c/* @(#)bsmain.f 1.7 latest revision 4/13/87 11:38:02 */ * %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ program bsmain c 1=output,tape4=64,tape8=64,tape7,debug=output) c bound states via det(1-gv)=0 c ridge32 version july 85 c nes =no 2 body energies for t s, or or swtch for k-p potents c nwaves lt use non reltv reduced mass in sig pi channel c zero, then reset c nifty(19)= 0 real*8 k2 in v2......dont redefine k2 in v2 as e change c 1 .. do ... c 2 comple .... do ... implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) external detcal real*8 xeri(2),a(2,2),w(31),drr(10),dri(10),detri(2) common/det/ar11,alfanz c the open stmts are c'ed out so files spefied on run card open(5,file='runbs',status='unknown') open(6,file='outbs',status='unknown') open(7,status='scratch',access='sequential', 1 form='unformatted') i=signal(119,dumsub,1) write(6,879) write(6,879) write(6,879) 879 format(' BOUND STATE calculation via det(1-GV)=0, ridge32, ', 1'8/86, program bsdetr, detcal') 10 read(5,*,end=233)drr(1),eim,(drr(i),i=2,7) read(5,*)tol,aitmax 880 format(8f10.6) write(6,882)drr(1),eim,(drr(i),i=2,7) write(6,882)tol,aitmax 882 format(8f15.6) maxit = aitmax nrei=2 if(eim.ge.0.d+00)nrei=1 l=0 c calculate point coulomb b.e. for sch eqtn or kge c no dirac yet, i.e. no spin c fj=l +- 1/2....i.e.fj=l for these cases fj=l ekge=0. 226 format(24h nbohr,e(se),e(kge1,2)= ,i3,3(1pe20.10),6h eta= , 1 e20.8) c--------do loop over energies do 213 ix=1,7 if(drr(ix).eq.0.d+00) go to 213 xeri(1)=drr(ix) xeri(2)=eim/ix write(6,880)xeri(1),xeri(2) call snsqe(detcal,jac,2,2,xeri,detri,tol,-1,info,w,31,maxit) if (info .eq. 0)then write(6,100) 100 format(1h0,'improper input parameters in search') else if (info .eq. 1) then write(6,101) tol 101 format(1h0,'normal termination, relative error is at most', 1 f13.10) else if (info .eq. 2)then write(6,102) maxit 102 format(1h0,'iterations exceed ',i4) else if (info .eq. 3) then write(6,103) tol 103 format(1h0,f13.10,'tol too small.no further 1improvement possible in xeri') else if (info .eq. 4) then write(6,104) 104 format(1h0,'iteration not making good pr 1ogress') endif nmin=l+1 if(ix.ne.1) go to 211 do 223 nbohr=nmin,4 esch=(-ar11/2.)*(alfanz/nbohr)**2 dri(nbohr)=esch eta=nbohr-(fj+.5d+00)+sqrt((fj+.5d+00)**2-(alfanz)**2) wron1=(alfanz/eta)**2 eta=sqrt(1.+wron1) wron2=ar11*(-.5*wron1+wron1**2/8.-5.*wron1**3/16.) ekge=ar11*(1./eta-1.) write(6,226) nbohr,esch,ekge,wron2,eta 223 continue 211 epsev=(dri(ix)-xeri(1)) gamev=-xeri(2)*2. esch=-epsev write(6,881) xeri(1),xeri(2),epsev,gamev,esch,xeri(2) 881 format('0E(MeV)=',2f16.14,' eps,gamma(eV)=',2(6pf10.1)/ 1 ' Del E(ev)=',2(6pf10.1)) 213 continue go to 10 233 write(6,841) 841 format(' **************eof in main***********') stop end subroutine caxpy(n,ca,cx,incx,cy,incy) c***begin prologue caxpy c***revision date 811015 (yymmdd) c***category no. f1a c***keywords blas,complex c***date written october 1979 c c***changed to double precision june 1985 by m.s. c c***author lawson c. (jpl),hanson r. (sla), c kincaid d. (u texas), krogh f. (jpl) c***purpose c complex computation y = a*x + y c***description c b l a s subprogram c description of parameters c c --input-- c n number of elements in input vector(s) c ca complex scalar multiplier c cx complex vector with n elements c incx storage spacing between elements of cx c cy complex vector with n elements c incy storage spacing between elements of cy c c --output-- c cy complex result (unchanged if n.le.0) c c overwrite complex cy with complex ca*cx + cy. c for i = 0 to n-1, replace cy(ly+i*incy) with ca*cx(lx+i*incx) + c cy(ly+i*incy), where lx = 1 if incx .ge. 0, else lx = (-incx)*n c and ly is defined in a similar way using incy. c c c***references c lawson c.l., hanson r.j., kincaid d.r., krogh f.t., c *basic linear algebra subprograms for fortran usage*, c algorithm no. 539, transactions on mathematical software, c volume 5, number 3, september 1979, 308-323 c***routines called (none) c***end prologue caxpy c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) complex*16 cx(1),cy(1),ca c***first executable statement caxpy canorm = abs(dble(ca)) + abs(dimag(ca)) if(n.le.0.or.canorm.eq.0.e0) return if(incx.eq.incy.and.incx.gt.0) go to 20 kx = 1 ky = 1 if(incx.lt.0) kx = 1+(1-n)*incx if(incy.lt.0) ky = 1+(1-n)*incy do 10 i = 1,n cy(ky) = cy(ky) + ca*cx(kx) kx = kx + incx ky = ky + incy 10 continue return 20 continue ns = n*incx do 30 i=1,ns,incx cy(i) = ca*cx(i) + cy(i) 30 continue return end subroutine cgedi(a,lda,n,ipvt,det,work,job) c***begin prologue cgedi c***revision date 811015 (yymmdd) c***category no. f4f, f3 c***keywords linpack,matrix,linear equations,complex,inverse, c determinant c***date written august 14, 1978 c c***changed to double precision june 1985 by m.s. c c***author moler c.b. (unm) c***purpose c computes the determinant and inverse of a complex matrix c using the factors computed by cgeco or cgefa. c***description c cgedi computes the determinant and inverse of a matrix c using the factors computed by cgeco or cgefa. c c on entry c c a complex(lda, n) c the output from cgeco or cgefa. c c lda integer c the leading dimension of the array a . c c n integer c the order of the matrix a . c c ipvt integer(n) c the pivot vector from cgeco or cgefa. c c work complex(n) c work vector. contents destroyed. c c job integer c = 11 both determinant and inverse. c = 01 inverse only. c = 10 determinant only. c c on return c c a inverse of original matrix if requested. c otherwise unchanged. c c det complex(2) c determinant of original matrix if requested. c otherwise not referenced. c determinant = det(1) * 10.0**det(2) c with 1.0 .le. cabs1(det(1)) .lt. 10.0 c or det(1) .eq. 0.0 . c c error condition c c a division by zero will occur if the input factor contains c a zero on the diagonal and the inverse is requested. c it will not occur if the subroutines are called correctly c and if cgeco has set rcond .gt. 0.0 or cgefa has set c info .eq. 0 . c c linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 . c cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab. c c subroutines and functions c c blas caxpy,cscal,cswap c fortran abs,aimag,cmplx,mod,real c c***references c dongarra j.j., bunch j.r., moler c.b., stewart g.w., c *linpack users guide*, siam, 1979. c***routines called cswap,caxpy,cscal c***end prologue cgedi implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer lda,n,ipvt(1),job complex*16 a(lda,1),det(2),work(1) c complex*16 t real*8 ten integer i,j,k,kb,kp1,l,nm1 complex*16 zdum real*8 cabs1 cabs1(zdum) = abs(dble(zdum)) + abs(dimag(zdum)) c c compute determinant c c***first executable statement cgedi if (job/10 .eq. 0) go to 70 det(1) = (1.0e0,0.0e0) det(2) = (0.0e0,0.0e0) ten = 10.0e0 do 50 i = 1, n if (ipvt(i) .ne. i) det(1) = -det(1) det(1) = a(i,i)*det(1) c ...exit if (cabs1(det(1)) .eq. 0.0e0) go to 60 10 if (cabs1(det(1)) .ge. 1.0e0) go to 20 det(1) = cmplx(ten,0.0e0)*det(1) det(2) = det(2) - (1.0e0,0.0e0) go to 10 20 continue 30 if (cabs1(det(1)) .lt. ten) go to 40 det(1) = det(1)/cmplx(ten,0.0e0) det(2) = det(2) + (1.0e0,0.0e0) go to 30 40 continue 50 continue 60 continue 70 continue c c compute inverse(u) c if (mod(job,10) .eq. 0) go to 150 do 100 k = 1, n a(k,k) = (1.0e0,0.0e0)/a(k,k) t = -a(k,k) call cscal(k-1,t,a(1,k),1) kp1 = k + 1 if (n .lt. kp1) go to 90 do 80 j = kp1, n t = a(k,j) a(k,j) = (0.0e0,0.0e0) call caxpy(k,t,a(1,k),1,a(1,j),1) 80 continue 90 continue 100 continue c c form inverse(u)*inverse(l) c nm1 = n - 1 if (nm1 .lt. 1) go to 140 do 130 kb = 1, nm1 k = n - kb kp1 = k + 1 do 110 i = kp1, n work(i) = a(i,k) a(i,k) = (0.0e0,0.0e0) 110 continue do 120 j = kp1, n t = work(j) call caxpy(n,t,a(1,j),1,a(1,k),1) 120 continue l = ipvt(k) if (l .ne. k) call cswap(n,a(1,k),1,a(1,l),1) 130 continue 140 continue 150 continue return end subroutine cgefa(a,lda,n,ipvt,info) c***begin prologue cgefa c***revision date 811015 (yymmdd) c***category no. f4f c***keywords linpack,matrix,linear equations,complex,factor, c gauss elimination c***date written august 14, 1978 c c***changed to double precision june 1985 by m.s. c c***author moler c.b. (unm) c***purpose c factors a complex matrix by gaussian elimination. c***description c cgefa factors a complex matrix by gaussian elimination. c c cgefa is usually called by cgeco, but it can be called c directly with a saving in time if rcond is not needed. c (time for cgeco) = (1 + 9/n)*(time for cgefa) . c c on entry c c a complex(lda, n) c the matrix to be factored. c c lda integer c the leading dimension of the array a . c c n integer c the order of the matrix a . c c on return c c a an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers c which were used to obtain it. c the factorization can be written a = l*u where c l is a product of permutation and unit lower c triangular matrices and u is upper triangular. c c ipvt integer(n) c an integer vector of pivot indices. c c info integer c = 0 normal value. c = k if u(k,k) .eq. 0.0 . this is not an error c condition for this subroutine, but it does c indicate that cgesl or cgedi will divide by zero c if called. use rcond in cgeco for a reliable c indication of singularity. c c linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 . c cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab. c c subroutines and functions c c blas caxpy,cscal,icamax c fortran abs,aimag,real c c***references c dongarra j.j., bunch j.r., moler c.b., stewart g.w., c *linpack users guide*, siam, 1979. c***routines called caxpy,cscal,icamax c***end prologue cgefa implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer lda,n,ipvt(1),info complex*16 a(lda,1) c complex*16 t integer icamax,j,k,kp1,l,nm1 complex*16 zdum real*8 cabs1 cabs1(zdum) = abs(dble(zdum)) + abs(dimag(zdum)) c c gaussian elimination with partial pivoting c c***first executable statement cgefa info = 0 nm1 = n - 1 if (nm1 .lt. 1) go to 70 do 60 k = 1, nm1 kp1 = k + 1 c c find l = pivot index c l = icamax(n-k+1,a(k,k),1) + k - 1 ipvt(k) = l c c zero pivot implies this column already triangularized c if (cabs1(a(l,k)) .eq. 0.0e0) go to 40 c c interchange if necessary c if (l .eq. k) go to 10 t = a(l,k) a(l,k) = a(k,k) a(k,k) = t 10 continue c c compute multipliers c t = -(1.0e0,0.0e0)/a(k,k) call cscal(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1) c c row elimination with column indexing c do 30 j = kp1, n t = a(l,j) if (l .eq. k) go to 20 a(l,j) = a(k,j) a(k,j) = t 20 continue call caxpy(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1,a(k+1,j),1) 30 continue go to 50 40 continue info = k 50 continue 60 continue 70 continue ipvt(n) = n if (cabs1(a(n,n)) .eq. 0.0e0) info = n return end c/* @(#)cmatin.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:16:36 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine cmatin(a,b,indexa,indexb,ipivot,n,ndim,detr,deti) c c c finds the inverse of complex*16 matrix h=(rea,aima)=(a,b) c c code provided by norman bardsley to kwon+tabakin s prog bopit c n=no of elements in a assigned(and in the sub=dimension) c matrix a,b(real+imag parts) destroyed by call c the other arguments are dummy just to save space implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension indexa(n),indexb(n),ipivot(n) dimension a(ndim,ndim),b(ndim,ndim) equivalence (irow,jrow),(icolum,jcolum) c detr=1.0 c rhl add to define tempi for real*8 potential tempi=0. deti=0.0 do 10 j=1,n 10 ipivot(j)=0 do 70 i=1,n xmax=0.0 do 35 j=1,n if(ipivot(j)-1) 15, 35, 15 15 do 30 k=1,n if (ipivot(k)-1) 20, 30, 90 20 if(abs(a(j,k)).lt.1.0e-20) go to 30 xjk=abs(a(j,k))+abs(b(j,k)) if(xmax-xjk) 25,30,30 25 irow=j icolum=k xmax=xjk 30 continue 35 continue ipivot(icolum)=ipivot(icolum)+1 if(irow.eq.icolum) go to 50 detr=-deti deti=-deti do 45 l=1,n swap=a(irow,l) swapi=b(irow,l) a(irow,l)=a(icolum,l) b(irow,l)=b(icolum,l) b(icolum,l)=swapi 45 a(icolum,l)=swap 50 indexa(i)=irow indexb(i)=icolum pivotr=a(icolum,icolum) pivoti=b(icolum,icolum) temp=detr*pivotr-deti*pivoti deti=detr*pivoti+deti*pivotr detr=temp a(icolum,icolum)=1.0 b(icolum,icolum)=0.0 if(pivoti.eq.0.0) tempr=1.0/pivotr if(pivoti.ne.0.0) tempr=pivotr/(pivotr*pivotr+pivoti*pivoti) if(pivoti.ne.0.0) tempi=-pivoti/(pivotr*pivotr+pivoti*pivoti) do 55 l=1,n temp=a(icolum,l)*tempr-b(icolum,l)*tempi b(icolum,l)=a(icolum,l)*tempi+b(icolum,l)*tempr 55 a(icolum,l)=temp do 70 l1=1,n if(l1-icolum) 60, 70, 60 60 tempa=a(l1,icolum) tempb=b(l1,icolum) a(l1,icolum)=0.0 b(l1,icolum)=0.0 do 65 l=1,n b(l1,l)=b(l1,l)-a(icolum,l)*tempb-b(icolum,l)*tempa a(l1,l)=a(l1,l)-a(icolum,l)*tempa+b(icolum,l)*tempb 65 continue 70 continue do 85 i=1,n l=n+1-i if(indexa(l)-indexb(l)) 75, 85, 75 75 jrow=indexa(l) jcolum=indexb(l) do 80 k=1,n swap=a(k,jrow) swapi=b(k,jrow) a(k,jrow)=a(k,jcolum) b(k,jrow)=b(k,jcolum) a(k,jcolum)=swap b(k,jcolum)=swapi 80 continue 85 continue 90 return end subroutine cscal(n,ca,cx,incx) c***begin prologue cscal c***revision date 811015 (yymmdd) c***category no. f1a, m2 c***keywords complex,blas,vector,scale c***date written october 1979 c c***changed to double precision june 1985 by m.s. c c***author lawson c. (jpl),hanson r. (sla), c kincaid d. (u texas), krogh f. (jpl) c***purpose c complex vector scale x = a*x c***description c b l a s subprogram c description of parameters c c --input-- c n number of elements in input vector(s) c ca complex scale factor c cx complex vector with n elements c incx storage spacing between elements of cx c c --output-- c cscal complex result (unchanged if n.le.0) c c replace complex cx by complex ca*cx. c for i = 0 to n-1, replace cx(1+i*incx) with ca * cx(1+i*incx) c c c***references c lawson c.l., hanson r.j., kincaid d.r., krogh f.t., c *basic linear algebra subprograms for fortran usage*, c