Available EXPERT DRIVER routines

Subprogram NameOperation
sgesvx, dgesvx
cgesvx, zgesvx
Solves a general system of linear equations AX=B, A**T X=B or A**H X=B, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
sgbsvx, dgbsvx
cgbsvx, zgbsvx
Solves a general banded system of linear equations AX=B, A**T X=B or A**H X=B, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
sgtsvx, dgtsvx
cgtsvx, zgtsvx
Solves a general tridiagonal system of linear equations AX=B, A**T X=B or A**H X=B, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
sposvx, dposvx Solves a symmetric positive definite system of linear equations AX=B, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
cposvx, zposvx Solves a Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations AX=B, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the asolution
sppsvx, dppsvx Solves a symmetric positive definite system of linear equations AX=B, where A is held in packed storage, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
cppsvx, zppsvx Solves a Hermitian positive definite system of linear equations AX=B, where A is held in packed storage, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
spbsvx, dpbsvx Solves a symmetric positive definite bandedsystem of linear equations AX=B, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
cpbsvx, zpbsvx Solves a Hermitian positive definitebanded system of linear equations AX=B, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
sptsvx, dptsvx Solves a symmetric positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations AX=B, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
cptsvx, zptsvx Solves a Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal system of linear equations AX=B, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
ssysvx, dsysvx
csysvx, zsysvx
Solves a real/complex symmetric indefinite system of linear equations AX=B, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
chesvx, zhesvx Solves a complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations AX=B, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
sspsvx, dspsvx
cspsvx, zspsvx
Solves a real/complex symmetric indefinite system of linear equations AX=B, where A is held in packed storage, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
chpsvx, zhpsvx Solves a complex Hermitian indefinite system of linear equations AX=B, where A is held in packed storage, and provides an estimate of the condition number and error bounds on the solution
sgelsx, dgelsx
cgelsx, zgelsx
Computes the minimum norm least squares solution to an over- or under-determined system of linear equations A X=B, using a complete orthogonal factorization of A
ssyevx, dsyevx Computes selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix
cheevx, zheevx Computes selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix
sspevx, dspevx Computes selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix in packed storage
chpevx, zhpevx Computes selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix in packed storage
ssbevx, dsbevx Computes selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric band matrix
chbevx, zhbevx Computes selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian band matrix
sstevx, dstevx Computes selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix
sgeesx, dgeesx
cgeesx, zgeesx
Computes the eigenvalues and Schur factorization of a general matrix, orders the factorization so that selected eigenvalues are at the top left of the Schur form, and computes reciprocal condition numbers for the average of the selected eigenvalues, and for the associated right invariant subspace
sgeevx, dgeevx
cgeevx, zgeevx
Computes the eigenvalues and left and right eigenvectors of a general matrix, with preliminary balancing of the matrix, and computes reciprocal condition numbers for the eigenvalues and right eigenvectors

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