Input parameters in `inp` ========================= The following is a list of the various namelists that can be specified in the input files. Not all of these will be used; in fact, generally very few of these will, since the program picks reasonable defaults. This list is a modification/expansion of one originally put together by Cesare Franchini. Although most of the variables and defaults should be correct, some of the more obscure parameters may not be correct; however, those will (probably) never need to be changed. The important namelists, i.e., the ones that are used often, are `&input`, `&allatoms`, `&atom`, `&comp`, `&conv`, `&exco`, `&geo`, `&kpt`, `&mix`, `&out`, `&relax`. Although the list seems long, only some of the parameters are likely to be used; some of the most commonly used ones are highlighted. Although the order of the runtime namelists is unimportant (those that can be put after the structural input on the file `inp` or in the file `para`), for the structural properties, the order is important; these namelists (see :ref:`main_input`.) are given in `italics`. A number of parameters (mainly in `&conv` and `&mix`) can be changed during the run by writing the new values to the file `conv` which is reread every iteration; see below. Defaults, where applicible, are given. .. _all_parameters: All namelists -------------- .. index:: pair: namelist, structural;allatoms *allatoms* """"""""""""""""""""" :dir:`dx` log. mesh parameter (`default: 0.028`) :dir:`jri` number of radial mesh points in muffin tins (`default: 361`) :dir:`lmax` max. l to include for charge/potential (`default: 8`) :dir:`lmax_wf` max. l to include for wave functions (`default: 8`) :dir:`lnonsph` :math:`\Delta l` for nonspherical contributions to matrix elements (`default: 4`) :dir:`rmt` muffin-tin radius .. parameter:: non_rel if true, then non-relativistic calculation (`default: false`) .. index:: pair: namelist, structural;atoms *atom* """""""""""""""""" .. parameter:: econfig electronic config: program will pick a reasonable configuration; core/valence states separated by '|'; scalar core states have a 's' appended Examples:: B: econfig='1s2 | 2s2 2p2' B 1s-corehole: econfig='1s1 | 2s2 2p2' Co: econfig = '[Ar] | 3d7 4s2' Co, scalar 3p: econfig = '[Ne] 3s2 3p6s | 3d7 4s2' To specify (core) occupations of relativistic levels, give j value:: econfig='1s2 2s2 2p(1/2)1 2p(3/2)4 | 3s2 3p2' By default core holes are put in the highest j level. .. parameter:: element | atom name | Example: `element='Ni'` .. parameter:: dx log. mesh parameter (`default: 0.028`) .. parameter:: id atom identifier used in atomic positions .. parameter:: jri Number of radial mesh points in muffin tins (`default: 361`). .. parameter:: lmax max. l to include for charge/potential (`default: 8`) .. parameter:: lmax_wf max. l to include for wave functions (`default: 8`) .. parameter:: lnonsph :math:`\Delta l` for nonspherical contributions to matrix elements (`default: 4`) .. parameter:: majority_spin_core majority_spin_core ={0|1|2}; for magnetic systems with core hole, core moment parallel to spin {1|2} or no net core moment (0) (`default: 1`} .. parameter:: rmt muffin-tin radius (`default: from internal table`) .. parameter:: z atomic number (better to use element ) (`default: same as id`) .. parameter:: ldau_l LDA+U: l of states .. parameter:: ldau_u LDA+U: U (eV) (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: ldau_j LDA+U: J (eV); only U-J important (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: ldau_alpha LDA+U: :math:`\alpha=1` (FLL), 0 (AMF), -1 interpolate (`default: 1`) .. index:: pair: namelist;bands *bands* """""""""""""""""" contains information about band structure plots; this namelist is in the file `bskpts` and is only read when `bsplot=t` in `&out` .. parameter:: nkpts total number of k-points to plot .. parameter:: cc #2 whether k-points are in scaled Cartesian (or lattice) units (`default: false`, corresponding to lattice units)) The endpoints of the segments