Placing Files under SCCS

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Placing Files under SCCS

The SCCS stores your file and the history of changes you have made to it in a file with an s. prefix. So, the first step in using SCCS is to place your files under SCCS administration, that is, to makes the s. files. Yet before we do that, add a comment line near the top of each subprogram that looks something like this:

C %W% latest revision %G% %U% Comment near top.

When you print your program containing this comment, SCCS will fill in the special variables %W% with the date and version number. However, if you don't add such a line, SCCS will complain with a very cryptic message as though you made a real error.

We start by using the admin command to place the file under SCCS administration. Notice that there is not a space between the -i flag and the name of the file:

$ ls   	Look at what we have.   
Makefile  whet.f   	A makefile and a simple program.   
$ admin -iwhet.f s.whet.f   	Place the program under SCCS.   
$ ls   	   
Makefile  s.whet.f  whet.f   	The s. file and original.   
$ rm whet.f   	We remove the original.   

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