Recent searches for nhz frequency gravitational waves with the MeerKAT pulsar timing array
Recent searches for nhz frequency gravitational waves with the MeerKAT pulsar timing array
Abstract: Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) are galactic scale detectors searching for nanohertz frequency gravitational waves. Recently many PTAs have found evidence for the presence of a stochastic gravitational wave background in their datasets but a confirmation of detection is yet to come. To increase the significance of detection and further characterise the source properties, PTAs need to ‘tune’ for increased sensitivity. In my talk, I’ll review searches for gravitational wave background with the MeerKAT pulsar timing array which uses the premier radio telescope in the Southern hemisphere, MeerKAT. Using the very promising real dataset and simulations, I’ll show various observing strategies and their caveats for PTA optimisation. I will also motivate searches for alternate explanations of the signal such as a gravitational wave memory. I will conclude by discussing future prospects for the MPTA and its role in the international pulsar timing array.