations with colleagues at the Center for Astronomy Education (CAE). This seminar should be very interactive, with numerous opportunities to exchange ideas about future collaborations.
Corinne Manogue