algorithm no. 539, transactions on mathematical software, c volume 5, number 3, september 1979, 308-323 c***routines called (none) c***end prologue cscal c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) complex*16 ca,cx(1) c***first executable statement cscal if(n .le. 0) return ns = n*incx do 10 i = 1,ns,incx cx(i) = ca*cx(i) 10 continue return end subroutine cswap(n,cx,incx,cy,incy) c***begin prologue cswap c***revision date 811015 (yymmdd) c***category no. f1a c***keywords complex,blas,vector,interchange c***date written october 1979 c c***changed to double precision june 1985 by m.s. c c***author lawson c. (jpl),hanson r. (sla), c kincaid d. (u texas), krogh f. (jpl) c***purpose c interchange complex vectors c***description c b l a s subprogram c description of parameters c c --input-- c n number of elements in input vector(s) c cx complex vector with n elements c incx storage spacing between elements of cx c cy complex vector with n elements c incy storage spacing between elements of cy c c --output-- c cx input vector cy (unchanged if n.le.0) c cy input vector cx (unchanged if n.le.0) c c interchange complex cx and complex cy c for i = 0 to n-1, interchange cx(lx+i*incx) and cy(ly+i*incy), c where lx = 1 if incx .gt. 0, else lx = (-incx)*n, and ly is c defined in a similar way using incy. c c c***references c lawson c.l., hanson r.j., kincaid d.r., krogh f.t., c *basic linear algebra subprograms for fortran usage*, c algorithm no. 539, transactions on mathematical software, c volume 5, number 3, september 1979, 308-323 c***routines called (none) c***end prologue cswap c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) complex*16 cx(1),cy(1),ctemp c***first executable statement cswap if(n .le. 0)return if(incx.eq.incy.and.incx.gt.0) go to 20 kx = 1 ky = 1 if(incx.lt.0) kx = 1+(1-n)*incx if(incy.lt.0) ky = 1+(1-n)*incy do 10 i = 1,n ctemp = cx(kx) cx(kx) = cy(ky) cy(ky) = ctemp kx = kx + incx ky = ky + incy 10 continue return 20 continue ns = n*incx do 30 i=1,ns,incx ctemp = cx(i) cx(i) = cy(i) cy(i) = ctemp 30 continue return end c/* @(#)dcalc.f 1.14 latest revision 4/15/87 13:03:13 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine dcalc(iwave,zp,zgkap,zgp) c subroutine dcalc****************************** c this sub calc the prin value part of denominator implicit real*8 (a-h,k,m,o-y),complex*16(z) real*8 dks( 48),dwts( 48),dk2( 48),dwt2( 48) dimension kap(5,2),gam(5,2),zgkap(2),zgk(2),zgp(2),zregp(2) data zpold/(0.d00,0.d00)/ zp2= zp**2 if (zp.eq.zpold)return if (zp.eq.0.)zp=1. zpold=zp call gpbara(iwave,1,zp,kap,gam2,zgp(1)) call gpbara(iwave,2,zp,kap,gam2,zgp(2)) c calc const part of integrnd zgkap(1)=0. zregp(1)=zp2*zgp(1)**2 zgkap(2)=0. zregp(2)=zp2*zgp(2)**2 c do 100 ni=1,2 c zgkap(ni)=0. c 100 zregp(ni)=zp2*zgp(ni)**2 c calc integral -map have to use more pts npt=24 npt1=npt npt2=npt npt3=npt kmid=zp kmax=1800.d00 call gauss (npt1,012,0.0d00 ,kmid,dks,dwts) call gauss (npt2,012,kmid,kmax,dk2,dwt2) c npts=npt1+npt2+npt3 do 10 n=1,npts if( n .gt. npt1) go to 9 ki=dks(n) wti=dwts(n) go to 11 9 continue c integrtal from kmax to infinity, using remainder not as good if(n .eq. (1+npt1+npt2)) call gauss (npt3,042,45.d03,kmax,dk2, 1 dwt2) if( n.gt.(npt1+npt2)) go to 8 nn=n-npt1 ki=dk2(nn) wti=dwt2(nn) go to 11 8 continue nn=n-npt1-npt2 ki=dk2(nn) wti=dwt2(nn) 11 continue k2=ki*ki zki =ki c find g at grid pts call gpbara(iwave,1,zki,kap,gam2,zgk(1)) call gpbara(iwave,2,zki,kap,gam2,zgk(2)) do 5 ni=1,2 zgkap(ni)=zgkap(ni)+wti*(k2*zgk(ni)**2-zregp(ni))/(zp2-k2) 5 continue 10 continue if(nold.eq.o)nold=1 return end c/* @(#)detcal.f 1.46 latest revision 4/30/87 16:27:34 */ subroutine detcal(nrei,xeri,detri,iflag) c version modified sept85 for antiproton bs, 8/86 for reltv implicit real*8 (a-h,o-y) integer mypvt(192) complex*16 detin(2),work(192) complex*16 h, x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12, 1 x13,x14,x15,x16,x17 complex*16 zi,zw(10), za(192,192),zdet 1 ,den(192,3),sum1,sum2,sum3,zk22,zk33,zk11,zk2,zk1,zk3 2 ,ze,zs,ar11,ar22,ar33 real*8 kapg,mn,mn2,k0,ko,ko2,k,k2,kk,mpi,mpi2,mr,k02 1, imtij,bnuc,bn,retij,xbarc,xi,xpi,xn,xgam,zcm,zch,theta, 1dsig,bnucf,bnf,dflip,dnof,wsp,wsn,achp,achn,acmp,acmn,ymin1, 2ymin2 c NB NEED MATCH DIMEN AND NO ENTRIES IN DATA STM FOR IBM dimension m1(100),m2(100),y(50),gin(14,100),h(15,20),kapg(100 1), x1(15),x2(1),x3(4), 2 x4(3),x5(10),x6(8),x7(6),x8(6),x9(2),x10(9),x11(1), 3 x12(1),x13(1),x14(1),x15(4),x16(4),x17(2),intger(192),mm1(192), 4 mm2(192),xeri(2),detri(2) dimension kk(130),u(36864,2),f(36864),gp(66),wt(66) 1,ptptw(66),wa(130) dimension theta(95), yy(50), ff(4), dflip(95), dnof(95) dimension nifty(20),bnuc(20),bn(16),retij(14),imtij(14),bnucf 1(20), dsig(95),chart(61,61),polar(61),denom(14,25),ecmden(25), 2 bnf(16), 3 reul(25,2), aimul(25,2) C NEW DIMENSIONS AND EQUIVL FOR BS,BE CAREFUL WITH U NEED C F CAN BE USED.nb order u(11) u(21)...u(n1) u(12) u(22) ..u(n2) c common /nlspfl/ gin,kapg,denom,ecmden,fmn,rew(14,100),aimw(14,100) 1,akapd(100),nkapgs,necms,dummy(1)/foptp/f common /sec2/ bnuc,bn,bnucf,bnf,retij,imtij,xbarc,xi,xpi,xn,nz,nes 1,nwaves,nifty,na common /sec4/ achp,acmp,wsp,achn,acmn,wsn/sec6/rcoul,rcut common /absp/ b0r,b0i,c0r,c0i common/det/mr,alfanz equivalence(u(1,1),y(1)),(u(51,1),yy(1)),(m2(1),dsig(1)),(chart(1, 11),u(1,1)), (gin(1,1),u(1,1)), (aimw(12,34),dnof(1)), (aimw(14,41) 2,dflip(1)),(aimw(2,49),polar(1)),(gin(1,1),reul(1,1)),(gin(1,5), 3aimul(1,1)),(x1(1),h(1,1)),(x2(1),h(1,2)),(x3(1),h(1,3)), 4(x4(1),h(1,4)),(x5(1),h(1,5)),(x6(1),h(1,6)),(x7(1),h(1,7)), 5(x8(1),h(1,8)),(x9(1),h(1,9)),(x10(1),h(1,10)),(x11(1),h(1,11)), 6(x12(1),h(1,12)),(x13(1),h(1,13)),(x14(1),h(1,14)),(x15(1),h(1,15) 7),(x16(1),h(1,16)),(x17(1),h(1,17)),(ko,k0),(ko2,k02), 9(m1(1),f(800)),(m2(1),f(1000)),(intger(1),f(1200)),(wa(1),mm1(1)) a,(m1(1),mm1(1)),(m2(1),mm2(1)),(za(1,1),u(1,1)), b(h(1,1),u(1,1)),(zw(1),f(1)) c-1 ibm version with (u,h) equivalence removed to avoid block data c c revised constants and masses Oct. 2000 for bound s problem data alfa /7.29735d-3/,an,ap,akmn,ak0,asig,ndim/ 1 939.56533d+0,938.271998d+0,493.677d+0,497.672d+0,1193.154d+0, 2 192/,ix/1/ data hbarc,api,pi/197.3269602d+0,139.57018d+0,3.14159265359d+0/ 1 ,x1/ 1 10h(p,n) ,10h(k+,ko) ,10hpi+ ,10hpi- , 2 10hpi+,pi- ,10hpi cex ,10hpio ,10hproton , 3 10hcex(+pio) ,10hk+ ,10hk0 ,10hneutron , 3 10hk- ,10hk0bar ,10hp bar /, 4x2 /10h*5=be /,x3 /10hbs not res ,10hres not bs, 5 10hna ,10hna /,x4 /10htpin=const, 6 10hnlsp-g(p) ,10hlocal lapp /,x5 /10hso,kapo , 7 10hsin,kap0 ,10hso,no ang ,2*10hundef ,10he3b,no aay 8,10hundef ,10he3b, aay ,10hundefined ,10hso,aay /,x6/ 910hno spin ms,10hss+ds ,10hss+ds+ts ,10hspin,ms , a 10hus=uc=0 ,10hss+unitary,10hus=0,ucne0, a 10huim = 0 / data x7/ b 10hno abs/s-f,10hno abs/s-s,10hno abs/s-p ,10hvabs-old , c10hvabs-yool ,10habs-old,sp/,x8 /10hno del/fld,10hfld,no del , d10hdel,no fld,10hdel in,fld,10hk+ martin ,10hmartin,fld /,x9/ e 10hno pauli ,10hpauli tpin /,x10/10hno coul ,10h+fc+phase , f10h+fc ,10hexact coul ,10hexact+f(q) ,10hbs,pt coul, f 10hbs,sph col,10hbs,real cl,10hbs,no coul/,x11/ g10hpi0,pi-,k+/,x12 /10hpi+,ko,k0b/,x13 / h 10hpi-channel /,x14 /10hpi+channel/,x15 /10h1 chanel=p, h 10h2 chan=pip,10h3 chn=ppin, i10h2 chan=pn /,x16 /10hrhog,rho2g,10hrhows,rh2g,10hrhows,r2ws, j10hhe/d /,x17 /10hkmt ,10hwatson / if(ix.ne.1) go to 150 10 continue C MN HERE REFERS TO NUCLEUS MASS,XN (IN COMMON) TO NUCLEOn C READ MOMENTA IN CENTRE _OF_MASS C NR.LE.0 IS NONRELATIVISTIC NR .GT. 0 > RELATIVISTIC CASe read(5,*,end=650) nr,lxmax write (6,740) nr,lxmax read (5,*) ngp,kode,b,nang,ymin1,ymin2 if (nang.eq.0) nang = 3 write (6,760) ngp,kode,b,nang,ymin1,ymin2 if (ngp.le.0) go to 650 write (6,790) ngp C -----READ IN DATA read (5,*) achp,acmp,wsp,achn,acmn,wsn,rcoul,rcut write (6,880) achp,acmp,wsp,achn,acmn,wsn,rcoul,rcut read (5,*) nz,na,(nifty(n),n=1,20) write (6,830) nz,na,(nifty(n),n=1,20) nifty(15)=abs(nifty(15)) C PRINT OUT NIFTY do 25 nif=1,17 jj=0 j = nifty(nif)+1 if (nif.eq.1) j = nifty(nif)+3 if (nif.eq.2.or.nif.eq.11.or.nif.eq.12.or.nif.eq.13.or.nif.eq. 1 14 )jj=1 if (jj.eq.1) j=1 write (6,710) nif,nifty(nif),h(j,nif) if (jj.eq.1) write(6,711) 25 continue read (5,*) nes,nwaves,b0r,b0i,c0r,c0i write (6,910) nes,nwaves,b0r,b0i,c0r,c0i if (b0i.gt.1.d-03.or.c0i.gt.1.d-03) go to 30 c use old values if nothing is read in b0r = -0.04d+00 b0i = 0.04d+00 c0r = 0.d+00 c0i = 0.08d+00 write (6,910) nes,nwaves,b0r,b0i,c0r,c0i if (nwaves.lt.0)write(6,884)nwaves 884 format(' Nwaves lt 0 for % partial absorption, Nwaves=',i4) 30 if (na.ne.3) go to 40 c square input size params for he3(prevoius read in squaed) achp = achp*achp acmp = acmp*acmp wsp = wsp*wsp write(6,880)achp,acmp,wsp 40 continue mpi=api if ((nifty(1).eq.7).or.(nifty(1).eq.8).or.(nifty(1).eq.-1)) mpi = 1 akmn if(nifty(1).eq.10.or.nifty(1).eq.11)mpi=akmn if (nifty(1).eq.12)mpi=ap zcm = acmp amass=na zch = achp zws = wsp nifty1 = nifty(1) c for pi 0(ko) , use no coul if not b.s. if(nifty(10).gt.4) go to 45 if (nifty1.eq.4.or.nifty1.eq.8.or.nifty1.eq.11) nifty(10) = 0 C FOR B S ALWAYS USE WATSON POTEMNTIAl 45 if(nifty(10).ge.5)nifty(17)=1 c c DEFINE MASSES WHICH DONT CHANGE WITH ENERGY c c mn here refers to nucleus mass,xn is nucleon mpi2 = mpi*mpi zi=(0.d+00,1.d+00) xn = (nz*ap+(na-nz)*an)/amass mn=xn*amass mn2=mn*mn xbarc = hbarc xi = pi xpi = mpi mr = mn*mpi/(mn+mpi) ar11=mr ar112=ar11*ar11 alfanz=nz*alfa ar2=mr*mr c need readjust mass for other nuclei C SPECIAL COUPLED CHANNELS SECTION e12=akmn+ap-api-asig e13 = akmn + ap -ak0 - an if (nifty(1).eq.12)then e12=0. e13=ap +ap -an -an ak0=an akmn=ap end if C PBAR-P CHANNELS C 1--PBAR P 2-- NOTHING OPEN !! 3- NBAR N c c for n.r. case use haw's reltivis sig pi channel reduced mass am1=akmn+ap am2=asig+api am3=ak0+an am12=am1**2 am22=am2**2 am32= am3**2 am1m=(akmn-ap)**2 am2m=(asig-api)**2 am3m =(ak0 -an )**2 a21=asig**2 a22=api**2 a31=ak0**2 a32=an**2 ar22=(am1+am2)*(am12-am2m)/8.d+00/am12 c set booby trap on ar22 for pbar if(nifty(1).eq.12)ar22=0. ar222=ar22*2.d+00 api2=api*api ar33=ak0*an/(ak0+an) ar332=ar33*2.d+00 ak02=ak0**2.d+00 an2=an**2.d+00 asig2=asig**2.d+00 65 continue if(nr.le.0.) write(6,1000) if(nr.gt.0.) write(6,980) write (6,830) nz,na,(nifty(n),n=1,20) write (6,780) mpi,amass,mn write (6,781)ar11,ar22,ar33 rhl2 =4.d+00*mr/pi rhl22=4.d+00*ar22/pi rhl23=4.d+00*ar33/pi rhl3 = 2.d00/pi rhl4 = 2.*rhl3 wron1=2.d+00*mn wron2=2.d+00*mpi wron3=mn/10.d+00 wron4=mpi/10.d+00 ldmax=lxmax if(lxmax.eq.0)ldmax=1 lborn=ldmax xgam=0.d+00 c include coulomb, set uop zp = 1 nzp = nifty(1)+1 go to (150,130,140,140,140,150,140,150,140,140,130,140,130), nzp 130 zp = -1 go to 150 140 zp = 0. c-----------come here directly on all but 1st call----------------- 150 continue C bs ENERGY IS ke IN com FOR BOTH rEL AND nR c need redefine for scatt where KE is lab KE e=xeri(1) eimin =xeri(2) zdet=zi*eimin ze=e+zdet e2=e+e12 e3=e+e13 if(nr.gt.0)goto 156 c calc complex*16 e s and momenta for chan 2 zk11= (e+zdet)*2.*mr zk22=(e2+zdet)*ar222 zk33=(e3+zdet)*ar332 go to 157 c RELATIVISTIC ENERGY c take sqrt(s) = e + m1 +m2 as def of E, same in all channels c zk11 is now k2 in channel 1, NOT energy, ar is complex mr 156 ze = e + zdet +mn +mpi zs = ze**2 zk11 = (zs-am12)*(zs-am1m)/4./zs zk22 = (zs-am22)*(zs-am2m)/4./zs zk33 = (zs-am32)*(zs-am3m)/4./zs ar11 = sqrt((zk11 + mn2)*(zk11+mpi2))/ze ar22 = sqrt((zk22 + a21)*(zk22+a22))/ze ar33 = sqrt((zk33 + a31)*(zk33+a32))/ze if(ix.eq.1)write(6,781) ar11,ar22,ar33 157 continue c place complex momentum in quadrant II for BS analytic continuation c place complex momentum in quadrant IV for Resonance (nif(3)=1) x = zk11 yi = -zi*zk11 th = atan2(yi,x) + 2.*pi if(nifty(3).eq.1) th = atan2(yi,x) zk1 = sqrt(sqrt(x**2 + yi**2))*(cos(th/2.) + zi*sin(th/2.)) x = zk22 yi = -zi*zk22 th = atan2(yi,x) +2.*pi if(nifty(3).eq.1) th = atan2(yi,x) zk2 = sqrt(sqrt(x**2 + yi**2))*(cos(th/2.) + zi*sin(th/2.)) x = zk33 yi = -zi*zk33 th = atan2(yi,x) +2.*pi if(nifty(3).eq.1) th = atan2(yi,x) zk3 = sqrt(sqrt(x**2 + yi**2))*(cos(th/2.) + zi*sin(th/2.)) if(ix.eq.1) 1 write(6,108) e,eimin,e2,eimin,e3,eimin,zk1,zk2,zk3 c theta(1),(2) used in call to optpbs if whant complex momentum theta(1)=zk2 theta(2)=-zi*zk2 c C-----------SET UP GRID POINTS--------------------------------------- c n1 = ngp+1 n2 = n1+n1 a = zk2 a=abs(a) c special check if b=0,use different distrb of points if(ix.gt.1)go to 89 if (b.eq.0.) a = 200. if(kode .lt. 0) go to 84 if(ngp.gt.48) go to 82 call gauss (ngp,kode,a,b,gp,wt) go to 83 c ngp gt 48,redistrb pts, 0-ko ,k0-inf(half up to 10*ko) 82 npt1=24 npt2=ngp-npt1 b=a call gauss(npt1,011,0.d+00,b,gp,wt) if(npt2.gt.48)write(6,107) b=8.*a call gauss(npt2,041,b,a,dflip,dnof) ngp=npt1+npt2 write(6,730)ngp,npt1,npt2 do 81 i=1,npt2 ii=i + npt1 gp(ii)=dflip(i) 81 wt(ii)=dnof(i) go to 83 107 format(20h NPT2 GT 48 IN MAIN ) c special bs point distb for kode lt 0- 84 cpmax=10.d+00**(-kode) catom=b write(6,883) kode,catom 883 format(' kode < 0, use bs points,cpmax=10**-kode, ' 1 ,'catom <,>0 :gausbs-rhl mod of kt', 2 'gausbs-kt version ,kode,catom=',i4,e12.4) nnuc=nang if(nang.eq.3)nnuc=0 cnucl=ymin2 csize=ymin1 write(6,104) ngp,nnuc,catom,csize,cnucl,cpmax 104 format(40h Ngp,Nnuc,Catom,Csize,Cnucl,Cpmax(MeV)= ,2i4,4e12.4/) if(catom.ge.0.) 1call gausb2(ngp,nnuc,catom,csize,cnucl,cpmax,gp,wt,ptptw) if(catom.lt.0.) 