Re-Executing Commands

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Re-Executing Commands

While none of us gets the respect he or she deserves, Unix at least listens and remembers what we say-as witnessed by the C and K shell's history command. This command not only recalls your previous commands but also lets you re-execute and even repair them (better than going around saying, ``Gee I wish I had said that.''):

% history   	You issue the history (or his) command.    
30 ls   	Here's your list.    
31 cd comphy/book/chapters   	   
32 ftp bigblue   	   
33 mail   	   
34 print malebox   	   
35 history   	The history command above.   

Notice that the commands are listed in the numerical order in which they have been issued during the present login. As a result, the last one, number 35, is at the bottom of the list. Some uses of this list are:

Repeat last command (csh).
Repeat command number n (csh).
Repeat command starting with pattern (csh).
^ old^ new^
Change old to new in last command.
Repeat command n with substitution (csh).
Repeat last command (ksh).
r n
Repeat command number n (ksh).
r pattern
Repeat command starting with pattern (ksh).

Here are some examples which show that if you know history, you may relive it:

% history   	Tell me my last commands.   
 ls   	This is the 30th command since login.   
cd comphy/book/chapters ftp bigblue

print malebox
history This is the command given last. % Your turn. % !! Repeat last command (or r).
history Unix tells you what's going on.
cd comphy/book/chapters Here's your history again.
ftp bigblue

print malebox
history 2 history's since you repeated it. % !31 Repeat command #31. 31 cd comphy/book/chapters Unix tells you what's going on. % Your turn. % !f Repeat previous f... command. 32 ftp bigblue Command #32 is being repeated. ^ male^ mail^ Correcting spelling of male. print mailbox Corrected command. % !31/book/BOOK Rerun # 31, substitute for book. % cd comphy/BOOK/chapters The corrected command.

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