Adding xterm Windows to mwm Menus

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Adding xterm Windows to mwm Menus

Now that you understand how to use xterm windows, you can include them into the mwm menus to obtain a very convenient system. We define a new window menu:   

# Window Menu Menu Window { "Windows Menu" f.title no-label f.separator "New Window" f.exec "xterm -fn *-courier-bold-r-*-18-* \&" "Big Window" f.exec "xterm -fn *-courier-bold-r-*-18-* -geom 80x45+100+20\&" "Fridge Window" f.exec "xterm -fn *-courier-bold-r-*-18-* -geom 80x25+200+20-r rlogin \&" "Telnet to OSU" f.exec "xterm -fn *-courier-bold-r-*-18-* -geom 80x25+200+20-r telnet & } "Who" f.exec xterm -fn fixed -bg black -fg yellow -geom 80x25-0-0 -r /bin/sh -c who ; read ans \&"

The New Window line just opens a simple window. Since no geometry is given, the default size, placement, and colors will be used. The Big Window line opens a large window. With the Fridge Window line, we create a window for automatic login to a remote machine, and with the line Telnet to OSU, we create a window for telneting to a computer on the northwest frontier.

The Who menu item is a cute, but not too useful, example of running an arbitrary command. It opens a small window in the upper left-hand corner of the screen listing your fellow users currently on the computer (even computer types like company). Typing a [Return] in the window closes it.

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