1call gausbs(ngp,nnuc,-catom,csize,cnucl,cpmax,gp,wt,ptptw) 83 continue write(6,105)(gp(i),i=1,ngp) write(6,106)(wt(i),i=1,ngp) 105 format(8h points= ,10e12.4) 106 format(8h weight= ,10e12.4) 89 continue sum1=0. sum2=0. sum3=0. if (nr.gt.0) go to 100 c ----------------------------------------------------------------- c NONRELATIVISTIC DENOMINATOR c ----------------------------------------------------------------- do 90 i1=1,ngp k = gp(i1) kk(i1) = k k2 = k*k ak2w=k2*wt(i1) den(i1,1)=ak2w/(k2-zk11)*rhl2 if(nifty(15).eq.0) go to 90 den(i1,2)=ak2w/(k2-zk22)*rhl22 den(i1,3)=ak2w/(k2-zk33)*rhl23 c 2 closed channels, replace den2 with den3 and dont use channel 3 c closed channels: (K-p,Kobar-n) or (p-pbar,n-nbar) if(nifty(15).eq.3)den(i1,2)=den(i1,3) if(nifty(15).eq.3)den(i1,3)=0. c include Prin Value sum in denom for open channel if(e .gt.0.)sum1 = sum1 +wt(i1)/(k2-zk11) if(e2.gt.0.)sum2 = sum2 +wt(i1)/(k2-zk22) if(e3.gt.0.)sum3 = sum3 +wt(i1)/(k2-zk33) 90 continue c SET DEN(N1) WITH DEN2 CONTAINING BOTH I EPS AND p SUBTRN c can use this procedure for any real/complex energy, here use reE>0 switch if(e .lt.0.)den(n1,1)=0. if(e2.lt.0.)den(n1,2)=0. if(e3.lt.0.)den(n1,3)=0. kk(n1)=zk1 if(nifty(15).eq.0.and.e.lt.0.) go to 120 c channel 2 (usually the only open one) if(e2.gt.0.)then c channel 2 open kk(n1)=zk2 zw(1)= - sum2*rhl22*zk22 zw(2)= + zi*ar222*zk2 den(n1,2)= zw(1) +zw(2) endif if(e3.gt.0.)then c channel 3 open zw(1)= - sum3*rhl23*zk33 zw(2)= + zi*ar332*zk3 den(n1,3)= zw(1) +zw(2) endif if(e.gt.0.)then c channel 1 open zw(1)= - sum1*rhl2*zk11 zw(2)= + zi*ar2*zk1 den(n1,1)= zw(1) +zw(2) endif c for closed channels set den(n1,channel)=0 c for 2 channel case (nbar-n or kobar-n) switch channel 3 to 2 if(nifty(15).eq.3)then den(n1,2)=den(n1,3) den(n1,3)=0. endif go to 120 c --------------------------------------------------------------- c RELATIVISTIC DENOMINATOR c --------------------------------------------------------------- 100 continue do 110 i1=1,ngp k = gp(i1) kk(i1) = k k2 = k*k ak2w=k2*wt(i1) emn = sqrt(k2+mn2) epi = sqrt(k2+mpi2) c special low momentum expansion, maybe do for other channels ? if(k.lt.wron3)emn=(k2/wron1)*(1.-k2/wron1/wron1)+mn if(k.lt.wron4)epi=(k2/wron2)*(1.-k2/wron2/wron2)+mpi den(i1,1)=ak2w* rhl3/(emn+epi-ze) if(nifty(15).eq.0)goto 110 den(i1,2)=ak2w*rhl3/(sqrt(k2+a21)+sqrt(k2+a22)-ze) den(i1,3)=ak2w*rhl3/(sqrt(k2+a31)+sqrt(k2+a32)-ze) c 2 closed channels, replace den2 with den3 and dont use channel 3 c closed channels: (K-p,Kobar-n) or (p-pbar,n-nbar) if(nifty(15).eq.3)den(i1,2)=den(i1,3) if(nifty(15).eq.3)den(i1,3)=0. c include Prin Value sum in denom for open channel if(e .gt.0.)sum1 = sum1 +wt(i1)/(k2-zk11) if(e2.gt.0.)sum2 = sum2 +wt(i1)/(k2-zk22) if(e3.gt.0.)sum3 = sum3 +wt(i1)/(k2-zk33) 110 continue c set den(n1) with den2 containing both i eps and P subtrn if(e .lt.0.)den(n1,1)=0. if(e2.lt.0.)den(n1,2)=0. if(e3.lt.0.)den(n1,3)=0. kk(n1)=zk1 if(nifty(15).eq.0.and.e.lt.0.) go to 120 if(e2.gt.0.)then c channel 2 open (the usual case for k-) kk(n1)=zk2 den(n1,2)= (-sum2*rhl4*zk22 +zi*2.*zk2)*ar22 endif if(e3.gt.0.)then c channel 3 open den(n1,3)= (-sum3*rhl4*zk33 +zi*2.*zk3)*ar33 endif if(e.gt.0.)then c channel 1 open den(n1,1)= (-sum1*rhl4*zk11 +zi*2.*zk1)*ar11 endif c for closed channels set den(n1,channel)=0 c for 2 channel case (nbar-n or kobar-n) switch channel 3 to 2 if(nifty(15).eq.3)then den(n1,2)=den(n1,3) den(n1,3)=0. endif c---------------end relativistic denom------------------------------- 120 if(ix.eq.1.or.e.gt.0..or.e2.gt.0..or.e3.gt.0.) 1 write(6,91) (den(n1,i),i=1,3) if(ix.ne.1)go to 203 ii=3 if(nifty(15).eq.0)ii=1 do 202 i=1,ii 202 write(6,102) (den(i1,i),i1=1,n1) 102 format(' Zden(3/1,i)=',10e12.4) c C----- DO LOOP OVER L FOR THIS E AND STATE c 203 l = ldmax-1 if(ix.eq.1)write (6,1070) l c C BOUND STATE OR EIGENENERGY CALCULATION ( A* RESONANCES ) c calc bound state e's only for ldmax c theta(3)=10. call optpbs(kk,n1,wt,ldmax,ldmax,lborn,theta,e,eimin) c for three coupled channels possible, need 3*maxngp as dimen c nunit=ngp or n1 is size of block matrix nunit=ngp if(nifty(15).eq.1.or.nifty(15).eq.2)nunit=ngp+1 nn=nunit ng2=nunit*2 if(nifty(15).eq.2)nn=3*nunit if(nifty(15).eq.1.or.nifty(15).eq.3)nn=ng2 c WRITE OUT MATRICs if(ix.ne.1)go to 208 write(6,229) i=nn-1 if (nn .lt.6) then do 9995 ii = 1,nn 9995 write(6,227) ii,(za(ii,ij),ij=1,nn) else do 217 ii=1,nn,i 217 write(6,227) ii,(za(ii,ij),ij=1,nn) endif ii=nn 228 format(1h0,' 1-G(complex*16)*V matrix before determinant' 1 ,' found') 229 format(1h0,' complex*16 potential matrix before 1-GV formed') 227 format(1h0,i3,8e15.6/200(3x,8e15.6/)) 208 continue C DETERMINE CHANNEL FOR DEN + ROW OF SUBMATRX irow=1 do 219 ii=1,nn if(ii.gt.nunit)irow=2 if(ii.gt.ng2)irow=3 do 216 ij=1,nn jjj=ij if(ij.gt.nunit)jjj=ij-nunit if(ij.gt.ng2)jjj=ij-ng2 icol=1 c revised version with g1 and g2 switched if(ij.gt.nunit)icol=2 if(ij.gt.ng2)icol=3 za(ii,ij)=za(ii,ij)*den(jjj,icol) 2140 continue if(ii.eq.ij)za(ii,ii)=za(ii,ii)+1. 216 continue 219 continue C----------DO LOOP OVER II,IJ ENDs c write out matrics if(ix.gt.1)go to 298 write(6,228) i=nn-1 if (nn .lt. 6)then do 9996 ii=1,nn 9996 write(6,227) ii,(za(ii,ij),ij=1,nn) else do 297 ii=1,nn,i 297 write(6,227) ii,(za(ii,ij),ij=1,nn) endif if(nifty(6).eq.6.or.nifty(6).eq.7)go to 298 298 continue 212 continue C SEARCH FOR DET=0 WITH LANDE SUBRTN IN VCOUL call cgefa(za,192,nn,mypvt,info) call cgedi(za,192,nn,mypvt,detin,work,10) c calculate deter zdet=(1.,0.) do 223 i=1,nn ipvt=wa(i) if(ipvt.ne.i)zdet=-zdet zdet=zdet*za(i,i) 223 continue if(ix.eq.1)ix=2 rpow = detin(2) zdet = detin(1)*(10.d00**rpow) detri(1)=zdet detri(2)=-zi*zdet write(6,224)zk1,e,eimin,zdet 224 format(' zk1=',2(1pE11.3),' Er,Ei=', 1 2(1pe18.8),' zdet=',2(e15.3)/) return C _______________ FORMATS 650 write(6,841) stop c 108 format(' zE1, zE2, zE3 =',3(2e12.4,4x)/ 1 ' zk1, zk2, zk3 =',3(2e12.4,4x)) 91 format(' den(n1,1-3) (P, Del parts) =',3(2e12.4,4x)) 710 format(7h Nifty(,i2,2h)=,i3,10x,a8,a2) 711 format(1h+,36x,5hshift ) 730 format (4x,4i4) 740 format (' Nr Lmax =',5i4) 760 format (2i5,f10.2,i5,2f10.0) 780 format(1h ,3x,' Mproj, At, MA =', 1 5x,3(f8.3,11x)) 781 format(1h ,3x,' ar11, ar22, ar33=', 1 5x,3(2f8.3,3x)/) 790 format (1h ,18hNo of grid points=,i4) 830 format (1h ,2i5,1x,i2,i2,8i1,10i3) 841 format(12h EOF IN MAIN ,i3) 850 format (i3,f15.5) 851 format(29h g(p)-unit4/d(e)-unit2 print ,/i3,f15.5) 860 format (f10.4/4(6f13.6,/),4f13.6) 861 format(1x ,150(f10.4/6f13.6/6f13.6/2f13.6/)) 870 format (e10.4/8e10.3/6e10.3) 871 format(1x ,150(f10.4/8e10.3/6e10.3/)) 880 format (8f10.5) 910 format (28h Nes,Nwaves,b0r,b0i,c0r,c0i=,2i5,4f10.5) 940 format (1h0,10x,8h Energy,10x,15h Momentum ,/) 950 format (1h ,7x,f14.4,10x,f14.4/) 960 format (1h ,5f14.4) 980 format (1h0,31h RELATIVISTIC CALCULATION) 1000 format (1h0,' NONRELATIVSTC CALC') 1070 format (1h0,30h----- Angular Momentum = ,i4,5h-----) end subroutine dogleg(n,r,lr,diag,qtb,delta,x,wa1,wa2) c***begin prologue dogleg c c***changed to double precision c c***refer to snsqe,snsq c ********** c c subroutine dogleg c c given an m by n matrix a, an n by n nonsingular diagonal c matrix d, an m-vector b, and a positive number delta, the c problem is to determine the convex combination x of the c gauss-newton and scaled gradient directions that minimizes c (a*x - b) in the least squares sense, subject to the c restriction that the euclidean norm of d*x be at most delta. c c this subroutine completes the solution of the problem c if it is provided with the necessary information from the c qr factorization of a. that is, if a = q*r, where q has c orthogonal columns and r is an upper triangular matrix, c then dogleg expects the full upper triangle of r and c the first n components of (q transpose)*b. c c the subroutine statement is c c subroutine dogleg(n,r,lr,diag,qtb,delta,x,wa1,wa2) c c where c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the order of r. c c r is an input array of length lr which must contain the upper c triangular matrix r stored by rows. c c lr is a positive integer input variable not less than c (n*(n+1))/2. c c diag is an input array of length n which must contain the c diagonal elements of the matrix d. c c qtb is an input array of length n which must contain the first c n elements of the vector (q transpose)*b. c c delta is a positive input variable which specifies an upper c bound on the euclidean norm of d*x. c c x is an output array of length n which contains the desired c convex combination of the gauss-newton direction and the c scaled gradient direction. c c wa1 and wa2 are work arrays of length n. c c subprograms called c c minpack-supplied ... r1mach,enorm c c fortran-supplied ... abs,dmax1,dmin1,sqrt c c minpack. version of july 1978. c burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more c c ********** c c epsmch is the machine precision. c c***routines called r1mach,enorm c***end prologue dogleg implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer n,lr real*8 delta real*8 r(lr),diag(n),qtb(n),x(n),wa1(n),wa2(n) integer i,j,jj,jp1,k,l real*8 alpha,bnorm,epsmch,gnorm,one,qnorm,sgnorm,sum,temp,zero real*8 r1mach,enorm data one,zero /1.0d0,0.0d0/ c***first executable statement dogleg epsmch = r1mach(4) c c first, calculate the gauss-newton direction. c jj = (n*(n + 1))/2 + 1 do 50 k = 1, n j = n - k + 1 jp1 = j + 1 jj = jj - k l = jj + 1 sum = zero if (n .lt. jp1) go to 20 do 10 i = jp1, n sum = sum + r(l)*x(i) l = l + 1 10 continue 20 continue temp = r(jj) if (temp .ne. zero) go to 40 l = j do 30 i = 1, j temp = dmax1(temp,abs(r(l))) l = l + n - i 30 continue temp = epsmch*temp if (temp .eq. zero) temp = epsmch 40 continue x(j) = (qtb(j) - sum)/temp 50 continue c c test whether the gauss-newton direction is acceptable. c do 60 j = 1, n wa1(j) = zero wa2(j) = diag(j)*x(j) 60 continue qnorm = enorm(n,wa2) if (qnorm .le. delta) go to 140 c c the gauss-newton direction is not acceptable. c next, calculate the scaled gradient direction. c l = 1 do 80 j = 1, n temp = qtb(j) do 70 i = j, n wa1(i) = wa1(i) + r(l)*temp l = l + 1 70 continue wa1(j) = wa1(j)/diag(j) 80 continue c c calculate the norm of the scaled gradient direction, c normalize, and rescale the gradient. c gnorm = enorm(n,wa1) sgnorm = zero alpha = delta/qnorm if (gnorm .eq. zero) go to 120 do 90 j = 1, n wa1(j) = (wa1(j)/gnorm)/diag(j) 90 continue c c calculate the point along the scaled gradient c at which the quadratic is minimized. c l = 1 do 110 j = 1, n sum = zero do 100 i = j, n sum = sum + r(l)*wa1(i) l = l + 1 100 continue wa2(j) = sum 110 continue temp = enorm(n,wa2) sgnorm = (gnorm/temp)/temp c c test whether the scaled gradient direction is acceptable. c alpha = zero if (sgnorm .ge. delta) go to 120 c c the scaled gradient direction is not acceptable. c finally, calculate the point along the dogleg c at which the quadratic is minimized. c bnorm = enorm(n,qtb) temp = (bnorm/gnorm)*(bnorm/qnorm)*(sgnorm/delta) temp = temp - (delta/qnorm)*(sgnorm/delta)**2 * + sqrt((temp-(delta/qnorm))**2 * +(one-(delta/qnorm)**2)*(one-(sgnorm/delta)**2)) alpha = ((delta/qnorm)*(one - (sgnorm/delta)**2))/temp 120 continue c c form appropriate convex combination of the gauss-newton c direction and the scaled gradient direction. c temp = (one - alpha)*dmin1(sgnorm,delta) do 130 j = 1, n x(j) = temp*wa1(j) + alpha*x(j) 130 continue 140 continue return c c last card of subroutine dogleg. c end c/* @(#)eigenc.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:19:46 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine eigenc(n,hr,hi,imag,iw,p0,q0,ia,ib,ip,uu,vv,ndim) c c rhl slight revision of c inverse iteration method c code provided by norman bardsley to kwon+tabakin s code bopit c n=no pts used (and in sub dimension of matrix) c (p0,q0) = intial complex*16 energy guess c this prog does only 1 eigenvalue per call c imag = 0 no imag potent used =1 both real*8 + imag used c iw = -1 for intermediate print out = 0 else c uu = complex*16 wavefuntion in p space (eigenvector) vv=dummy c other variables are just dummy passed to save space c nb hr hi matrices are destroyed by call to eigenc, need redefine c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) complex*16 uu,vv,zero,one,uniti,temp,e0,ee dimension hr(ndim,ndim),hi(ndim,ndim),ia(n),ib(n),ip(n), 1 uu(ndim),vv(ndim) data ivec,iterx,conv/1,20,1.e-6/ data zero,one,uniti/(0.0,0.0),(1.0,0.0),(0.0,1.0)/ itern=0 temp=zero e0=p0*one+q0*uniti*imag c c rhl fix of problem with nused(n)=ndim if(n.gt.ndim)write(6,900) if(n.gt.ndim)stop 900 format(' *****n gt ndim in eigenc **********') c set up intial values for eigenvectors and h-eguess matrix do 40 i=1,n hr(i,i)=hr(i,i)-p0 uu(i)=zero if(imag.ne.0) hi(i,i)=hi(i,i)-q0 40 continue do 39 j=1,n if(imag.eq.0)uu(j)=one if(imag.ne.0)uu(j)=(1.0,1.0) 39 continue if(imag.ne.0.and.imag.ne.1)return c c finds the inverse of h matrix. c call cmatin(hr,hi,ia,ib,ip,n,ndim) c c mult psi by inverse of h-eguess 50 imax=0 amax=0.0 do 70 i=1,n vv(i)=zero do 60 j=1,n 60 vv(i)=vv(i)+(hr(i,j)*one+hi(i,j)*imag*uniti)*uu(j) if (abs(vv(i)).lt.amax) go to 70 imax=i amax=abs(vv(i)) 70 continue c renorm psi, determine new e = ee (complex*16 guess e=e0) do 80 i=1,n 80 uu(i)=vv(i)/vv(imax) c ee=e0+one/vv(imax) if(iw.eq.