subroutine Obs(er1, er2, ner) c*********************************************************************** c Obs calculates the observables, including phase shifts, cross section c and scattering length etc. c*********************************************************************** c LOCAL variables integer i, nch, clmax, cl double precision hbarc, pi, zero, two, three double precision x1, x2, stmp, etmp, rho, psdrop, psold(6) double precision SL(6), Phase(6), Eta(6) double precision dm, p11, p13, p31, p33 c SHARED variables integer Nifty, npts, ner, nfit, first double precision er1, er2, P, W, mpion, Mass, tlab double precision Efit(20), exp_xs, th_xs double complex enew, eold, Knew(2), Knew2(2), Dk2de(2), Wgf(128) double complex Vsuper(128,128,6), Tonshl(2,2,6) common /control/ Nifty(15) common /mass/ mpion, Mass(2) common /grid/ P(64), W(64), npts common /data/ exp_xs(20, 6), th_xs(20, 6), nfit parameter (hbarc=1.9732858d2, pi=3.1415926d0) parameter (zero=0.0d0, two=2.0d0, three=3.0d0) data first/1/ c*************************************************** nch = Nifty(2) clmax = Nifty(6) eold = dcmplx(er1, zero) if (Nifty(4) .eq. 2) then c calc phase shift from energy er1 to er2 c pi-N threshold 1078.9 MeV if (er1 .lt. 1078.0) then write(*,*)'starting energy (er1) too small, try threshold' endif do cl = 1, 6 psold(cl) = 0. enddo open(11, file='o.on-T', status='unknown') open(2, file='', status='unknown') open(12, file='', status='unknown') open(3, file='', status='unknown') write(11,100) 100 format('# Partial wave amplitude (onshl Tmatrix)'/, & '# 1st col is energy, followed by Re/Im tmatrix for eigenchannels & S11,S31,P11,P31,P13,P33') etmp = er1 - (er2-er1)/(ner-1) do 10010 i = 1, ner etmp = etmp + (er2-er1)/(ner-1) enew = dcmplx(etmp, zero) call OnShl(enew, eold, Knew, Knew2, Dk2de) call WtgFcn(npts, P, W, enew, Knew, Knew2, Dk2de, Wgf) call VBag(npts, P, enew, Knew, Vsuper) call TMtrx(npts, Dk2de, Wgf, Vsuper, Tonshl) c Devide by relativistic density of state (real), PiN->PiN do cl = 1, clmax rho = Knew(1)*Dk2de(1) Tonshl(1,1,cl) = -Tonshl(1,1,cl) * rho enddo c print out for ploting, S11, S31, P11, P31, P13, P33 Re/Im c with phase shift anlysis: Arndt,Ford and Roper, PRD32(85)1085 write(11,101) etmp, (Tonshl(1,1,cl),cl=1,clmax) 101 format(f6.1,12e11.3) do cl = 1, clmax c Compute phase shift and inelastic coef. x1 = 2.d0*real(Tonshl(1,1,cl)) x2 = 1.d0-2.d0*imag(Tonshl(1,1,cl)) Phase(cl) = 0.5d0 * atan2(x1,x2) * 180.d0/pi Eta(cl) = sqrt(x1*x1 + x2*x2) psdrop = Phase(cl) - psold(cl) if (psdrop .lt. -20.) then Phase(cl)=Phase(cl)+180.d0 endif psold(cl) = Phase(cl) c Compute scattering length stmp = tan(Phase(cl)*pi/180.0) if (cl .gt. 2) then if ( then stmp = -(-stmp)**(0.333333d0) else stmp = stmp**(0.333333d0) endif endif SL(cl) = stmp*hbarc/real(Knew(1)) enddo write(2,201) etmp, (Phase(cl),Eta(cl),cl=1,2) write(12,201)etmp, (Phase(cl),Eta(cl),cl=3,6), & dsin(Phase(6)*pi/180.0)**2 tlab = 0.5*(etmp+mpion+Mass(1))*(etmp-mpion-Mass(1))/Mass(1) write(3,301)tlab, real(Knew(1)), (SL(cl),cl=1,clmax) 201 format(f6.1,6(e12.3,f6.2),e10.3) 301 format(f6.1,e10.3,6e12.4) c if (Nifty(9) .eq. 1) then c calc total cross sections sigma(nch)? c call Xsctn(enew, Knew, Dk2de, Tonshl, tlm, sigma) c c else if (Nifty(9) .eq. 2) then c calc diff cross sections and polarizations c write(8, *) 'X and pola' c endif 10010 continue c end loop for energy axis close(11) close(2) close(3) else c calc phase shifts for selected energy points for fitting c p11,p13,p31,p33 are phase shifts in units of degree c dm is a useless var only for convenience (data format) c parameters er1, er2, and ner are irrelevant in this case if (first .eq. 1) then nfit = 5 open(4,file='datafit',status='unknown') do i = 1, nfit read(4,*) dm, p11,dm, p13,dm, p31,dm, p33,dm, Efit(i) exp_xs(i,3) = dsin(p11*pi/180.)**2 exp_xs(i,6) = dsin(p33*pi/180.)**2 write(8,900) Efit(i), p11,exp_xs(i,3), p33,exp_xs(i,6) enddo 900 format('Fit XS:', 5e13.5) close(4) first = 0 endif do 10020 i = 1, nfit etmp = Efit(i) enew = dcmplx(etmp, zero) call OnShl(enew, eold, Knew, Knew2, Dk2de) call WtgFcn(npts, P, W, enew, Knew, Knew2, Dk2de, Wgf) call VBag(npts, P, enew, Knew, Vsuper) call TMtrx(npts, Dk2de, Wgf, Vsuper, Tonshl) c Devide by relativistic density of state (real), PiN->PiN do cl = 3, clmax, 3 rho = Knew(1)*Dk2de(1) Tonshl(1,1,cl) = -Tonshl(1,1,cl) * rho c Compute phase shift and inelastic coef. x1 = 2.d0*real(Tonshl(1,1,cl)) x2 = 1.d0-2.d0*imag(Tonshl(1,1,cl)) th_xs(i,cl) = dsin(0.5d0 * atan2(x1,x2))**2 enddo 10020 continue endif c print out the potential parameters c call PrtPot() return end