Matrix Pitfalls

Too many scientific programming problems arise from the improper use of arrays on computers. This may be due to the extensive use of matrices in scientific computing or the complexity of matrix representations. In any case, here are some pitfalls to stay watch for:

Computers are finite
Unless you are careful, you can run out of memory or run very slowly. For example, let's say you store data in a four-dimensional array with each index having a physical dimension of 100.
DIMENSION A(100,100,100,100)
double A[100][100][100][100];
This array occupies approx 1000 MB = ! GB of memory (if you even have that much).
Complex, Double Precision, Double Dimension
Making a single precision matrix double precision, doubles the size of the matrix. Making that matrix complex, doubles the size yet again. Doubling the dimension of a matrix quadruples the size, and this makes it real easy to run out of memory.
Processing Time
As a rule of thumb, matrix operations such as inversion requires steps for a square matrix of dimension N. Thus doubling the dimensions of a square matrix (as happens when the number of integration steps are doubled) leads to an eightfold increase in processing time.
Many computer systems have virtual memory in which disk space or some other slow memory is used when a program runs out of RAM. The process of moving chunks of memory are moved between the real RAM and the virtual memory is called paging and it will slow down your computation significantly. If your program is near the memory limit at which paging occurs, a slight increase in the physical dimensions of a matrix may require that the computer has to use paging and lead to an order-of-magnitude increase in running time.
Matrix Storage
The way arrays are stored in memory differs between programming languages which becomes crucial if you want translate a program into a different programming language or use routines written in a different languages as it is the case if you call a LAPACK routine from within a C program
Physical and Logical Dimensions
When you run a program, you issue commands such as
double a[3][3];
tell the computer how much memory it need set aside for arrays. This is called physical memory} and is usually made large enough to handle all foreseeable cases. Often you run programs without the full complement of values declared in the dimension statements (perhaps because you are running small test cases or perhaps because you like to declare all dimensions to be 10000 to impress your colleagues). The amount of memory you actually use to store numbers is the matrix's logical size. For example, if you declared
double a[3][3];
but only use a logical dimension of
then only four of the nine values of the matrix have been defined. The rest might be zero or something or plain garbage. Due to way arrays are stored in memory the defined values do not occupy sequential locations in memory and so an algorithm processing this matrix has to know which values to pick out of memory. For this reason, the subroutines you pull from a library often need to know both the physical and logical sizes of your arrays.

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