-1) write(6,105) itern,ee,uu(ivec) change=abs((ee-temp)/ee) if(itern.ge.5.and.change.lt.conv) go to 85 if(itern.eq.iterx) write(6,103) if(itern.eq.iterx) go to 84 temp=ee itern=itern+1 go to 50 c c85 write(6,520) 85 continue c520 format( ' momentum space wave function') c write(6,530) c530 format( ' mom. in inv. fermis',' real*8 part ',' imagi c a nary part') c do 500 ij=1,n c aq=uu(ij) c bq=aimag(uu(ij)) c write(6,510) p(ij),aq,bq c510 format(3e15.5) 500 continue 84 p0=ee q0=-uniti*ee 103 format(/15h non-convergent) 105 format(19h itern,ee,uu(ivec)=,i4,5x,4(1pe20.10)) return end double precision function enorm(n,x) c***begin prologue enorm c c***changed to double precision c c***refer to snsqe,snsq,snlse,snls c ********** c c function enorm c c given an n-vector x, this function calculates the c euclidean norm of x. c c the euclidean norm is computed by accumulating the sum of c squares in three different sums. the sums of squares for the c small and large components are scaled so that no overflows c occur. non-destructive underflows are permitted. underflows c and overflows do not occur in the computation of the unscaled c sum of squares for the intermediate components. c the definitions of small, intermediate and large components c depend on two constants, rdwarf and rgiant. the main c restrictions on these constants are that rdwarf**2 not c underflow and rgiant**2 not overflow. the constants c given here are suitable for every known computer. c c the function statement is c c real function enorm(n,x) c c where c c n is a positive integer input variable. c c x is an input array of length n. c c subprograms called c c fortran-supplied ... abs,sqrt c c minpack. version of october 1979. c burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more c c ********** c***routines called (none) c***end prologue enorm implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer n real*8 x(n) integer i real*8 agiant,floatn,one,rdwarf,rgiant,s1,s2,s3,xabs,x1max,x3max, * zero data one,zero,rdwarf,rgiant /1.0d0,0.0d0,3.834d-20,1.304d19/ c***first executable statement enorm s1 = zero s2 = zero s3 = zero x1max = zero x3max = zero floatn = n agiant = rgiant/floatn do 90 i = 1, n xabs = abs(x(i)) if (xabs .gt. rdwarf .and. xabs .lt. agiant) go to 70 if (xabs .le. rdwarf) go to 30 c c sum for large components. c if (xabs .le. x1max) go to 10 s1 = one + s1*(x1max/xabs)**2 x1max = xabs go to 20 10 continue s1 = s1 + (xabs/x1max)**2 20 continue go to 60 30 continue c c sum for small components. c if (xabs .le. x3max) go to 40 s3 = one + s3*(x3max/xabs)**2 x3max = xabs go to 50 40 continue if (xabs .ne. zero) s3 = s3 + (xabs/x3max)**2 50 continue 60 continue go to 80 70 continue c c sum for intermediate components. c s2 = s2 + xabs**2 80 continue 90 continue c c calculation of norm. c if (s1 .eq. zero) go to 100 enorm = x1max*sqrt(s1+(s2/x1max)/x1max) go to 130 100 continue if (s2 .eq. zero) go to 110 if (s2 .ge. x3max) * enorm = sqrt(s2*(one+(x3max/s2)*(x3max*s3))) if (s2 .lt. x3max) * enorm = sqrt(x3max*((s2/x3max)+(x3max*s3))) go to 120 110 continue enorm = x3max*sqrt(s3) 120 continue 130 continue return c c last card of function enorm. c end subroutine fdjac1(fcn,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag,ml,mu,epsfcn, * wa1,wa2) c***begin prologue fdjac1 c c***changed to double precision c c***refer to snsqe,snsq c c subroutine fdjac1 c c this subroutine computes a forward-difference approximation c to the n by n jacobian matrix associated with a specified c problem of n functions in n variables. if the jacobian has c a banded form, then function evaluations are saved by only c approximating the nonzero terms. c c the subroutine statement is c c subroutine fdjac1(fcn,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag,ml,mu,epsfcn, c wa1,wa2) c c where c c fcn is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which c calculates the functions. fcn must be declared c in an external statement in the user calling c program, and should be written as follows. c c subroutine fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) c integer n,iflag c real x(n),fvec(n) c ---------- c calculate the functions at x and c return this vector in fvec. c ---------- c return c end c c the value of iflag should not be changed by fcn unless c the user wants to terminate execution of fdjac1. c in this case set iflag to a negative integer. c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the number c of functions and variables. c c x is an input array of length n. c c fvec is an input array of length n which must contain the c functions evaluated at x. c c fjac is an output n by n array which contains the c approximation to the jacobian matrix evaluated at x. c c ldfjac is a positive integer input variable not less than n c which specifies the leading dimension of the array fjac. c c iflag is an integer variable which can be used to terminate c the execution of fdjac1. see description of fcn. c c ml is a nonnegative integer input variable which specifies c the number of subdiagonals within the band of the c jacobian matrix. if the jacobian is not banded, set c ml to at least n - 1. c c epsfcn is an input variable used in determining a suitable c step length for the forward-difference approximation. this c approximation assumes that the relative errors in the c functions are of the order of epsfcn. if epsfcn is less c than the machine precision, it is assumed that the relative c errors in the functions are of the order of the machine c precision. c c mu is a nonnegative integer input variable which specifies c the number of superdiagonals within the band of the c jacobian matrix. if the jacobian is not banded, set c mu to at least n - 1. c c wa1 and wa2 are work arrays of length n. if ml + mu + 1 is at c least n, then the jacobian is considered dense, and wa2 is c not referenced. c c subprograms called c c minpack-supplied ... r1mach c c fortran-supplied ... abs,dmax1,sqrt c c minpack. version of june 1979. c burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more c c ********** c c epsmch is the machine precision. c c***routines called r1mach c***end prologue fdjac1 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer n,ldfjac,iflag,ml,mu real*8 epsfcn real*8 x(n),fvec(n),fjac(ldfjac,n),wa1(n),wa2(n) integer i,j,k,msum real*8 eps,epsmch,h,temp,zero real*8 r1mach data zero /0.0d0/ c***first executable statement fdjac1 epsmch = r1mach(4) c eps = sqrt(dmax1(epsfcn,epsmch)) msum = ml + mu + 1 if (msum .lt. n) go to 40 c c computation of dense approximate jacobian. c do 20 j = 1, n temp = x(j) h = eps*abs(temp) if (h .eq. zero) h = eps x(j) = temp + h call fcn(n,x,wa1,iflag) if (iflag .lt. 0) go to 30 x(j) = temp do 10 i = 1, n fjac(i,j) = (wa1(i) - fvec(i))/h 10 continue 20 continue 30 continue go to 110 40 continue c c computation of banded approximate jacobian. c do 90 k = 1, msum do 60 j = k, n, msum wa2(j) = x(j) h = eps*abs(wa2(j)) if (h .eq. zero) h = eps x(j) = wa2(j) + h 60 continue call fcn(n,x,wa1,iflag) if (iflag .lt. 0) go to 100 do 80 j = k, n, msum x(j) = wa2(j) h = eps*abs(wa2(j)) if (h .eq. zero) h = eps do 70 i = 1, n fjac(i,j) = zero if (i .ge. j - mu .and. i .le. j + ml) * fjac(i,j) = (wa1(i) - fvec(i))/h 70 continue 80 continue 90 continue 100 continue 110 continue return c c last card of subroutine fdjac1. c end subroutine fdjac2(fcn,m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag,epsfcn,wa) c***begin prologue fdjac2 c***refer to snlse,snls c ********** c c subroutine fdjac2 c c this subroutine computes a forward-difference approximation c to the m by n jacobian matrix associated with a specified c problem of m functions in n variables. c c the subroutine statement is c c subroutine fdjac2(fcn,m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag,epsfcn,wa) c c where c c fcn is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which c calculates the functions. fcn must be declared c in an external statement in the user calling c program, and should be written as follows. c c subroutine fcn(m,n,x,fvec,iflag) c integer m,n,iflag c double precision x(n),fvec(m) c ---------- c calculate the functions at x and c return this vector in fvec. c ---------- c return c end c c the value of iflag should not be changed by fcn unless c the user wants to terminate execution of fdjac2. c in this case set iflag to a negative integer. c c m is a positive integer input variable set to the number c of functions. c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the number c of variables. n must not exceed m. c c x is an input array of length n. c c fvec is an input array of length m which must contain the c functions evaluated at x. c c fjac is an output m by n array which contains the c approximation to the jacobian matrix evaluated at x. c c ldfjac is a positive integer input variable not less than m c which specifies the leading dimension of the array fjac. c c iflag is an integer variable which can be used to terminate c the execution of fdjac2. see description of fcn. c c epsfcn is an input variable used in determining a suitable c step length for the forward-difference approximation. this c approximation assumes that the relative errors in the c functions are of the order of epsfcn. if epsfcn is less c than the machine precision, it is assumed that the relative c errors in the functions are of the order of the machine c precision. c c wa is a work array of length m. c c subprograms called c c user-supplied ...... fcn c c minpack-supplied ... r1mach c c fortran-supplied ... abs,dmax1,sqrt c c minpack. version of june 1979. c burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more c c ********** c c epsmch is the machine precision. c c***routines called r1mach c***end prologue fdjac2 integer m,n,ldfjac,iflag double precision epsfcn double precision x(n),fvec(m),fjac(ldfjac,n),wa(m) integer i,j double precision eps,epsmch,h,temp,zero double precision r1mach data zero /0.0d0/ c***first executable statement fdjac2 epsmch = r1mach(4) c eps = sqrt(dmax1(epsfcn,epsmch)) do 20 j = 1, n temp = x(j) h = eps*abs(temp) if (h .eq. zero) h = eps x(j) = temp + h call fcn(m,n,x,wa,iflag) if (iflag .lt. 0) go to 30 x(j) = temp do 10 i = 1, m fjac(i,j) = (wa(i) - fvec(i))/h 10 continue 20 continue 30 continue return c c last card of subroutine fdjac2. c end subroutine fdump c***begin prologue fdump c c***changed to double precision c c***revision date 811015 (yymmdd) c***category no. q2,n2 c***keywords symbolic dump,dump c***date written 8/79 c***author jones r.e. (sla) c***purpose c symbolic dump (should be locally written) c***description c ***note*** machine dependent routine c fdump is intended to be replaced by a locally written c version which produces a symbolic dump. failing this, c it should be replaced by a version which prints the c subprogram nesting list. note that this dump must be c printed on each of up to five files, as indicated by the c xgetua routine. see xsetua and xgetua for details. c c written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee c latest revision --- 23 may 1979 c c***references c jones r.e., *slatec common mathematical library error handling c package*, sand78-1189, sandia laboratories, 1978. c***routines called (none) c***end prologue fdump c c***first executable statement fdump return end c/* @(#)gausb2.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:20:03 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine gausb2(npt,nnuc,catom,csize,cnucl,cpmax,p,wp,ppw) c rhl mod of /tabakin + kwon trig scaled grid c bound state problem implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension p(66),wp(66),ppw(66),x(64),wx(64) if(nnuc.ne.0) rata=catom/csize if(nnuc.eq.0) rata=0. c rata = catom/csize natom=npt-nnuc c atomic region if (natom.eq.0) go to 12 call gauss(natom,010,-1.d+00,1.d+00,x,wx) do 10 i=1,natom z1=x(i) p(i)=catom*(1.+z1)/(1.-(1.-2.*rata)*z1) dpdx=2.*catom*(1.-rata)/((1.-(1.-2.*rata) 1 *z1)**2) wp(i)=dpdx*wx(i) 10 ppw(i)=p(i)*p(i)*wp(i) if(nnuc.eq.0) go to 50 12 continue c nuclearr region grid nuc=nnuc/2 if(nuc.ne.natom) call gauss(nuc,010,-1.d+00,1.d+00,x,wx) n1=natom+nuc n2=natom+1 do 20 j=n2,n1 p(j)=(csize+cnucl+(cnucl-csize)*x(j-natom))/2. dpdx=(cnucl-csize)/2. wp(j)=dpdx*wx(j-natom) ppw(j)=p(j)*p(j)*wp(j) 20 continue n3=natom+2*nuc if(n3.ne.npt) write(6,900)npt,nnuc,nuc 900 format(' nnuc not div by 2 in gausb2,npt,nnuc,nuc=',3i3) do 30 j=n1+1,n3 p(j)=(cnucl+cpmax+(cpmax-cnucl)*x(j-n1))/2. dpdp=(cpmax-cnucl)/2. wp(j)=dpdp*wx(j-n1) ppw(j)=p(j)*p(j)*wp(j) 30 continue 50 continue return end c/* @(#)gausbs.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:20:15 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine gausbs(npt,nnuc,catom,csize,cnucl,cpmax,p,wp,ppw) c tabakin + kwon trig scaled grid c bound state problem implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension p(66),wp(66),ppw(66),x(64),wx(64) pid4=3.14159265/4. if(nnuc.ne.0) rata=catom/csize if(nnuc.eq.0) rata=0. c rata = catom/csize ratb=cnucl/cpmax natom=npt-nnuc c atomic region if (natom.eq.0) go to 12 call gauss(natom,010,-1.d+00,1.d+00,x,wx) do 10 i=1,natom z1=pid4*(1.+x(i)) p(i)=catom*sin(z1)/(cos(z1) + rata*sin(z1)) dpdx=catom*pid4/(cos(z1)+rata*sin(z1))**2 wp(i)= dpdx*wx(i) 10 ppw(i)=p(i)*p(i)*wp(i) if(nnuc.eq.0) go to 50 12 continue c nuclearr region grid if(nnuc.ne.natom) call gauss(nnuc,010,-1.d+00,1.d+00,x,wx) do 20 j=natom+1,npt z2=pid4*(1.+x(j-natom)) p(j)=csize+cnucl*sin(z2)/(cos(z2)+ratb*sin(z2)) dpdx=cnucl*pid4/(cos(z2)+ratb*sin(z2))**2 wp(j)=dpdx*wx(j-natom) ppw(j)=p(j)*p(j)*wp(j) 20 continue 50 continue return end c/* @(#)gauss.