====== Day 2 ====== Free electron gas Reading: A&M Ch2-3, Kittel Ch6 Summary: Gas of N free electrons in a 3d potential - the Sommerfeld and Drude models. Wave functions, energy of multi-particle free electron gas. k-states, counting. Density of states in 3 dimensions. Fermi energy and other Fermi quantities. Orders of magnitude. Electrical conductivity in the Drude/Sommerfeld models. Next time: Hall effect, specific heat, thermal conductivity and thermopower. * Good [[http://www.slideshare.net/jongyeonglee1/solid-state-physics-04free-electrons-in-metals|free electron summary]]. * Simulations from Cornell University. [[http://pages.physics.cornell.edu/sss/drude/drude.html|Drude model]] shows motion of 8 electrons in crossed E and B fields. Other useful ones are [[http://pages.physics.cornell.edu/sss/bloch/bloch.html|Bloch]], [[http://pages.physics.cornell.edu/sss/peierls/peierls.html|Peierls]], [[http://pages.physics.cornell.edu/sss/ziman/ziman.html|Ziman]]