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Developing large-enrollment, conceptual physics courses: active-learning and scientific practices for non-majors

Developing large-enrollment, conceptual physics courses: active-learning and scientific practices for non-majors

Monday, April 16, 2012 at 4:00 pm
Weniger 153
Dr. Ed Price, Cal State San Marcos
Conceptual physics curricula that engage students in active learning and scientific practices are typically intended for small courses (<30 students) with a discussion/lab format. We have been exploring ways to do this in larger, lecture format courses. In particular, we have adapted the small enrollment, lab and discussion based physical science course, Physical Science and Everyday Thinking, for a large enrollment, lecture style setting. Like PSET, the new Learning Physical Science (LEPS) curriculum is designed around specific principles based on research on learning to meet the needs of non-science students, especially prospective and practicing elementary and middle school teachers. In many respects, the adaptation of LEPS from PSET was successful; however, some important practices of science that were an integral part of PSET were not included in LEPS due to practical constraints. This talk will describe the structure of the two curricula, the adaptation process, similar activities from the two curricula, examples of classroom implementation, data on student content learning gains, and recent efforts to engage students further in practices of science.
Corinne Manogue