Important parameters ==================== The following is a list of some of the most frequently used parameters. Namelist **allatoms** """""""""""""""""""""" See under namelist `atom`: :dir:`dx`, :dir:`jri`. Namelist **atom** """"""""""""""""" :dir:`econfig` electronic config: program will pick a reasonable configuration; core/valence states separated by '|'; scalar core states have a 's' appended Examples:: B: econfig='1s2 | 2s2 2p2' B 1s-corehole: econfig='1s1 | 2s2 2p2' Co: econfig = '[Ar] | 3d7 4s2' Co, scalar 3p: econfig = '[Ne] 3s2 3p6s | 3d7 4s2' To specify (core) occupations of relativistic levels, give j value:: econfig='1s2 2s2 2p(1/2)1 2p(3/2)4 | 3s2 3p2' By default core holes are put in the highest j level. :dir:`element` atom name Example: `element='Ni'` :dir:`id` atom identifier used in atomic positions :dir:`rmt` muffin-tin radius Namelist **comp** """"""""""""""""" :dir:`gmax` max. G-vector (in a.u.^{-1}) for density/potential :dir:`kmax` max. k for wave functions :dir:`jspins` number of spins; =2 for spin-polarized Namelist **conv** """"""""""""""""" :dir:`itmax` max. number of iterations for total run :dir:`itmax_scf` max. number of iterations for each atomic step Namelist **exco** """"""""""""""""" Exchange-correlation: either lda or gga. Default is `lda='pz'`. :dir:`lda` xa, wign, hl, bh, mjw, vwn, pz :dir:`gga` l91, pw91, pbe, rpbe, wc Namelist **geo** """"""""""""""""" :dir:`l_geo` do geometry opimization :dir:`maxstep` max number of optimization steps Namelist **input** """"""""""""""""""" :dir:`cartesian` :dir:`cc` if `false` specification of atomic positions in lattice units, otherwise if `true` in scaled cartesian coordinates (`cc=false`) Namelist **kpt** """"""""""""""""" :dir:`div1` division along :math:`b_1` reciprocal lattice vector :dir:`div2` division along :math:`b_2` reciprocal lattice vector :dir:`div3` division along :math:`b_3` reciprocal lattice vector :dir:`kshift` shift mesh away from zone center if symmetry allowed Namelist **mix** """"""""""""""""" :dir:`alpha` mixing parameter Namelist **out** """"""""""""""""" :dir:`bsplot` band structure calculations (then need file `bskpts` and also the namelist `&band` :dir:`dosplot` calculate dos and generate dos plot files