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:20:30 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ * subroutine gauss(npts, kode, a, b, xs, wts) c head.h Version 1.1 c*********************************************************************** c c Oregon State University Nuclear Theory Group c Multi-Channel Anti Kaon -- Nucleon Code c Guangliang He & Rubin H. Landau c c*********************************************************************** c fortran.h Version 1.4 c*********************************************************************** c gauss.F Version 1.3 c Latest Revision Date 10:35:54 8/16/91 c*********************************************************************** c subroutine gauss(npts,job,a,b,x,w) c c*********************************************************************** c rescale rescals the gauss-legendre grid points and weights c c npts number of points c job = 0 rescalling uniformly between (a,b) c 1 for integral (0,b) with 50% points inside (0, ab/(a+b)) c 2 for integral (a,inf) with 50% inside (a,b+2a), with c rational scaling c job = 3 for integral (a, inf) with 50% inside (a, b+2a), with c atan() scaling. (a+b) has to great than zero. c c x, w output grid points and weights. c*********************************************************************** c integer npts,job,m,i,j,kode double precision x(npts),w(npts),a,b,xi double precision t,t1,pp,p1,p2,p3,aj double precision eps,pi,zero,two,one,half,quarter,pio4 parameter (pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338328, eps = 3.0d-15) parameter (zero=0.0d0,one=1.0d0,two=2.0d0) parameter (half=0.5d0,quarter=0.25d0) c c *** FIRST EXECTUABLE ************************************************* c kode=job job=0 m=(npts+1)/2 do 10020 i=1,m t=cos(pi*(i-quarter)/(npts+half)) 10000 continue p1=one p2=zero aj=zero do 10010 j=1,npts p3=p2 p2=p1 aj=aj+one p1=((two*aj-one)*t*p2-(aj-one)*p3)/aj 10010 continue pp=npts*(t*p1-p2)/(t*t-one) t1=t t=t1-p1/pp c if(abs(t-t1).gt.eps) goto 10000 c x(i)=-t x(npts+1-i)=t w(i)=two/((one-t*t)*pp*pp) w(npts+1-i)=w(i) 10020 continue c c*********************************************************************** c rescale the grid points c*********************************************************************** c if (job.eq.0) then c scale to (a,b) uniformly do 10030 i=1,npts x(i)=x(i)*(b-a)/two+(b+a)/two w(i)=w(i)*(b-a)/two 10030 continue c elseif (job.eq.1) then c scale to (0,b) with 50% points inside (0,ab/(a+b)) do 10040 i=1,npts xi=x(i) x(i)=a*b*(one+xi)/(b+a-(b-a)*xi) w(i)=w(i)*two*a*b*b/((b+a-(b-a)*xi)*(b+a-(b-a)*xi)) 10040 continue c elseif (job.eq.2) then c scale to (a,inf) with 50% points inside (a,b+2a) do 10050 i=1,npts xi=x(i) x(i)=(b*xi+b+a+a)/(one-xi) w(i)=w(i)*two*(a+b)/((one-xi)*(one-xi)) 10050 continue else if (job .eq. 3) then c scale to (a, inf) with 50% points inside (a, b+2a) pio4 = atan(one) if (a+b .le. zero) stop 'gauss: a+b less than zero' do 10060 i = 1, npts xi = x(i) x(i) = a+(a+b)*tan(pio4*(one+xi)) w(i) = w(i)*(a+b)*pio4 & /(cos(pio4*(one+xi))*cos(pio4*(one+xi))) 10060 continue else stop 'gauss: Wrong value of job' endif job=kode c return end c/* @(#)gpbara.f 1.7 latest revision 4/15/87 12:59:41 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine gpbara(iwave,ispin1,zp,akap,gam2,zgofp) c *********************************************************************** c c the annihilation form factor for the graz nbar-n potentials c the p|p and n|n channels are truly coupled, yet no interaction c within the annihilation channel. the model is therefore a coupled c channels optical potential. c s and p waves included, coupled channels-spin not c c iwave code 1- 1s0 2- 3s1 3- 1p1 4- 3p0 5- 3p1 c the l and j refer to intial nnbar channels c in boson-boson channel have power p**jnn and bb state c 1- 1s0 2- 1p1 3- 1p1 4- 1s0 5- 1p1 c c storage kap(iwave,ispin) gam(iwave,ispin) c c u(11) u(21)...(n1) u(12) (22)....(n2)..... c implicit real*8 (a-h,m,k,o-x), complex*16 (z) dimension kap(5,2), gam(5,2) dimension nifty(20),bnuc(20),bnucf(20),bn(16),bnf(16),retij(14), 1 aimtij(14) common/sec2/bnuc,bn,bnucf,bnf,retij,aimtij,hbarc,pi,mpi,mn,nz, 1 nes,nwaves,nifty,na data kap/2953.,44744.,1148461.,2930.,120271., 1 3151.,40452.,891622.,598.,174495./, 2 gam/2.6697,3.0032,4.6462,1.2277,3.2559, 3 2.6697,3.9662,4.6462,1.2277,3.2559/,nint/0/ if (nint.ne.0) go to 100 c c intialize, convert to mev, square gamma c nint=1 write(6,900) (kap(iwave,ispin),gam(iwave,ispin),ispin=1,2) 900 format(' in g(p)-anninilation k,gam=',100(5f20.8/)) 901 format(' in g(p)-anninilation k,gam=',100(5d20.8/)) do 10 ispin=1,2 do 10 isett=1,5 gam(isett,ispin)=(gam(isett,ispin)*hbarc)**2 n=1 if(isett.eq.2.or.isett.eq.4)n=2 if(isett.eq.3.or.isett.eq.5)n=3 c use nwaves as percent cutoff on annihilation c 10 kap(isett,ispin)= kap(isett,ispin)*(hbarc**n) write(6,901) (kap(iwave,ispin),gam(iwave,ispin),ispin=1,2) c c intialization over c 100 zp2=zp*zp zgofp=1./(zp2+gam(iwave,ispin1)) if(iwave.lt.3)go to 110 c pwave zgofp=zp*(zgofp**2) 110 akap=kap(iwave,ispin1) gam2=gam(iwave,ispin1) return end c/* @(#)gpbarp.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:21:15 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine gpbarp(ispin1,p,alamb,gofp) c *********************************************************************** c c the separable potential form factor for the graz nbar-n potentials c the p|p and n|n channels are truly coupled, yet no interaction c within the annihilation channel. the model is therefore a coupled c channels optical potential. c s and p waves included, coupled channels-spin not c nes in /sec2/ is iset, the switch for spin-isospin state c ispin1 = isospin(0or1)+1 n=(1,5)=term # in form factor c c iset code 1- 1s0 2- 3s1 3- 1p1 4- 3p0 5- 3p1 c c storage al(iset,ispin) b(n,iset,ispin) c(n,iset,ispin) c c u(11) u(21)...(n1) u(12) (22)....(n2)..... c implicit real*8 (a-h,m,k,o-z) dimension al(5,2), b(5,5,2), c(5,5,2) dimension nifty(20),bnuc(20),bnucf(20),bn(16),bnf(16),retij(14), 1 aimtij(14) common/sec2/bnuc,bn,bnucf,bnf,retij,aimtij,hbarc,pi,mpi,mn,nz, 1 nes,nwaves,nifty,na equivalence (iset,nes) data al/-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,+1.,-1.,-1.,-1.,+1.,-1./, 1 b/1.,1.866066,2.6878754,3.4822022,4.2566996, 1.,2.,3.,4.,5., 2 1.2,2.2392792,3.2254504,4.1786426,5.1080396,1.1,2.2,3.3, 3 4.4,5.5,1.4,3.0009657,4.6877173,6.4327107,8.2223325, 4 1.,1.866066,2.6878754,3.4822022,4.2566996,1.2,2.4,3.6,4.8,6. 5 , 1.2,2.2392792,3.2254504,4.1786426,5.1080396, 0.8,1.6,2.4, 6 3.2,4.,1.,1.866066,2.6878754,3.4822022,4.2566996/ data c a /-16.947223,19.613007,704.60953,-1620.0131,929.20364,7.715196, 1 -308.80525,1745.465,-2823.1814,1366.6833, 2.2254985,-188.92457, 2 2764.8436,-12098.478,12273.396, 3.975071,-413.1827,-125.86102, 3 9082.9976,-12059.309, 47.040483,377.98701,-7419.3042,19707.559, 4 -13200.458, 9.4015746,-354.45965,2489.8515,-4728.6714,2647.6517, 5 -2.0706683,-29.268615,987.27114,-2414.2214,1484.4254,-1.2249177, 6 116.21112,-822.3519,-1397.174,3540.5651, -0.6954015,110.12122, 7-613.65913,1716.1131,-1535.9172, 0.53770179,-44.214116,876.85139, 8 -4972.9828,5427.2397/,nint/0/ if (nint .ne. 0)go to 200 c c intialize, convert to mev, square beta(called b) c convert l to rhl conventn.. vrhl=vgraz c write (6,903) iset write (6,900) (al(iset,iso),iso=1,2) write (6,901) ((b(n,iset,iso),n=1,5),iso=1,2) write (6,902) ((c(n,iset,iso),n=1,5),iso=1,2) 900 format(' al',/100(5f20.8/)) 901 format(' b ',/100(5f20.8/)) 902 format(' c ',/100(5f20.8/)) 903 format('0in vpbarp, nes=',i3, 1 ': 1-1s0 2-3s1 3-1p1 4-3p0 5-3p1') do 100 iso=1,2 do 100 isett=1,5 if(isett.le.2) al(isett,iso)=al(isett,iso)*hbarc*pi/2. if (isett.gt.2) al(isett,iso)= al(isett,iso)*(hbarc**3)*pi/2. do 100 n=1,5 100 b(n,isett,iso)= (b(n,isett,iso)*hbarc)**2 c write(6,903) write (6,900) (al(iset,iso),iso=1,2) write (6,901) ((b(n,iset,iso),n=1,5),iso=1,2) write (6,902) ((c(n,iset,iso),n=1,5),iso=1,2) nint=1 c c intialization over c 200 gofp=0. p2=p*p c sum over 5 terms in form factor do 250 n=1,5 if (iset.lt.3)term=c(n,iset,ispin1)/(p2+b(n,iset,ispin1)) if (iset.ge.3)term=c(n,iset,ispin1)*p/((p2+b(n,iset,ispin1))**2) 250 gofp=gofp+term alamb=al(iset,ispin1) return end integer function i1mach(i) c***begin prologue i1mach c***revision date 850615 (yymmdd) c c***changed to double precision c c***category no. q c***keywords machine constants,integer c***date written 1975 c***author fox p.a.,hall a.d.,schryer n.l. (bell labs) c***purpose c returns integer machine dependent constants c***description c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c these machine constant routines must be activated for c a particular environment. c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c i1mach can be used to obtain machine-dependent parameters c for the local machine environment. it is a function c subroutine with one (input) argument, and can be called c as follows, for example c c k = i1mach(i) c c where i=1,...,16. the (output) value of k above is c determined by the (input) value of i. the results for c various values of i are discussed below. c c i/o unit numbers. c i1mach( 1) = the standard input unit. c i1mach( 2) = the standard output unit. c i1mach( 3) = the standard punch unit. c i1mach( 4) = the standard error message unit. c c words. c i1mach( 5) = the number of bits per integer storage unit. c i1mach( 6) = the number of characters per integer storage unit. c c integers. c assume integers are represented in the s-digit, base-a form c c sign ( x(s-1)*a**(s-1) + ... + x(1)*a + x(0) ) c c where 0 .le. x(i) .lt. a for i=0,...,s-1. c i1mach( 7) = a, the base. c i1mach( 8) = s, the number of base-a digits. c i1mach( 9) = a**s - 1, the largest magnitude. c c floating-point numbers. c assume floating-point numbers are represented in the t-digit, c base-b form c sign (b**e)*( (x(1)/b) + ... + (x(t)/b**t) ) c c where 0 .le. x(i) .lt. b for i=1,...,t, c 0 .lt. x(1), and emin .le. e .le. emax. c i1mach(10) = b, the base. c c single-precision c i1mach(11) = t, the number of base-b digits. c i1mach(12) = emin, the smallest exponent e. c i1mach(13) = emax, the largest exponent e. c c double-precision c i1mach(14) = t, the number of base-b digits. c i1mach(15) = emin, the smallest exponent e. c i1mach(16) = emax, the largest exponent e. c c to alter this function for a particular environment, c the desired set of data statements should be activated by c removing the c from column 1. also, the values of c i1mach(1) - i1mach(4) should be checked for consistency c with the local operating system. c c***references c fox p.a., hall a.d., schryer n.l.,*framework for a portable library*, c acm transaction on mathematical software, vol. 4, no. 2, c june 1978, pp. 177-188. c***routines called (none) c***end prologue i1mach c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer imach(16),output c c equivalence (imach(4),output) c c machine constants for the burroughs 1700 system. c c data imach( 1) / 7 / c data imach( 2) / 2 / c data imach( 3) / 2 / c data imach( 4) / 2 / c data imach( 5) / 36 / c data imach( 6) / 4 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 33 / c data imach( 9) / z1ffffffff / c data imach(10) / 2 / c data imach(11) / 24 / c data imach(12) / -256 / c data imach(13) / 255 / c data imach(14) / 60 / c data imach(15) / -256 / c data imach(16) / 255 / c c machine constants for the burroughs 5700 system. c c data imach( 1) / 5 / c data imach( 2) / 6 / c data imach( 3) / 7 / c data imach( 4) / 6 / c data imach( 5) / 48 / c data imach( 6) / 6 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 39 / c data imach( 9) / o0007777777777777 / c data imach(10) / 8 / c data imach(11) / 13 / c data imach(12) / -50 / c data imach(13) / 76 / c data imach(14) / 26 / c data imach(15) / -50 / c data imach(16) / 76 / c c machine constants for the burroughs 6700/7700 systems. c c data imach( 1) / 5 / c data imach( 2) / 6 / c data imach( 3) / 7 / c data imach( 4) / 6 / c data imach( 5) / 48 / c data imach( 6) / 6 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 39 / c data imach( 9) / o0007777777777777 / c data imach(10) / 8 / c data imach(11) / 13 / c data imach(12) / -50 / c data imach(13) / 76 / c data imach(14) / 26 / c data imach(15) / -32754 / c data imach(16) / 32780 / c c machine constants for the cdc 6000/7000 series. c c data imach( 1) / 5 / c data imach( 2) / 6 / c data imach( 3) / 7 / c data imach( 4) /6loutput/ c data imach( 5) / 60 / c data imach( 6) / 10 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 48 / c data imach( 9) / 00007777777777777777b / c data imach(10) / 2 / c data imach(11) / 48 / c data imach(12) / -974 / c data imach(13) / 1070 / c data imach(14) / 96 / c data imach(15) / -927 / c data imach(16) / 1070 / c c machine constants for the cray 1 c c data imach( 1) / 100 / c data imach( 2) / 101 / c data imach( 3) / 102 / c data imach( 4) / 101 / c data imach( 5) / 64 / c data imach( 6) / 8 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 63 / c data imach( 9) / 777777777777777777777b / c data imach(10) / 2 / c data imach(11) / 48 / c data imach(12) / -8192 / c data imach(13) / 8191 / c data imach(14) / 96 / c data imach(15) / -8192 / c data imach(16) / 8191 / c c machine constants for the data general eclipse s/200 c c data imach( 1) / 11 / c data imach( 2) / 12 / c data imach( 3) / 8 / c data imach( 4) / 10 / c data imach( 5) / 16 / c data imach( 6) / 2 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 15 / c data imach( 9) /32767 / c data imach(10) / 16 / c data imach(11) / 6 / c data imach(12) / -64 / c data imach(13) / 63 / c data imach(14) / 14 / c data imach(15) / -64 / c data imach(16) / 63 / c c machine constants for the harris 220 c c data imach( 1) / 5 / c data imach( 2) / 6 / c data imach( 3) / 0 / c data imach( 4) / 6 / c data imach( 5) / 24 / c data imach( 6) / 3 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 23 / c data imach( 9) / 8388607 / c data imach(10) / 2 / c data imach(11) / 23 / c data imach(12) / -127 / c data imach(13) / 127 / c data imach(14) / 38 / c data imach(15) / -127 / c data imach(16) / 127 / c c machine constants for the honeywell 600/6000 series. c c data imach( 1) / 5 / c data imach( 2) / 6 / c data imach( 3) / 43 / c data imach( 4) / 6 / c data imach( 5) / 36 / c data imach( 6) / 6 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 35 / c data imach( 9) / o377777777777 / c data imach(10) / 2 / c data imach(11) / 27 / c data imach(12) / -127 / c data imach(13) / 127 / c data imach(14) / 63 / c data imach(15) / -127 / c data imach(16) / 127 / c c machine constants for the hp 2100 c 3 word double precision option with ftn4 c c data imach(1) / 5/ c data imach(2) / 6 / c data imach(3) / 4 / c data imach(4) / 1 / c data imach(5) / 16 / c data imach(6) / 2 / c data imach(7) / 2 / c data imach(8) / 15 / c