are given in `bskpts` after this namelist, as:: 0 0 0 0 ! Gamma 1 1 0 0 The first number tells whether a segment ends (=1) or not. (The first is generally set =0). The k-points will be distributed as equally as possible. .. parameter:: k_projected do a "k-projected" bandstructure, .i.e., project the (supercell) bands onto a primitive cell. The k-points are given in terms of the cell the calculation is being done in. See following inputs also. (`default: false`) .. parameter:: unitcell the lattice vectors of the primitive cell to use for the projection, given as row vectors (same as in the input) with the same units. For example, a hexagonal :math:`\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}` calculation would have inputs:: 3/2 -1/2 0 ! a1 3/2 1/2 0 ! a2 0 0 1 ! a3 1 -3 -8/3 ! scaling factors unitcell = 1/2 -1/2 0 ! primitive a1 1/2 1/2 0 ! a2 0 0 1 .. parameter:: l_layer logical to determine whether to get a layer projection also (useful for surfaces) (`default: false`) .. parameter:: zlay1,zlay2 if `l_layer=t`, determines the layer to use; always given in scaled cartesian and assumes that a3 (for both cells) is along z .. parameter:: k_shift integer array in terms of the supercell reciprocal lattice vectors that shifts the origin outside the BZ of the supercell in order to choose a particular folded-back k-point without having to calculate the wave functions again. (`default: (0,0,0)`) .. index:: pair: namelist;cdn *cdn* """""""""""""""" .. parameter:: chg2cdn read ascii charge file (not needed; set if file chg1 exists) (`default: false`) .. parameter:: ctail1 use core tails in generation of initial cdn (`default: true`) .. parameter:: lflip flip magnetization options (`default: false`) .. parameter:: strho generates new charge density file; taken care of automatically (`default: false`) .. parameter:: swsp magnetize options (generally not need; see `&swsp` ) (`default: false`) .. index:: pair: namelist;cdnslice *cdnslice* """"""""""""""""""""" .. parameter:: e1s min. energy range (relative to E F ) (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: e2s max. energy range (relative to E F ) (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: kk k-points kk is taken into account (if 0 all k-points are considered) (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: nnne number of bands to include if e1s=e2s=0.0 (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: pallst bands above Fermi energy taken into account (`default: false`) .. parameter:: plpot plot potential (`default: false`) .. parameter:: slice calculate density of energy range or single state (`default: false`) .. index:: pair: namelist;comp *comp* """"""""""""""""" .. parameter:: ctail calculate core tails (`default: true`) .. parameter:: epfloat use floating energy parameters (`default: true`) .. parameter:: frcor frozen core approx (requires cdn1, cdnc, enpara) (`default: false`) .. parameter:: gmax max. G-vector (`default: 12`) .. parameter:: gmaxxc gmax for ex-corr. potential (`default: 1.5*gmax`) .. parameter:: isec1 iteration to start iterative diag at (`default: 9999`) .. parameter:: jspins number of spins (`default: 1`) .. parameter:: kmax max k (`default: 8/min(rmt)`) .. parameter:: nstates number of eigenvalues to be calculated .. index:: pair: namelist;conv *conv* """"""""""""""""""" .. parameter:: cdist_eps convergence criteria for charge density (`default: 1.0e-3`) .. parameter:: cputimelimit cpu time limit (`default: unlimited`) .. parameter:: dforce_eps convergence criteria for forces (`default: 1.0e-5`) .. parameter:: eps_force convergence criteria for full forces (force_mode=2,3) (`default: 1.0e-5`) .. parameter:: evar_delta convergence criteria for total energy (`default: 1.0e-7`) .. parameter:: force_mode | 0: full forces are not calculated | 1: 1 (last) iteration with full forces | 2: using the force convergence as criterion | 3: full forces, convergence=2 | <0: convergence is not checked | (`default: 1`) .. parameter:: itmax max. number