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Detailed model of two cells dividing

Solved protein puzzle opens doors to new designs for cancer drugs

OSU biophysicist Weihong Qiu has solved a longstanding puzzle concerning the design of molecular motors, paving the way toward new cancer therapies.

Bee sitting on yellow flower

Bees love blue fluorescent light, and not just any wavelength will do

Physicist's discovery on light and pollination can have an impact on the $15 billion bee economy.

blue fungi sitting on log in forest

Fungi-produced pigment shows promise as semiconductor material

Physicist Oksana Ostroverkhova discovers a semi-conducting material in organic pigment secreted by wood-eating fungi.

Gamma ray animation in front of grey backdrop

Research shows short gamma-ray bursts do follow binary neutron star mergers

Astrophysicist Davide Lazzati and team have confirmed that last fall’s union of two neutron stars caused a short gamma-ray burst.

Jesse Rodriguez in front of Kidder Hall

The triple crown of science: Graduating with degrees in math, physics and nuclear engineering

Math, physics and nuclear engineering senior Jesse Rodriguez isn’t your average student by most measures. A transfer student, Rodriguez enjoyed an incredible and wide-ranging learning experience where his classes in the different subjects led him to many wonderful insights about the deeper connections among his majors, and ultimately to a more solid understanding of science itself. He was one of just 26 students in 2018 to earn a prestigious Department of Energy fellowship that will pay for his Ph.D. at Stanford University to study plasma physics.

Abe Teklu in front of the Valley Library

A senior's gut decision in high school to major in physics holds steady four years later

Looking back on his gut decision in high school to major in physics, graduating senior Abe Teklu remains somewhat mystified.

Star icon above vibrant galaxy
Faculty and Staff

Faculty excellence: Promotions and tenure 2018

The College of Science congratulates 20 faculty on receiving promotions and/or tenure for the 2017-18 academic year.

Memorial Union on sunny day
Faculty and Staff

Serving science and OSU for more than 25 years

Twelve science faculty are being honored for 25 or more years of service to the OSU at its 25 Year Club Dinner on May 22, 2018.

3D model of atom

OSU Physics receives national award for undergraduate education

The Department of Physics is one of three universities to receive a national award for improving undergraduate physics education in 2018.

desert hill with clear sky

150 years of science for land and sun

Science programs have guided the evolution of research and education at OSU since its 1868 land grant designation.

superconductor levitating small cylinder

Yunker Lecture explores the dark energy of quantum materials

The 2018 Yunker Lecture, “The Dark Energy of Quantum Materials,” will be presented by physicist Laura Greene from Florida State University on April 20.

Janet Tate in her physics lab
Faculty and Staff

Physicist named a distinguished professor

Oregon State University has named Professor of Physics Janet Tate its 2018 Distinguished Professor.