data imach(9) / 32767 / c data imach(10)/ 2 / c data imach(11)/ 23 / c data imach(12)/ -128 / c data imach(13)/ 127 / c data imach(14)/ 39 / c data imach(15)/ -128 / c data imach(16)/ 127 / c c machine constants for the hp 2100 c 4 word double precision option with ftn4 c c data imach(1) / 5 / c data imach(2) / 6 / c data imach(3) / 4 / c data imach(4) / 1 / c data imach(5) / 16 / c data imach(6) / 2 / c data imach(7) / 2 / c data imach(8) / 15 / c data imach(9) / 32767 / c data imach(10)/ 2 / c data imach(11)/ 23 / c data imach(12)/ -128 / c data imach(13)/ 127 / c data imach(14)/ 55 / c data imach(15)/ -128 / c data imach(16)/ 127 / c c machine constants for the ibm 360/370 series, c the xerox sigma 5/7/9, the sel systems 85/86, and c the perkin elmer (interdata) 7/32. c c data imach( 1) / 5 / c data imach( 2) / 6 / c data imach( 3) / 7 / c data imach( 4) / 6 / c data imach( 5) / 32 / c data imach( 6) / 4 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 31 / c data imach( 9) / z7fffffff / c data imach(10) / 16 / c data imach(11) / 6 / c data imach(12) / -64 / c data imach(13) / 63 / c data imach(14) / 14 / c data imach(15) / -64 / c data imach(16) / 63 / c c machine constants for the pdp-10 (ka processor). c c data imach( 1) / 5 / c data imach( 2) / 6 / c data imach( 3) / 5 / c data imach( 4) / 6 / c data imach( 5) / 36 / c data imach( 6) / 5 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 35 / c data imach( 9) / "377777777777 / c data imach(10) / 2 / c data imach(11) / 27 / c data imach(12) / -128 / c data imach(13) / 127 / c data imach(14) / 54 / c data imach(15) / -101 / c data imach(16) / 127 / c c machine constants for the pdp-10 (ki processor). c c data imach( 1) / 5 / c data imach( 2) / 6 / c data imach( 3) / 5 / c data imach( 4) / 6 / c data imach( 5) / 36 / c data imach( 6) / 5 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 35 / c data imach( 9) / "377777777777 / c data imach(10) / 2 / c data imach(11) / 27 / c data imach(12) / -128 / c data imach(13) / 127 / c data imach(14) / 62 / c data imach(15) / -128 / c data imach(16) / 127 / c c machine constants for pdp-11 fortran[s supporting c 32-bit integer arithmetic. c c data imach( 1) / 5 / c data imach( 2) / 6 / c data imach( 3) / 5 / c data imach( 4) / 6 / c data imach( 5) / 32 / c data imach( 6) / 4 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 31 / c data imach( 9) / 2147483647 / c data imach(10) / 2 / c data imach(11) / 24 / c data imach(12) / -127 / c data imach(13) / 127 / c data imach(14) / 56 / c data imach(15) / -127 / c data imach(16) / 127 / c c machine constants for pdp-11 fortran[s supporting c 16-bit integer arithmetic. c c data imach( 1) / 5 / c data imach( 2) / 6 / c data imach( 3) / 5 / c data imach( 4) / 6 / c data imach( 5) / 16 / c data imach( 6) / 2 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 15 / c data imach( 9) / 32767 / c data imach(10) / 2 / c data imach(11) / 24 / c data imach(12) / -127 / c data imach(13) / 127 / c data imach(14) / 56 / c data imach(15) / -127 / c data imach(16) / 127 / c c machine constants for the univac 1100 series. ftn compiler c c c data imach( 1) / 5 / c data imach( 2) / 6 / c data imach( 3) / 1 / c data imach( 4) / 6 / c data imach( 5) / 36 / c data imach( 6) / 4 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 35 / c data imach( 9) / o377777777777 / c data imach(10) / 2 / c data imach(11) / 27 / c data imach(12) / -128 / c data imach(13) / 127 / c data imach(14) / 60 / c data imach(15) /-1024 / c data imach(16) / 1023 / c c machine constants for the univac 1100 series. for compiler c c data imach( 1) / 5 / c data imach( 2) / 6 / c data imach( 3) / 7 / c data imach( 4) / 6 / c data imach( 5) / 36 / c data imach( 6) / 6 / c data imach( 7) / 2 / c data imach( 8) / 35 / c data imach( 9) / o377777777777 / c data imach(10) / 2 / c data imach(11) / 27 / c data imach(12) / -128 / c data imach(13) / 127 / c data imach(14) / 60 / c data imach(15) /-1024/ c data imach(16) / 1023 / c c c machine constants for the vax 11/780 c c data imach(1) / 5 / c data imach(2) / 6 / c data imach(3) / 5 / c data imach(4) / 6 / c data imach(5) / 32 / c data imach(6) / 4 / c data imach(7) / 2 / c data imach(8) / 31 / c data imach(9) /2147483647 / c data imach(10)/ 2 / c data imach(11)/ 24 / c data imach(12)/ -127 / c data imach(13)/ 127 / c data imach(14)/ 56 / c data imach(15)/ -127 / c data imach(16)/ 127 / c c machine constants for the ridge 32 data imach(1) / 5 / data imach(2) / 6 / data imach(3) / 6 / data imach(4) / 6 / data imach(5) / 32 / data imach(6) / 4 / data imach(7) / 2 / data imach(8) / 31 / data imach(9) / 2147483647 / data imach(10) / 2 / data imach(11) / 23 / data imach(12) / -127 / data imach(13) / 128 / data imach(14) / 53 / data imach(15) / -1023 / data imach(16) / 1024 / c c***first executable statement i1mach c if (i .lt. 1 .or. i .gt. 16) go to 10 c i1mach=imach(i) return c 10 continue write(output,9000) 9000 format(39h1error 1 in i1mach - i out of bounds ) c c call fdump c c stop end integer function icamax(n,cx,incx) c***begin prologue icamax c***revision date 811015 (yymmdd) c***category no. f1a c***keywords blas,vector,complex,component,largest component c***date written october 1979 c c***changed to double precision june 1985 by m.s. c c***author lawson c. (jpl),hanson r. (sla), c kincaid d. (u texas), krogh f. (jpl) c***purpose c find largest component of complex vector c***description c b l a s subprogram c description of parameters c c --input-- c n number of elements in input vector(s) c cx complex vector with n elements c incx storage spacing between elements of cx c c --output-- c icamax smallest index (zero if n.le.0) c c returns the index of the component of cx having the c largest sum of magnitudes of real and imaginary parts. c icamax = first i, i = 1 to n, to minimize c abs(real(cx(1-incx+i*incx))) + abs(imag(cx(1-incx+i*incx))) c c c***references c lawson c.l., hanson r.j., kincaid d.r., krogh f.t., c *basic linear algebra subprograms for fortran usage*, c algorithm no. 539, transactions on mathematical software, c volume 5, number 3, september 1979, 308-323 c***routines called (none) c***end prologue icamax c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) complex*16 cx(1) c***first executable statement icamax icamax = 0 if(n.le.0) return icamax = 1 if(n .le. 1) return ns = n*incx ii = 1 summax = abs(dble(cx(1))) + abs(dimag(cx(1))) do 20 i=1,ns,incx sumri = abs(dble(cx(i))) + abs(dimag(cx(i))) if(summax.ge.sumri) go to 10 summax = sumri icamax = ii 10 ii = ii + 1 20 continue return end function j4save(iwhich,ivalue,iset) c***begin prologue j4save c c***changed to double precision c c***refer to xerror c abstract c j4save saves and recalls several global variables needed c by the library error handling routines. c c description of parameters c --input-- c iwhich - index of item desired. c = 1 refers to current error number. c = 2 refers to current error control flag. c = 3 refers to current unit number to which error c messages are to be sent. (0 means use standard.) c = 4 refers to the maximum number of times any c message is to be printed (as set by xermax). c = 5 refers to the total number of units to which c each error message is to be written. c = 6 refers to the 2nd unit for error messages c = 7 refers to the 3rd unit for error messages c = 8 refers to the 4th unit for error messages c = 9 refers to the 5th unit for error messages c ivalue - the value to be set for the iwhich-th parameter, c if iset is .true. . c iset - if iset=.true., the iwhich-th parameter will be c given the value, ivalue. if iset=.false., the c iwhich-th parameter will be unchanged, and ivalue c is a dummy parameter. c --output-- c the (old) value of the iwhich-th parameter will be returned c in the function value, j4save. c c written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee c adapted from bell laboratories port library error handler c latest revision --- 23 may 1979 c c***references c jones r.e., *slatec common mathematical library error handling c package*, sand78-1189, sandia laboratories, 1978. c***routines called (none) c***end prologue j4save c logical iset integer iparam(9) data iparam(1),iparam(2),iparam(3),iparam(4)/0,1,0,10/ data iparam(5)/1/ data iparam(6),iparam(7),iparam(8),iparam(9)/0,0,0,0/ c***first executable statement j4save j4save = iparam(iwhich) if (iset) iparam(iwhich) = ivalue return end subroutine lmpar(n,r,ldr,ipvt,diag,qtb,delta,par,x,sigma,wa1, * wa2) c***begin prologue lmpar c***refer to snlse,snls c ********** c c subroutine lmpar c c given an m by n matrix a, an n by n nonsingular diagonal c matrix d, an m-vector b, and a positive number delta, c the problem is to determine a value for the parameter c par such that if x solves the system c c a*x = b , sqrt(par)*d*x = 0 , c c in the least squares sense, and dxnorm is the euclidean c norm of d*x, then either par is zero and c c (dxnorm-delta) .le. 0.1*delta , c c or par is positive and c c abs(dxnorm-delta) .le. 0.1*delta . c c this subroutine completes the solution of the problem c if it is provided with the necessary information from the c qr factorization, with column pivoting, of a. that is, if c a*p = q*r, where p is a permutation matrix, q has orthogonal c columns, and r is an upper triangular matrix with diagonal c elements of nonincreasing magnitude, then lmpar expects c the full upper triangle of r, the permutation matrix p, c and the first n components of (q transpose)*b. on output c lmpar also provides an upper triangular matrix s such that c c t t t c p *(a *a + par*d*d)*p = s *s . c c s is employed within lmpar and may be of separate interest. c c only a few iterations are generally needed for convergence c of the algorithm. if, however, the limit of 10 iterations c is reached, then the output par will contain the best c value obtained so far. c c the subroutine statement is c c subroutine lmpar(n,r,ldr,ipvt,diag,qtb,delta,par,x,sigma, c wa1,wa2) c c where c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the order of r. c c r is an n by n array. on input the full upper triangle c must contain the full upper triangle of the matrix r. c on output the full upper triangle is unaltered, and the c strict lower triangle contains the strict upper triangle c (transposed) of the upper triangular matrix s. c c ldr is a positive integer input variable not less than n c which specifies the leading dimension of the array r. c c ipvt is an integer input array of length n which defines the c permutation matrix p such that a*p = q*r. column j of p c is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix. c c diag is an input array of length n which must contain the c diagonal elements of the matrix d. c c qtb is an input array of length n which must contain the first c n elements of the vector (q transpose)*b. c c delta is a positive input variable which specifies an upper c bound on the euclidean norm of d*x. c c par is a nonnegative variable. on input par contains an c initial estimate of the levenberg-marquardt parameter. c on output par contains the final estimate. c c x is an output array of length n which contains the least c squares solution of the system a*x = b, sqrt(par)*d*x = 0, c for the output par. c c sigma is an output array of length n which contains the c diagonal elements of the upper triangular matrix s. c c wa1 and wa2 are work arrays of length n. c c subprograms called c c minpack-supplied ... r1mach,enorm,qrsolv c c fortran-supplied ... abs,dmax1,dmin1,sqrt c c minpack. version of june 1979. c burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more c c ********** c c dwarf is the smallest positive magnitude. c c***routines called r1mach,enorm,qrsolv c***end prologue lmpar integer n,ldr integer ipvt(n) double precision delta,par double precision r(ldr,n),diag(n),qtb(n),x(n), & sigma(n),wa1(n),wa2(n) integer i,iter,j,jm1,jp1,k,l,nsing double precision dxnorm,dwarf,fp,gnorm,parc,parl, & paru,p1,p001,sum,temp,zero double precision r1mach,enorm data p1,p001,zero /1.0d-1,1.0d-3,0.0d0/ c***first executable statement lmpar dwarf = r1mach(1) c c compute and store in x the gauss-newton direction. if the c jacobian is rank-deficient, obtain a least squares solution. c nsing = n do 10 j = 1, n wa1(j) = qtb(j) if (r(j,j) .eq. zero .and. nsing .eq. n) nsing = j - 1 if (nsing .lt. n) wa1(j) = zero 10 continue if (nsing .lt. 1) go to 50 do 40 k = 1, nsing j = nsing - k + 1 wa1(j) = wa1(j)/r(j,j) temp = wa1(j) jm1 = j - 1 if (jm1 .lt. 1) go to 30 do 20 i = 1, jm1 wa1(i) = wa1(i) - r(i,j)*temp 20 continue 30 continue 40 continue 50 continue do 60 j = 1, n l = ipvt(j) x(l) = wa1(j) 60 continue c c initialize the iteration counter. c evaluate the function at the origin, and test c for acceptance of the gauss-newton direction. c iter = 0 do 70 j = 1, n wa2(j) = diag(j)*x(j) 70 continue dxnorm = enorm(n,wa2) fp = dxnorm - delta if (fp .le. p1*delta) go to 220 c c if the jacobian is not rank deficient, the newton c step provides a lower bound, parl, for the zero of c the function. otherwise set this bound to zero. c parl = zero if (nsing .lt. n) go to 120 do 80 j = 1, n l = ipvt(j) wa1(j) = diag(l)*(wa2(l)/dxnorm) 80 continue do 110 j = 1, n sum = zero jm1 = j - 1 if (jm1 .lt. 1) go to 100 do 90 i = 1, jm1 sum = sum + r(i,j)*wa1(i) 90 continue 100 continue wa1(j) = (wa1(j) - sum)/r(j,j) 110 continue temp = enorm(n,wa1) parl = ((fp/delta)/temp)/temp 120 continue c c calculate an upper bound, paru, for the zero of the function. c do 140 j = 1, n sum = zero do 130 i = 1, j sum = sum + r(i,j)*qtb(i) 130 continue l = ipvt(j) wa1(j) = sum/diag(l) 140 continue gnorm = enorm(n,wa1) paru = gnorm/delta if (paru .eq. zero) paru = dwarf/dmin1(delta,p1) c c if the input