of iterations for total run (`default: itmax_scf*maxstep`) .. parameter:: itmax_scf max. number of iterations for each atomic step (`default: 50`) .. parameter:: itmin min. number of iterations (`default: 0`) .. index:: pair: namelist;efield *efield* """"""""""""""""""" For films only. .. parameter:: zel_delta additional charge to generate an electric field (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: zsigma distance of the sheet of charge from the surface e.g., for zsigma=10, zel_delta=0.05,E = -6.947E+07 V/cm (`default: 10`) .. index:: pair: namelist;end *end* """""""""""""""" `&end` on a line will stop reading input .. index:: pair: namelist;epar *epar* """"""""""""""""" Generally should **not** be needed/used with floating parameters. Must come after `&comp`. .. parameter:: fixed keep this energy parameter fixed (`default: false`) .. parameter:: id #2 atomic id (label) .. parameter:: l l quantum number (`default: none`) .. parameter:: shift shift the energy band (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: type atom type .. index:: pair: namelist;exco *exco* """"""""""""""""" Exchange-correlation: either lda or gga. Default is `lda='pz'`. .. parameter:: lda xa, wign, hl, bh, mjw, vwn, pz .. parameter:: gga l91, pw91, pbe, rpbe, wc .. parameter:: relcor relativistic core correction (`default: true`) .. index:: pair: namelist, structural;factor *factor* """"""""""""""""""" Scale all atomic positions; must come directly after atomic positions (and `&shift` if used):: atompos(:,:)=atompos(:,:)/factor(:) .. index:: pair: namelist;files *files* """"""""""""""""""" .. parameter:: w_stat write info on last completed iteration and step (`default: false`) .. parameter:: w_tlst write full tlst file (list of basis function) (`default: false`) .. parameter:: l_all_its keep a cdn file for each iteration (`default: false`) .. index:: pair: namelist;flip *flip* """""""""""""""""" Flips the magnetic moment(s) within the MT; either give {1|-1} for **all** atom types:: &flip 1 -1 1 -1 / or just the atom type(s) to change:: &flip type 3 6 / .. index:: pair: namelist, structural;gen *gen* """"""""""""""""" number and generators of the space group in internal coordinates (ngen>0) or Cartesian (ngen<0). See output files for examples (can cut and paste). Must come after atomic positions, but before runtime parameters; will set `cal_symm=f` .. index:: pair: namelist;geo *geo* """"""""""""""""" .. parameter:: epsdisp limit for displacement to be converged (`default: 0.00005`) .. parameter:: epsforce limit for forces to be converged (`default: 0.00005`) .. parameter:: l_geo do geometry opimization (`default: false`) .. parameter:: maxstep max number of optimization steps (`default: 1`) .. parameter:: thetad approx. debye temperature (`default: 330K`) .. parameter:: xa limit of displacements (`default: 0.25`:math:`a_B`) .. parameter:: geo_restart_step number of atomic steps that a new starting density is generated; for `istep` greater than this value, extrapolation of density used (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: geofixcdn charge renormalization above which a new starting density is generated (`default: 0.05`) .. index:: pair: namelist;ini *ini* """"""""""""""""" .. parameter:: eig66 use existing eigenvalue/vector file (`default: false`) .. parameter:: force1st calculate force on first iteration (`default: false`) .. parameter:: mix1st mix input/output densities (on cdn1) before first iteration (`default: false`) .. parameter:: pot8 use existing potential files (`default: false`) .. index:: pair: namelist, structural;input *input* """"""""""""""""""" .. parameter:: angstrom if .true., then the lattice constant or volume in Angstrom (all other units are in atomic units); simpler to add an "A" after the lattice constant, e.g., `4.08 A` (`default: false`) .. parameter:: cal_symm if (`true`) calculate or if (`false`) read in space group symmetry info (`default: true`) .. parameter:: cartesian if `false` specification of atomic