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Biological Motion through the Lens

Biological Motion through the Lens

Monday, August 7, 2017 at 8:30 am

Cost: Free. Breakfast and lunch included.
Registration: Email Kari van Zee at to reserve
a spot. Provide your name, school, and contact information. Limited to 12
participants. Deadline to register: August 2, 2017.

Monday, August 7th Oregon State University, Corvallis campus
Location: Weniger Hall 377 and 379 all morning through lunch. Then to ALS and KEC for talks and tours.

8:30 Breakfast with our scientists and graduate students. Weniger Hall 377 and 379
8:50-9:25 Visualizing the Movement of Individual Biological Motors using Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Microscopy, Dr. Weihong Qiu
9:30-10:05 Picturing an Immortal Cell Point by Point using Laser Scanning Microscopy, Dr. Bo Sun.
Break 10:10-10:25
10:30-12:00 Hands-on TIRF and LSC microscopy experiments (participants will be assigned to do one of these activities) with Drs. Sun and Qiu (first floor Weniger microscope facilities)
12:00-12:50 Lunch provided Location Weniger 377 and 379
1:00-2:00 Colin Johnson, talk, ALS 2018
2:10-3:30 Advances in magnetic nanoparticle development, Dhagat lab members Location: Kelley Engineering Center. Room to be announced.
3:30-4:30 Finish up any experiments. Wrap-up discussion.

Biological physicists Drs. Weihong Qiu and Bo Sun will introduce you to the Advanced Light Microscopy Facility and demonstrate how researchers use advanced microscopy methods to observe the actions of individual biological molecules. Work with these investigators to study the real-time movement of molecular motor proteins actively transporting cargo along microtubules and reconstruct the morphology and migration of breast cancer cells using a Zeiss total internal reflection fluorescence

(TIRF) microscope and a Leica laser scanning confocal (LSC).

Visit the Applied Magnetics Laboratory at Oregon State University where scientists are developing novel characterization techniques and applications for magnetic materials, devices and nanoparticles as biosensors, in imaging diagnostics, and drug delivery.

Opportunities for roundtable discussions with scientists and graduate students to ask questions and brainstorm ideas for collaborative projects to engage middle school, high school, and college students in biological physics and nanotechnology. College level students are welcome.

Bo Sun and Weihong Qiu