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§ 18.A: Using maple

While xmaple is generally preferred for its better graphics and easier controls, it is often helpful and simpler to issue maple in a telnet session. We discuss that first.

To start Maple , enter maple

A line drawing of a maple leaf and some copyright information should appear. This is followed by the suggestion that you type "?" for help and a prompt.

Maple will respond with a description and syntax of the help function followed by a list of possible commands and several notes. Of the suggested commands that appear, ?intro is a good place to start. To try it, you first need to get out of ?. (maple help works like the man command, to get out of ? type "q".) Then type ?intro.

plot looks like an interesting function. Let's find out more about it. First get out of ? intro if you aren't already. Now type ? plot.

Now let's try a simple plot. The exponential function in Maple is exp and powers are taken using the "caret" symbol (^). So, to plot the function exp(x) enter