positions in lattice units, otherwise if `true` in scaled cartesian coordinates (`default: false`) .. parameter:: cc same as `cartesian` .. parameter:: checkinp program reads/checks input and stops; easier to use -c or --check on the command line (`default: false`) .. parameter:: inistop program stops after generating density, etc.; use -s or --setup on the command line (`default: false`) .. parameter:: op | Depreciated. Use commandline options instead. | =1, checkinp=t | =2, inistop=t | =3, checkinp=t, inistop=t | (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: tolerance | ='normal' : symmetry allowing "fuzz" in positions, but warn | ='fuzzy': run allowing uncertainity in positions | ='tight': use positions as given (symmetry may be lower) | (`default: normal`) .. index:: pair: namelist;kpt *kpt* """"""""""""""""" .. parameter:: div1 division along :math:`b_1` reciprocal lattice vector (`default: false`) .. parameter:: div2 division along :math:`b_2` reciprocal lattice vector (`default: div1`) .. parameter:: div3 division along :math:`b_3` reciprocal lattice vector (`default: div1`) Default k-point mesh: div1 = nint( (1024 / number of atoms)^(1/3) ). For film calculation, div3 = 1. .. parameter:: cryst_len crystal size (in :math:`a_B`) to determine `divN` via Born-vons Karman boundary conditions .. parameter:: kshift shift mesh away from zone center if symmetry allowed (`default: false`) .. parameter:: origin explicit k-point mesh shift (if `kshift=t`): 0 or 1. is forced to be consistent with symmetry of Bravais lattice. Example: `origin=0,0,1` (`default: 1,1,1`) .. parameter:: tkb Fermi function broadening in Htr (`default: 0.001`) .. parameter:: fixed_moment if /= 0, value of fixed spin moment (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: q_ef_excited charge to excite from below Fermi level to above (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: b_field external magnetic field; causes the up/down Fermi levels to be separated by 2*b_field (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: kinv use inversion (time-reversal) when generating k-mesh (`default: true`) .. index:: pair: namelist, structural;lattice *lattice* """"""""""""""""""""" Input lattice in terms of lengths, angles, and lattice system. Either the overall (conventional) lattice parameter (`a0` or `a`) or the volume of the primitive cell (`vol`) must be given. Appending an "A" denotes Angstrom units. If `a0` or `vol` is given, then `a` is the scaling factor (scale(1)) and `b` and `c` are the `b/c` and `c/a` ratios, respectively; when `a0` (`vol`) are omitted, then `a`, `b`, and `c` are the conventional lattices constants (all in the same units). Example: trigonal lattice:: &lattice bravais='hR' a=7.32A alpha=113.57818 / The file `inp_new` will include the lattice vectors, scale factors, etc. in case one wants to modify the cell. For rhombohedral (hR) lattices when the angle :math:`\alpha` and length `a` are given, this will give the lattice parameters and scaling (c/a ratio) of the equivalent hexagonal lattice; to convert to the hexagonal lattice use:: 1/2 -1/2 0 1/2 1/2 0 0 0 3 for the lattice vectors of the 3x hexagonal cell. The three primitive cells are at `(0,0,0)`, `(1/2,1/6,1)=(0,-1/3,1)`, and `(-1/2,-1/6,-1)=(0,1/3,2)`. (The stacking can be reversed if desired.) To convert the atomic positions, first output the positions in cartesian coordinates (see `inp_new_pos` in `&out`), and then switch to the hexagonal cell. .. parameter:: a0 overall lattice parameter (add A for Angstroms). If `a0` (or `vol`) not given, then `a` will be used as the overall lattice constant. .. parameter:: a relative length of :math:`a_1` (scaling of lattice constant) [overall lattice constant if `a0` not given] (`default: 1`) .. parameter:: b relative length of :math:`a_2` (b/a ratio) [or b] .. parameter:: c relative length of :math:`a_3` (c/a ratio) [or c] .. parameter:: alpha angle between :math:`a_2` and :math:`a_3` .. parameter:: beta angle between :math:`a_1` and :math:`a_3` .. parameter:: gamma angle between :math:`a_1` and :math:`a_2` .. parameter:: bravais | crystal structure: required input(s) for each case in "(...)" | cP = cubic primitive (`a`) | cF = cubic face-centered (`a`) | cI = cubic body-centered (`a`) | hP = hexagonal primitive ( `a`, `c` ) | hR = hexagonal rhombohedral/trigonal ( `a`, `alpha` or `a`, `c` of hexagonal cell) | tP = tetragonal primitive ( `a`, `c` ) | tI = tetragonal body-centered (bct) ( `a`, `c` ) | oP = orthorhombic primitive ( `a`, `b`, `c` ) | oF = orthorhombic face-centered ( `a`, `b`, `c` ) | oI = orthorhombic body-centered ( `a`, `b`, `c` ) | oC, oA, oB = orthorhombic centered ( `a`, `b`, `c` ) | mP = monoclinic primitive ( `a`, `b`, `c`; `gamma` or `beta` ) | mA, mB = monoclinic centered ( `a`, `b`, `c`, `gamma` ) | mA, mC = monoclinic centered ( `a`, `b`, `c`, `beta` ) | aP = triclinic ( `a`, `b`, `c`, `alpha`, `beta`, `gamma` ) .. parameter:: vol unit cell volume, use instead of a0 (add "A" for Angstroms) .. index:: pair: namelist;mix *mix* """"""""""""""""" .. parameter:: alpha #2 mixing parameter (`default: 0.1`) .. parameter:: imix | mixing scheme: | 0= straight mixing | 3= Broyden's first method | 5= Broyden's second method | 7= Generalized Andersen method | (`default: 7`) .. parameter:: maxiter max. depth of of history for Broyden type schemes (`default: 20`) .. parameter:: aspin spin mixing parameter (spinf=aspin/alpha) (`default: 0.0`) .. parameter:: spinf spin mixing; if imix>0 and spinf<0, straight mixing of spins spin mixing = alpha*|spinf| (`default: 5`) .. index:: pair: namelist;mpi *mpi* """"""""""""""""" MPI-related options .. parameter:: eigdir directory for eig file(s). On a cluster with CPP_MEIG set, the default is /tmp; serial is current directory also can use -t eigdir or --tmpdir eigdir on the command line .. parameter:: l_rm_eig delete eig file(s) at end of run. With multiple eig files, default is `true`, otherwise `false` .. index:: pair: namelist, structural;origin *origin* """""""""""""""""""" Shift origin of all atomic positions following up until another `&origin`. Must come after number of atoms:: atompos(:,n)=atompos(:,n)+origin(:) .. index:: pair: namelist;out *out* """"""""""""""""" .. parameter:: bsplot band structure calculations (`default: false`) .. parameter:: cdinf perform check continuity of cdn (`default: false`) .. parameter:: cdnplot calculate cdnplot (`default: false`) .. parameter:: chgfile write ascii charge file (chg1) (`default: false`) .. parameter:: chgfiles write ascii charge files (chg_in, chg_out) (`default: false`) .. parameter:: dosform | output format: | dosform=1 total, l-resolved DOS on different files | dosform=2 same as 1, but combined on atom type files | dosform=3 total and interstitial DOS | (`default: 1`) .. parameter:: dosplot calculate dos and generate dos plot files (`default: false`) .. parameter:: ef0 fermi energy (for plotting) (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: emax0 max of plot in eV .. parameter:: emin0 min of plot in eV .. parameter:: eonly calculate only eigenvalues (no l-like charge) (`default: false`) .. parameter:: eshift fermi energy shift (for plotting) (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: form66 formatted eigenvector file (eig) (`default: false`) .. parameter:: geo_all write `geo_N.xsf` file for each atomic step (`default: false`) .. parameter:: jems write structure files for JEMS (`default: false`) .. parameter:: kptfile write kpts file (`default: false`) .. parameter:: lpr if > 0, more output (e.g., eigenvectors) (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: inp_new_pos determines the output form of the positions in `inp_new`. Default is same form as input; `c` or `C` for scaled Cartesian, and `l`, `L`, `d`, or `D` for lattice (direct) cooridinates. (Useful for changing format). .. parameter:: l_diffraction calculates the surface diffraction pattern and generates an xmgrace plot. Assumes that `a_3` is the perpendicular direction. (`default: false`) .. parameter:: l_reps_only controls output to inp_new when only representatives given; .f. will cause all atoms to be written (`default: true`) .. parameter:: nmesh number of mesh point for DOS .. parameter:: pdist potential distance is calculated (`default: false`) .. parameter:: pot_plot plot planar-averaged Coulomb potential for films/surfaces. For bulk supercells, a3 must be perpendicular to :math"`a_1, a_2`) (`default: false`) .. parameter:: potfile write ascii potential file (potential) (`default: false`) .. parameter:: symfile write sym ops to file sym (sym.out) (`default: false`) .. parameter:: tkb0 Fermi broadening for plotting in Htr (`default: 0.005`) .. parameter:: units e=eV, r=Ry, and h=Htr (`default: e`) .. parameter:: valcdnfile write unformatted valence density (valcdn) (`default: false`) .. parameter:: vchk perform potential check (`default: false`) .. parameter:: fermi_surface plot Fermi surfaces (see ef_fs, fs_range) (`default: false`) .. parameter:: ef_fs For Fermi surface plots, :math:`E_F` (in hartrees) to use. (`default: use calculated` :math:`E_F`) .. parameter:: fs_range include all bands within +/- fs_range (eV) (`default: 0.5`) .. parameter:: stm_plot determines and generates plots for constant current stm. For constant height plots, set stm_height > 0. Can be run using itmax=0. Will generate a file stm.dat that depends on the selected bias (=0 corresponds to Fermi level), and requires that the eig file(s) be available. the Fermi level used is (in this order): 1) ef0 from `&out`, 2) :math:`E_F` calculated during the run, or 3) will calculate it again. The plot area given in the &plot and &plotarea namelists will be used if defined; otherwise, will define a rectangular area that includes a full unit cell, possibly cut oddly. To do line profiles, set either n1 or n2 =1 in `&plot` (`default: false`) .. parameter:: stm_bias | bias (in eV) to use; | =0, Fermi level; | <0, occupied; | >0, unoccupied states | (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: stm_surface surface to plot: {'top'|'bottom'} = outward normal {increasing|decreasing} z (`default: top`) .. parameter:: stm_contour density to follow; if <0, then will pick a reasonable value (`default: -1`) .. parameter:: stm_spin | which spin(s) to plot; only meaningful for spin-polarized | none : no plotting, but lists range of contours | all : all possible (both spins, total) - default | total, minority, majority : particular one | angle : relative angle between tip and surface; then give stm_angle also all | (`default: all`) .. parameter:: stm_angle angle (in degrees) between polarization directions of the tip and surface (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: stm_tip_polarization assumed tip polarization: varies between 0 (unpolarized) and 1 (fully) (`default: 1`) .. parameter:: stm_height for constant height (as opposed to constant current), set to height in Angstoms above the surface; must be at least 1 A (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: vasp_poscar generates an input `POSCAR` file suitable for use in VASP (`default: false`) .. index:: pair: namelist;plot *plot* """""""""""""""""" .. parameter:: cc #3 scaled Cartesian coordinates for plot-box (`default: false`) .. parameter:: cart full Cartesian coordinates (in a.u.) for plot-box (`default: false`) .. parameter:: cdnselect select what to plot: If slice=t (see &cdnslice ), the density in the file cdn_slice will be used; must be: | 'c' (charge), | 's' (spin), | 'cs' (charge and spin), | 'c1' (spin up), 'c2' (spin down), or | 'c1c2' (both spins) | (`default: c, cs`) .. parameter:: dim dimensiononality of the box (2D or 3D) (`default: 3`) .. parameter:: n1 points along first direction (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: n2 points along second direction (`default: n1`) .. parameter:: n3 points along third direction .. parameter:: nplot number of plots (i.e., # of `&plotarea` namelists) (`default: 1`) .. parameter:: score remove core charge (`default: false`) .. index:: pair: namelist;plotarea *plotarea* """""""""""""""""""""" Plot charge density (2D or 3D) in file `cdn.dat` `&plot` must appear before `&plotarea`. Give origin and then vectors for axes. Example 2D:: &plot dim=2 cc=f n1=50 n2=50 nplot=1 cdnselect='c' score=f / &plotarea 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 / Example 3D:: &plot dim=3 cart=t n1=50 n2=50 n3=40 nplot=1 cdnselect='c' score=t / &plotarea 0.0 0.0 0.6 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 / .. index:: pair: namelist;relax *relax* """"""""""""""""""" For geometry optimization: ignored unless `l_geo=t` in `&geo`. A triplet of {0|1}s specifying whether each (x,y,z) component of the atomic position is allowed to relax (1) or not (0). Two different formats are allowed: *Old style:* each atom type must be specified in order: example: `&relax 001 111 000 /` specifies relaxation in z for 1st, all directions for 2nd, and no relaxations for 3rd atom type. *New (and preferred) style:* only list the atom types that need to be changed using `atom_type = triplet` or `n1:n2 = triplet` where `n1:n2` represent a range of atom types; if `n2` is omitted, then defaults to ntype. Default can be changed (from 111) by using the keyword `default=`. | Example: `&relax 3=000 1=001 /` | specifies relaxation in z for 1st, no relaxation for 3rd, all other atom types fully relaxed. | Example: `&relax default=001 4=111 2=000 9:=111 /` | Default to relax z only, fully relax 4th, freeze 2nd type, and fully relax atom types 9 to ntype (`default=111`) .. index:: pair: namelist, structural;shift *shift* """"""""""""""""""" Shift origin of all atomic positions. Must come directly after atomic positions:: atompos(:,1:nat)=atompos(:,1:nat)+shift(:) .. index:: pair: namelist;soc *soc* """"""""""""""""" .. parameter:: l_soc logical to determine whether to include spin-orbit (`default: false`) .. parameter:: theta polar angle (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: phi azimutal angle (`default: 0`) .. index:: pair: namelist;swsp *swsp* """""""""""""""""" Starting spin moment for the spin-polarized case given in terms of: atom kinds (identifiers) as used in positions: | Example: `&swsp kind 26=2.0 28=0.5 /` ("kind" optional) | Using atom types: `&swsp type 3=2.0 2=0.5 /` | List by atom type: `&swsp 0.0 0.5 2.0 0.0 /` Can also give orbital occupations (density matrix) for given atom kinds (not types): | `&swsp 26=[ up: d_xy=1 d_z2=1 d_xz=1 d_yz=1 down: d_x2-y2=1 ] /` "`[`" , "`]`", "`up:`", and "`down:`" are required. Orbitals are denoted by "`p_x, p_y, p_z, d_xy, d_yz, d_xz, d_z2, d_x2-y2`", in obvious notation. Occupations should be between 0 and 1. .. index:: pair: namelist, structural;sym *sym* """"""""""""""""" Number and operations of the space group in internal coordinates see output files and &gen for examples must come after atomic positions, but before runtime parameters. .. index:: pair: namelist;vdos *vdos* """""""""""""""""" .. parameter:: layers number of layers [0-99] in which the vacuum dos is calculated (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: nstars Number of stars to calculate for each k and energy eigenvalue. Example: vacdos=T, layers=3 and nstars=3 gives 9 partial DOS curves (`default: 0`) .. parameter:: vacdos for dos=T, vacuum DOS calculated (`default: false`) .. _runtime_changes: Runtime changes --------------- A number of parameters can be changed during the run. To do so, create a file `conv`. The existence of this file will be checked at the end of each iteration. If it exists, it will be read and the parameters changed. Each line of the file should be of the form `keyword=value` (one per line). The parameters that currently can be changed are: Namelist **conv** """"""""""""""""" * cdist_eps * cputimelimit * dforce_eps * eps_force * evar_delta * force_mode * itmax * itmax_scf * itmin Namelist **geo** """""""""""""""" * maxstep Namelist **kpt** """""""""""""""" * tkb Namelist **mix** """""""""""""""" * alpha * imix * spinf