par lies outside of the interval (parl,paru), c set par to the closer endpoint. c par = dmax1(par,parl) par = dmin1(par,paru) if (par .eq. zero) par = gnorm/dxnorm c c beginning of an iteration. c 150 continue iter = iter + 1 c c evaluate the function at the current value of par. c if (par .eq. zero) par = dmax1(dwarf,p001*paru) temp = sqrt(par) do 160 j = 1, n wa1(j) = temp*diag(j) 160 continue call qrsolv(n,r,ldr,ipvt,wa1,qtb,x,sigma,wa2) do 170 j = 1, n wa2(j) = diag(j)*x(j) 170 continue dxnorm = enorm(n,wa2) temp = fp fp = dxnorm - delta c c if the function is small enough, accept the current value c of par. also test for the exceptional cases where parl c is zero or the number of iterations has reached 10. c if (abs(fp) .le. p1*delta * .or. parl .eq. zero .and. fp .le. temp * .and. temp .lt. zero .or. iter .eq. 10) go to 220 c c compute the newton correction. c do 180 j = 1, n l = ipvt(j) wa1(j) = diag(l)*(wa2(l)/dxnorm) 180 continue do 210 j = 1, n wa1(j) = wa1(j)/sigma(j) temp = wa1(j) jp1 = j + 1 if (n .lt. jp1) go to 200 do 190 i = jp1, n wa1(i) = wa1(i) - r(i,j)*temp 190 continue 200 continue 210 continue temp = enorm(n,wa1) parc = ((fp/delta)/temp)/temp c c depending on the sign of the function, update parl or paru. c if (fp .gt. zero) parl = dmax1(parl,par) if (fp .lt. zero) paru = dmin1(paru,par) c c compute an improved estimate for par. c par = dmax1(parl,par+parc) c c end of an iteration. c go to 150 220 continue c c termination. c if (iter .eq. 0) par = zero return c c last card of subroutine lmpar. c end c/* @(#)optpbs.f 1.7 latest revision 10/31/86 11:52:23 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine optpbs (kk,n1,wt,lpia,lmaxin,lborn,fx,er,eim) c coupled channels version...see dimens + equiv c modified sept85 for anti protons, n.b. ze now passed c *** see r h landau, program lpott, 1981 implicit real*8 (a-h,k,o-z) real*8 imtij,mpi,mn,k,kp,kk,imvabs,k1 complex*16 vkp(3,3),zi,zk,zkp,zk2,zu(192,192),ze dimension rho(4,50), bi(100), vcoull(30), revabs(30,2), imvabs(30, 12) ,wt(64) dimension nifty(20), bnuc(20), bnucf(20), bn(16), bnf(16), retij 1(14),imtij(14),kk(64),u(36864,2),f(18432,2),fx(30), 2 ui(192,192),ur(192,192),vr(6),vi(6) dimension ff(715,6) dimension np(5) common /sec2/ bnuc,bn,bnucf,bnf,retij,imtij,hbarc,pi,mpi,mn,nz,nes 1,nwaves,nifty,na common/nlspfl/u/foptp/f common /sec4/ achp,acmp,wsp,achn,acmn,wsn common /sec5/ drho(4,50),rho,xkp,xk,imax/sec6/rcoul,rcut equivalence (vkp(1,1),bnuc(1)),(iset,nes) ,(ur(1,1),u(1,1)), 1(ui(1,1),u(1,2)),(f(1,1),vr(1)),(f(7,1),vi(1)),(f(1,1),ff(1,1)) equivalence(zu(1,1),u(1,1)) data vcoull,revabs,imvabs/150*0.0e+00/,ikp,zi/0,(0.e+00,1.e+00)/ 1 ,nint,eri,eimi/0,0.,0./ c c need reset dimensns and equivs as max no grid increase c should use n=ngp +1 for scattering c-----1st equiv---------------------------------------------------------- c ur+ui(3n,3n) , u( (3n)**2,2) c-----2nd equivalence---------------------------------------------------- c f(n(n+1)*2)-in main f(n(n+1),2)-in optpbs c ff(ndimf/6, 6) also needed ,and equivalenced to f(1) c for equiv need length+1 to overlay c also see intialize statements which now change with dimensions c calculate partial wave decomp of rho- the form factor c rho(nff,i) is the i-1 th patial wave ampltd of the form factor c for a value of k a nd kp. nff determines which f.f. is used c nff=1 proton matter 2 neutron matter c 3 protone spin 4 neutron spin c do all lvalues on 1stcall,then store on file7, ft is for temp c c comple k2 needed for kp channel 2-open,fx(1),(2)=re,im k c fx(3) lt 1 define ur,ui ge 1 define complex*16 zu c zk2=fx(1)+zi*fx(2) nx=fx(3) nint=nint+1 if(er.eq.eri.and.eim.eq.eimi)goto 9 c energy has changed, recalculate u for e-dependent potential c eri=er eimi=eim go to 8 9 if (lpia.ne.1.or.nint.ne.1) go to 250 c 1st call to optpbs, calculate all u s c intialize (cant use data for this due to commoms) 8 do 7 i=1,2 do 7 j=1,18432 7 f(j,i)=0. do 6 j=1,36864 u(j,1)=0. 6 u(j,2)=0. if(kk(n1).gt.0.)k1=kk(n1) if(nifty(10).gt.4)k1=kk(1) if (nint.eq.1) write(6,410) k1 k = -200. c ikp = k- p switch for special sub for opt pot c also for pbar-p if(nifty(1).ge.10.and.na.eq.1)ikp=1 if(ikp.eq.1) go to 5 c if(nifty(6).ne.4.and.nifty(6).ne.6)call tncm (k) 5 n2 = 2*n1 nn = na-nz c make sure lmax=1 case does not run into indef on intial runs ldmax = lmaxin if (ldmax.eq.1) ldmax = 2 rhl3 = (achp/hbarc)**2/2. rhl4 = (achn/hbarc)**2/2. c addeded terms for c13 spin...may want to change size here rhl5 = (wsn/hbarc)**2/2. as = 1./6. if(nz.ne.0)ap = (nz-2.)/6./nz*(acmp/achp)**2 if (nz.le.2) ap = 0. if(nn.ne.0)an = (nn-2.)/6./nn*(acmn/achn)**2 if (nn.le.2) an = 0. c special c13 , add in p1/2 n and rescale if (na.eq.13) an = (nn-3.)/6./(nn-1.)*(acmn/achn)**2 c do loop over all grid points c size of u must be 4*(ngp+1)**2,2 rewind 7 if (nifty(6).eq.6) nifty(17) = 1 aovera = (na-1.)/na if (nifty(17).eq.1) aovera = 1. if (na.le.2) aovera = 1. c set u(strong)=0 if ( nifty(6).eq.4) aovera = 0. xhl = aovera*2.*pi*pi aparam = 1. i = nifty(1)+1 go to (30,10,20,20,20,30,20,30,20,20,10,20,10), i 10 aparam = -1. go to 30 20 aparam = 0. 30 if(rcoul.lt.1.e-10 )rcoul=1.e-6 aparam = (1.5*nz*aparam/rcoul)*hbarc*7.29735e-3 xhl1 = rcoul/hbarc xhl2 = rcut/hbarc nif = nifty(10) do 240 i1=1,n1 do 240 i2=1,i1 k = kk(i2) kp = kk(i1) lmax = ldmax+5 if(nifty(6).eq.6) go to 110 if (nifty(16).ne.0) go to 90 if(ikp.gt.0)go to 110 c fo shell model nuclesu(c,0) use analytic expression with il*s c different neutron and protone densiteies possible zp = k*kp*rhl3 xp = (k*k+kp*kp)*rhl3/2. c call beslia (zp,bi) b = 0. if ((zp-xp).gt.-150.) b = exp(zp-xp) do 40 i=1,lmax rho(3,i) = 0. rho(1,i) = b*(2.*i-1)*((1.-4.*ap*(xp-i+1))*bi(i)+4.*zp*ap 1 *bi(i+1)) 40 continue if (na.eq.13) go to 60 if ((achp.ne.achn).or.(acmp.ne.acmn)) go to 60 c equal n and p densities do 50 i=1,lmax rho(4,i) = 0. rho(2,i) = rho(1,i) 50 continue nff = 1 go to 110 c unequal n and p densites in h.o. model 60 nff = 2 zn = k*kp*rhl4 xn = (k*k+kp*kp)*rhl4/2. c call beslia (zn,bi) b = 0. if ((zn-xn).gt.-150.) b = exp(zn-xn) do 70 i=1,lmax rho(2,i) = b*(2.*i-1)*((1.-4.*an*(xn-i+1))*bi(i)+4.*zn*an 1 *bi(i+1)) rho(4,i) = 0. 70 continue if (na.ne.13) go to 110 c spin for c13 nff = 4 zs = k*kp*rhl5 xs = (k*k+kp*kp)*rhl5/2. c call beslia (zs,bi) b = 0. if ((zs-xs).gt.-150.) b = exp(zs-xs) c normalize to 1/nn so can mult by nn and have 1 neutron b = b/nn do 80 i=1,lmax rho(4,i) = b*(2.*i-1)*((1.-4.*as*(xs-i+1))*bi(i)+4.*zs*as 1 *bi(i+1)) rho(2,i) = ((nn-1.)/nn)*rho(2,i)+rho(4,i) 80 continue if ((i1.eq.i2).and.(i1.eq.n1).and.nint.eq.1) 1 write (6,350) k,(rho(4,i),i=1,lmax) go to 110 c for wood saxon typr(or arbitrary) nuclera n density,calc rho nume 90 xkp = kp xk = k imax = ldmax+5 lmax = imax c deteermine number of f.f.*s needed,if nifty(6)=3, need spin in nff = 2 if ((achp.eq.achn).and.(acmp.eq.acmn).and.(wsp.eq.wsn)) nff 1 = 1 if (nifty(6).eq.3) nff = 4 c for rho**2 in ca if (nifty(16).eq.2) nff = 4 c call rhokff (nff) if (nff.ne.1) go to 110 c nff=1, seet n and p matter densites=, all spin dens=0 do 100 i=1,lmax rho(2,i) = rho(1,i) rho(3,i) = 0. rho(4,i) = 0. 100 continue 110 continue if (nifty(10).lt.3.or.nifty(10).eq.8) go to 120 c include cutoff coulomb potential in momentum space c nb vl contains scale factor ,i.e. it is v(j=l+1/2) ak = k akp = kp c dec83 add,no coul for open chan if(i1.eq.n1.or.i2.eq.n1)goto120 if(ak.le.0..or.akp.le.0.)go to 120 if(i1.ne.i2) go to 118 c k = kp, need special vcoul for bs so remove singularity if(nifty(10).lt.5) go to 118 call vcdiag(ak,i2,aparam,xhl1,xhl2,vcoull,ldmax, 1 nif,n1,kk,wt) go to 120 118 call vcoulb (ak,akp,aparam,xhl1,xhl2,vcoull,ldmax,nif) 120 if (nifty(7) .lt. 3 .and. nifty(7).ne.5) go to 130 c include absorption on 2 nucleons c call vabs (k,kp,kk(n1),revabs,imvabs,ldmax) 130 continue c new version....outter do loopn over kp,k,,innerover all l s xmn = mn c if(nifty(6).ne.6.and.ikp.ne.1)call tnuc (kp,k,kk(n1),xmn) c do loop over l opt c do 230 ldum=1,ldmax if ((ldum.gt.lborn).and.((i1+i2).ne.(2*n1))) go to 230 j1 = ldum urc = 0. vc=0 uic = 0. urs = 0. uis = 0. if (nifty(6).eq.3) rhl1 = j1*(j1-1.) if(nifty(6).eq.6.or.ikp.eq.1) go to 205 c do over pi-n angular momentum;s,p,d,f,g, do 200 j2=1,5 j4 = iabs(j1-j2)+1 j5 = j1+j2-1 if (nifty(6).eq.3) rhl2 = j2*(j2-1.) do 190 j3=j4,j5 c******************* rhl = cgc2(j3,j2,j1) c spin independt potential if (nifty(1).eq.1.or.nifty(1).eq.8) go to 140 c pi plus scatterinf jpr = 4*j2-3 jpi = jpr+1 jnr = jpr+2 jni = jpr+3 go to 150 140 continue c pi minus scatterin, rearrange code jnr = 4*j2-3 jni = jnr+1 jpr = jnr+2 jpi = jnr+3 150 continue if (nifty(1).ne.4) go to 160 c pi zero scattering, take average of p and n amplitudes bnuc(jpr) = (bnuc(jpr)+bnuc(jnr))/2. bnuc(jnr) = bnuc(jpr) bnuc(jpi) = (bnuc(jpi)+bnuc(jni))/2. bnuc(jni) = bnuc(jpi) if (nifty(6).ne.3) go to 160 bnucf(jpr) = (bnucf(jpr)+bnucf(jnr))/2. bnucf(jnr) = bnucf(jpr) bnucf(jpi) = (bnucf(jpi)+bnucf(jni))/2. bnucf(jni) = bnucf(jpi) 160 continue urc = urc+rhl*(nz*rho(1,j3)*bnuc(jpr)+nn*rho(2,j3)* 1 bnuc(jnr)) uic = uic+rhl*(nz*rho(1,j3)*bnuc(jpi)+nn*rho(2,j3)* 1 bnuc(jni)) 180 if (nifty(6).ne.3) go to 190 c ---- ---spin dependnet potential if (j1.eq.1) go to 190 rhl = rhl*(rhl2+rhl1-j3*(j3-1.))/(2.*rhl1) urs = urs+rhl*(nz*rho(3,j3)*bnucf(jpr)+nn*rho(4,j3) 1 *bnucf(jnr)) uis = uis+rhl*(nz*rho(3,j3)*bnucf(jpi)+nn*rho(4,j3) 1 *bnucf(jni)) 190 continue c rhl=(2pi**2/2l+1)(a-1/a) 200 continue 205 continue c form potentials for state of definite j rhl = xhl/(2.*j1-1.) vc = 0. if (nifty(10).lt.3.or.nifty(10).eq.8) go to 210 vc = vcoull(j1)*aovera if (nifty(6).eq.6) vc = vcoull(j1) 210 if (nifty(7).ne.3.and.nifty(7).ne.4) go to 220 c add in vabs to central potential c aovera scaling already done for vabs in sub vabs urc = urc+revabs(j1,1)/rhl uic = uic+imvabs(j1,1)/rhl if (nifty(7).ne.4.or.nifty(6).ne.3) go to 220 c include spin-dependent absorption urs = urs+revabs(j1,2)/rhl uis = uis+imvabs(j1,2)/rhl 220 continue c set up potential needed for this l in integral eqtn c nb the f is - imv as stored, latter reversed npot1 = 2*ldum f(npot1-1,1) = rhl*(urc+(j1-1)*urs)+vc f(npot1,1) = -rhl*(uic+(j1-1)*uis) ff1=f(npot1-1,1) ff2=f(npot1,1) c pure coulomb or non k-p if(nifty(6).eq.6 .or. ikp. ne .1) go to 226 c c special k-p/or pbar p/section coupled or uncoupled c nes=iset=switch for model (k-p) or channel(pbar) c only l=0 for k-, yet l=1 for pbar. user beware! 225 zkp=kp zk= k 227 if(nifty(1).eq.12)then c pbar-p section, need use complex on-shell energy c can change to complex momentum too ze=er+zi*eim call vpbar(kp,k,ze,ldum) else call vkbarp(zkp,zk) endif f(npot1-1,1)=vkp(1,1)+f(npot1-1,1) ff1=f(npot1-1,1) c nb reverse sign of v here for storage as f f(npot1 ,1)=+zi*vkp(1,1)+f(npot1 ,1) ff2=f(npot1,1) if(nifty(15).eq.0) go to 226 ff(npot1-1,1)=ff1 ff(npot1,1)= ff2 c coupled channels kp c store matrices with new, nonlinear forms c not -imv any longer so need add 2 imv to correct the above f c nifty(15)=0 ..uncoupled 1...k-p+sigma-pi c 2...k-p,sig pi,ko/ n 3...k-p, k0/ n c nspin for coupled kp sigma-pi kobarn c 1---v11 2---v22 3---v33 c 4---v12 5---v13 6---v23 c ff2=ff2-2.*zi*vkp(1,1) ff(npot1,1)=ff2 i=nifty(15) go to (231,231,232),i c k-p plus sigma pi (coul only for k-p) 231 ff(npot1-1,2)=vkp(2,2) ff(npot1,2)=-zi*vkp(2,2) ff(npot1-1,4)=vkp(1,2) ff(npot1,4)=-zi*vkp(1,2) if(nifty(15).eq.1) go to 226 c kip, sigma-pi, kobar n 232 ff(npot1-1,3)=vkp(3,3) ff(npot1,3)=-zi*vkp(3,3) ff(npot1-1,5)=vkp(1,3) ff(npot1,5)=-zi*vkp(1,3) if (nifty(15).eq.3) go to 226 ff(npot1-1,6)=vkp(2,3) ff(npot1,6)=-zi*vkp(2,3) 226 nnn = npot1-1 if(kp.eq.k1.and.kp.eq.k.and.ldum.eq.1.and.nint.eq.1) 1 write(6,410)k1 if(k.eq.k1.and.ikp.eq.1.and.lpia.eq.2.and.nint.eq.1 1 .and.ldum.eq.2)goto228 if(k.eq.k1.and.ikp.eq.1.and.lpia.eq.2.and.ldum.eq.1 1 .and.ldum.eq.1)goto402 if(k.ne.k1.or.ldum.ne.1.or.nint.ne.1) go to 402 c write out potential matrices on printer (half offshell) 228 write (6,400)kp,ff1 1 ,vc,revabs(j1,1),revabs(j1,2),ff2,imvabs(j1,1), 2 imvabs(j1,2) n=nifty(15) if(i1.ne.1.and.i1.ne.8) go to 402 if(n.eq.1.or.n.eq.2)write(6,401)(i,ff(nnn,i),ff(npot1,i),i=2,4,2) if(n.eq.2.or.n.eq.3)write(6,401)(i,ff(nnn,i),ff(npot1,i),i=3,5,2) if(n.eq.2 )write(6,401)(i,ff(nnn,i),ff(npot1,i),i=6,6,1) 401 format(1x,i2,19x,e19.4,41x,e19.4) 402 if (nifty(6).ne.3) go to 230 f(npot1-1,2) = rhl*(urc-j1*urs)+vc f(npot1,2) = -rhl*(uic-j1*uis) c do loop over ldum ends 230 continue npot1m = 2*lborn if (ldmax.lt.lborn) npot1m = 2*ldmax if ((i1.eq.i2).and.(i1.eq.n1)) npot1m = 2*ldmax c new unformatted read for time saving if (nifty(6).ne.3.and.nifty(15).eq.0) write (7) 1 (f(npot1,1),npot1=1,npot1m) if(nifty(6).eq.3)write (7)((f(npot2-1,i),f(npot2,i),i=1,2 1 ),npot2=2,npot1m,2) if(nifty(15).ne.0)write(7) ((ff(npot2-1,i),ff(npot2,i),i=1,6 1 ),npot2=2,npot1m,2) c do loop over kp and k ends 240 continue c c----------------read u from unit7 on nonintial calls c 250 rewind 7 c pots all stored,read in the values for cuurrent lpia c npts =? of i1,i2 combos(followed by u s for all l s) npts = (n1*(1+n1))/2 c mod 9/85 so dont need lpia=1 to set up c n.b....the values of vl(i,j) for all l but fixed c i,j are on one record via unformatted write c need skip to new record to get new ij, nspin = 1 npot = 2 if(nifty(15).ne.0)nspin=6 if (nifty(6).ne.3) go to 260 c spin-dependent case, now 4 v s adjacent for each l vs 2 if nf nspin = 2 npot = 2*npot c coupled channels kn, 12 v s adjacent,non imv sign reversal 260 ldum = 2*(lpia-1)*nspin if(nifty(15).ne.0) go to 345 if (lpia.gt.lborn) go to 290 c do loop over npts (i.e. records) c nb ldum contains both no of l's and nspin(pot types) to skip do 280 npt=1,npts if (lpia.ne.1) go to 270 read (7) (f(npt,i),i=1,npot) go to 280 c space to l value needed 270 read(7)(rhl,i=1,ldum),(f(npt,i),i=1,npot) 280 continue go to 310 c lpia .gt. lborn, read only last on-shell point 290 nskip = npts-1 do 300 i=1,nskip read (7) 300 continue read (7) (rhl,i=1,ldum),(f(npts,i),i=1,npot) c set up potential matrix 310 istart = 1 if (lpia.gt.lborn) istart = n1 do 340 i1=istart,n1 do 340 i2=istart,i1 iflag = 0 npt = ((i1-1)*i1)/2+i2 if(nifty(10).ge.5)go to 331 npot1 = (i2-1)*n2+i1 320 npot2 = npot1+n1*(n2+1) c imv:npot4 -imv:npot3 (the one stored for uncoupled channels) npot3 = npot2-n1 npot4 = npot1+n1 u(npot1,1) = f(npt,1) u(npot2,1) = u(npot1,1) c rhl change feb82 for bs if(nifty(6).eq.7)f(npt,2)=0. u(npot3,1) = f(npt,2) u(npot4,1) = -f(npt,2) c spin-dependnt potentials if (nifty(6).ne.3) go to 330 c special turn off of spin for bs to avoid mstrix def write(6,999) 999 format(' ********** spin section in opt no good at 999 ') c u(npot1,2) = f(npt,3) c u(npot2,2) = u(npot1,2) c u(npot3,2) = f(npt,4) if(nifty(6).eq.7) u(npot3,2)=0. u(npot4,2) = -u(npot3,2) c set up potntial with u(kp,k)=u(k,kp)..symmetric u 330 if ((i1.eq.i2).or.(iflag.eq.1)) go to 340 npot1 = (i1-1)*n2+i2 iflag = 1 go to 320 c bound state case, set up seperate ur,ui 331 if(nx.lt.1)ur(i1,i2)=f(npt,1) if(nx.lt.1)ui(i1,i2)=-f(npt,2) if(nx.gt.1)zu(i1,i2)=f(npt,1)-zi*f(npt,2) if(i1.eq.i2) go to 340 c off diagnol symmetrty if(nx.lt.1)ur(i2,i1)=ur(i1,i2) if(nx.lt.1)ui(i2,i1)=ui(i1,i2) if(nx.gt.1)zu(i2,i1)=zu(i1,i2) 340 continue return c c special coulpled channels calc....now for k-p,kobar-n, sigma-pi c 1st fill lower half of full matrix,then latter upper c then set ur,ui to super matrix (ur,ui equiv to the above u) c v1 v4 v5 c v4 v2 v6 c v5 v6 v3 c npt is order written out/read in from storage c here only for b.s. with on shell point now included as n1 345 ngp=n1 if(nifty(15).eq.3)ngp=n1-1 ng2=2*ngp ng3=3*ngp c npt is locatn in triangle matrix stored linearly c rearrang with (i,j) index and above symmetry if(lpia.gt.lborn) write(6,420) lpia,lborn 420 format(' lpia gt lborn in optpbs bs********',2i3) do 347 i1=1,ngp c skip on shell point if ko k- if(i1.eq.n1.and.nifty(15).eq.3) go to 347 npot1=i1+ngp npot3=i1+ng2 do 346 i2=1,i1 npot2=i2+ngp npot4=i2+ng2 if(lpia.eq.1)read(7)(vr(i),vi(i),i=1,6) if(lpia.ne.1)read(7)(rhl,i=1,ldum),(vr(i),vi(i),i=1,6) if(nifty(6).eq.7)then c set imv = 0 do 425 i=1,6 425 vi(i)=0. endif c off diagnol block matrices,build in internal symmetry if(nifty(15).eq.3) go to 421 if(nx.lt.1)ur(npot1,i2)=vr(4) if(nx.lt.1)ui(npot1,i2)=vi(4) if(nx.lt.1)ur(npot3,i2)=vr(5) if(nx.lt.1)ui(npot3,i2)=vi(5) if(nx.lt.1)ur(npot3,npot2)=vr(6) if(nx.lt.1)ui(npot3,npot2)=vi(6) if(nx.gt.1)zu(npot1,i2)=vr(4)+zi*vi(4) if(nx.gt.1)zu(npot3,i2)=vr(5)+zi*vi(5) if(nx.gt.1)zu(npot3,npot2)=vr(6)+zi*vi(6) go to 422 c n(15)=3 st up 2 block matrix 421 zu(npot1,i2)=vr(5)+zi*vi(5) 422 continue if(i1.eq.i2) go to 348 c off diagnol block submatrix in lower lh side,fill its c non diagnol elements via symmetry if(nifty(15).eq.3) go to 423 if(nx.lt.1)ur(npot2,i1)=vr(4) if(nx.lt.1)ui(npot2,i1)=vi(4) if(nx.lt.1)ur(npot4,i1)=vr(5) if(nx.lt.1)ui(npot4,i1)=vi(5) if(nx.lt.1)ur(npot4,npot1)=vr(6) if(nx.lt.1)ui(npot4,npot1)=vi(6) if(nx.gt.1)zu(npot2,i1)=vr(4)+zi*vi(4) if(nx.gt.1)zu(npot4,i1)=vr(5)+zi*vi(5) if(nx.gt.1)zu(npot4,npot1)=vr(6)+zi*vi(6) go to 348 423 if(nx.gt.1)zu(npot2,i1)=vr(5)+zi*vi(5) c block diagnol matrices (only lower part as rest to follow) 348 if(nx.lt.1)ur(i1,i2)=vr(1) if(nx.lt.1)ui(i1,i2)=vi(1) if(nx.lt.1)ur(npot1,npot2)=vr(2) if(nx.lt.1)ui(npot1,npot2)=vi(2) if(nx.lt.1)ur(npot3,npot4)=vr(3) if(nx.lt.1)ui(npot3,npot4)=vi(3) if(nx.gt.1)zu(i1,i2)=vr(1)+zi*vi(1) if(nifty(15).eq.3) go to 424 if(nx.gt.1)zu(npot1,npot2)=vr(2)+zi*vi(2) if(nx.gt.1)zu(npot3,npot4)=vr(3)+zi*vi(3) go to 346 424 if(nx.gt.1)zu(npot1,npot2)=vr(3)+zi*vi(3) 346 continue 347 continue istart=ng3 if(nifty(15).eq.1.or.nifty(15).eq.3) istart=ng2 c build up upper rh part of super matrix via symmetry do 349 i2=2,istart i22=i2-1 do 349 i1=1,i22 if(nx.gt.1)zu(i1,i2)=zu(i2,i1) if(nx.lt.1)ur(i1,i2)=ur(i2,i1) 349 if(nx.lt.1)ui(i1,i2)=ui(i2,i1) c redefine on shell v for channel 2 (others mult by 0 in main) c only second row of block matrices changed if(nint.eq.1.or.nifty(19).eq.0)go to 245 if(nifty(15).eq.3) go to 245 write(6,244) 244 format(' define on shell v for channnel2 ala e') istart=n1+1 iend=ng2 iend2=1 zk=kk(n1) if(nifty(19).eq.2)zk=zk2 np(1)=n1 np(2)=ng2 np(3)=ng3 do 242 ii=istart,iend idum=ii-n1 zkp=kk(idum) if(ii.eq.iend) iend2=n1 do 242 ij=1,iend2 if(ii.ne.iend) go to 243 c last lint, fill in entire n1 th row for all block 2 zk=kk(ij) if(ij.eq.n1.and.nifty(19).eq.2)zk=zk2 np(1)=ij np(2)=ij+n1 np(3)=ij+ng2 243 call vkbarp(zkp,zk) do 242 i=1,3 jjj=np(i) if(nx.lt.1)ur(ii,jjj)=vkp(2,i) if(nx.lt.1)ui(ii,jjj)=-zi*vkp(2,i) if(nx.gt.1)zu(ii,jjj)=vkp(2,i) if(nint.eq.2.and.nx.lt.1) 1write(6,246)ii,jjj,zkp,zk,ur(ii,jjj),ui(ii,jjj) 246 format(' i,j,zkp,zk,u=',2i5,6e15.6) 242 continue 245 continue return c 350 format (30h c13 neutron spin ff for k=kp=,e15.5/10(10x,6e15.6/)) 360 format (2i5,2x,i1,i2,8i1,10i3,f10.3,e13.6) 370 format (8f10.4) 380 format (5e16.7) 390 format (2i5/6e16.7) 400 format (3x,3e19.4,2e11.3,e19.4,2e11.3) 410 format(28h0opt poten for k =k0(k1-bs)=,e18.5,13hand l=0(1-bs)/ 1 20x,2hkp, 2 13x,3hrev,16x,2hvc,15h rabs(n0 flip) ,11h rabs(flip),17x, 3 4h-imv,27h imvabs(noflip),imabs(flip)/) end c/* @(#)psibs.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:21:41 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine psibs(zsip,npt,nn,ldum,irmax,deltar,ptptw,pt,wt) c normalize p space wf and calculate r space wf via kwon-tabakin implicit real*8 (a-h,o-y) complex*16 zsip,psir,sump,sumr,cnorm dimension ptptw(npt),sbl(50),pt(npt),wt(npt),zsip(nn) data pi,hbarc/3.14159265,197.3289/ c most of this sub follows kwon-tabakin 's sub wavfn c c this portion normalizes the p-space w.f. c sump =0. c nb psi ... are complex*16 numbers in this sub do 10 i=1,npt ptptw(i)=wt(i)*(pt(i)**2) sump=sump+zsip(i)*zsip(i)*ptptw(i) c nb this renom mixes real*8 and im parts of wf and can give nodes in 10 continue c cnorm=1./csqrt(sump) cnorm=1./sqrt(sump) write(6,100) cnorm do 20 i=1,npt zsip(i)=cnorm*zsip(i) 20 continue write(6,110) write(6,120) (pt(i),zsip(i),i=1,npt) write(6,130) c c r space w.f. c irmax= no rvalues wanted deltar= increment in r fac=sqrt(2./pi) do 40 i=1,irmax sumr=0. rval=deltar*(i-1) if(rval.eq.0.)rval=1.e-8 do 30 j=1,npt pr=pt(j)*rval/hbarc c call spbesl(ldum,pr,sbl) sbl(ldum)=sin(pr)/pr c ********special l=0 only sumr=sumr+sbl(ldum)*zsip(j)*ptptw(j) 30 continue psir=fac*sumr write(6,140) rval,psir 40 continue 100 format(' cnorm =',1pe14.6,e14.6,/) 110 format(6x,1hp,10x,8hre(zsip),12x,8him(psip)) 120 format(6(1pe14.6,2x)) 130 format(/,' r (fermi) re(psir) im(psir)') 140 format(0pf8.2,2x,1pe14.6,2x,e14.6) return end subroutine qform(m,n,q,ldq,wa) c***begin prologue qform c c***changed to double precision c c***refer to snsqe,snsq c ********** c c subroutine qform c c this subroutine proceeds from the computed qr factorization of c an m by n matrix a to accumulate the m by m orthogonal matrix c q from its factored form. c c the subroutine statement is c c subroutine qform(m,n,q,ldq,wa) c c where c c m is a positive integer input variable set to the number c of rows of a and the order of q. c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the number c of columns of a. c c q is an m by m array. on input the full lower trapezoid in c the first min(m,n) columns of q contains the factored form. c on output q has been accumulated into a square matrix. c c ldq is a positive integer input variable not less than m c which specifies the leading dimension of the array q. c c wa is a work array of length m. c c subprograms called c c fortran-supplied ... min0 c c minpack. version of january 1979. c burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more c c ********** c c zero out upper triangle of q in the first min(m,n) columns. c c***routines called (none) c***end prologue qform implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer m,n,ldq real*8 q(ldq,m),wa(m) integer i,j,jm1,k,l,minmn,np1 real*8 one,sum,temp,zero data one,zero /1.0d0,0.0d0/ c***first executable statement qform minmn = min0(m,n) if (minmn .lt. 2) go to 30 do 20 j = 2, minmn jm1 = j - 1 do 10 i = 1, jm1 q(i,j) = zero 10 continue 20 continue 30 continue c c initialize remaining columns to those of the identity matrix. c np1 = n + 1 if (m .lt. np1) go to 60 do 50 j = np1, m do 40 i = 1, m q(i,j) = zero 40 continue q(j,j) = one 50 continue 60 continue c c accumulate q from its factored form. c do 120 l = 1, minmn k = minmn - l + 1 do 70 i = k, m wa(i) = q(i,k) q(i,k) = zero 70 continue q(k,k) = one if (wa(k) .eq. zero) go to 110 do 100 j = k, m sum = zero do 80 i = k, m sum = sum + q(i,j)*wa(i) 80 continue temp = sum/wa(k) do 90 i = k, m q(i,j) = q(i,j) - temp*wa(i) 90 continue 100 continue 110 continue 120 continue return c c last card of subroutine qform. c end c/* @(#)qlfun.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:21:51 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine qlfun(l,z,ql) c c legrendre functn of second kind for all l values c from tabakin s bopit implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension fac(15),ql(15) if(z.gt.1) go to 30 c rhl mod use series for z gt 1 vs 10 as tabakin if(z.eq.1)write(6,900) if(z.eq.1)return 900 format('qlfun called for z=1') ql(1)=0.5*dlog(abs((z+1)/(z-1))) ql(2)=z*ql(1)-1. if(l.le.2) go to 20 do 10 n=2,l ql(n+1)=(2*n-1)*z*ql(n)-(n-1)*ql(n-1) 10 ql(n+1)=ql(n+1)/n 20 return c c series expansion c 30 fac(1)=1. nmax=l+2 zsqinv=1/z/z do 50 n=1,nmax 50 fac(n+1)=fac(n)*n/(2.*n+1) do 70 lp1=1,l ll=lp1-1 prefac=fac(ll+1)/(z**(ll+1)) fk=1. alfa=0.5*ll beta=alfa-.5 gama=ll+.5 sum=1. do 60 k=1,100 fk=fk*zsqinv*(alfa+k)*(beta+k)/(gama+k)/k if(fk.lt.1.e-17) go to 70 60 sum=sum+fk 70 ql(lp1)= prefac*sum return end subroutine qrfac(m,n,a,lda,pivot,ipvt,lipvt,sigma,acnorm,wa) c***begin prologue qrfac c c***changed to double precision c c***refer to snlse,snls,snsqe,snsq c ********** c c subroutine qrfac c c this subroutine uses householder transformations with column c pivoting (optional) to compute a qr factorization of the c m by n matrix a. that is, qrfac determines an orthogonal c matrix q, a permutation matrix p, and an upper trapezoidal c matrix r with diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude, c such that a*p = q*r. the householder transformation for c column k, k = 1,2,...,min(m,n), is of the form c c t c i - (1/u(k))*u*u c c where u has zeros in the first k-1 positions. the form of c this transformation and the method of pivoting first c appeared in the corresponding linpack subroutine. c c the subroutine statement is c c subroutine qrfac(m,n,a,lda,pivot,ipvt,lipvt,sigma,acnorm,wa) c c where c c m is a positive integer input variable set to the number c of rows of a. c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the number c of columns of a. c c a is an m by n array. on input a contains the matrix for c which the qr factorization is to be computed. on output c the strict upper trapezoidal part of a contains the strict c upper trapezoidal part of r, and the lower trapezoidal c part of a contains a factored form of q (the non-trivial c elements of the u vectors described above). c c lda is a positive integer input variable not less than m c which specifies the leading dimension of the array a. c c pivot is a logical input variable. if pivot is set true, c then column pivoting is enforced. if pivot is set false, c then no column pivoting is done. c c ipvt is an integer output array of length lipvt. ipvt c defines the permutation matrix p such that a*p = q*r. c column j of p is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix. c if pivot is false, ipvt is not referenced. c c lipvt is a positive integer input variable. if pivot is false, c then lipvt may be as small as 1. if pivot is true, then c lipvt must be at least n. c c sigma is an output array of length n which contains the c diagonal elements of r. c c acnorm is an output array of length n which contains the c norms of the corresponding columns of the input matrix a. c if this information is not needed, then acnorm can coincide c with sigma. c c wa is a work array of length n. if pivot is false, then wa c can coincide with sigma. c c subprograms called c c minpack-supplied ... r1mach,enorm c c fortran-supplied ... dmax1,sqrt,min0 c c minpack. version of december 1978. c burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more c c ********** c c epsmch is the machine precision. c c***routines called r1mach,enorm c***end prologue qrfac implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer m,n,lda,lipvt integer ipvt(lipvt) logical pivot real*8 a(lda,n),sigma(n),acnorm(n),wa(n) integer i,j,jp1,k,kmax,minmn real*8 ajnorm,epsmch,one,p05,sum,temp,zero real*8 r1mach,enorm data one,p05,zero /1.0d0,5.0d-2,0.0d0/ c***first executable statement qrfac epsmch = r1mach(4) c c compute the initial column norms and initialize several arrays. c do 10 j = 1, n acnorm(j) = enorm(m,a(1,j)) sigma(j) = acnorm(j) wa(j) = sigma(j) if (pivot) ipvt(j) = j 10 continue c c reduce a to r with householder transformations. c minmn = min0(m,n) do 110 j = 1, minmn if (.not.pivot) go to 40 c c bring the column of largest norm into the pivot position. c kmax = j do 20 k = j, n if (sigma(k) .gt. sigma(kmax)) kmax = k 20 continue if (kmax .eq. j) go to 40 do 30 i = 1, m temp = a(i,j) a(i,j) = a(i,kmax) a(i,kmax) = temp 30 continue sigma(kmax) = sigma(j) wa(kmax) = wa(j) k = ipvt(j) ipvt(j) = ipvt(kmax) ipvt(kmax) = k 40 continue c c compute the householder transformation to reduce the c j-th column of a to a multiple of the j-th unit vector. c ajnorm = enorm(m-j+1,a(j,j)) if (ajnorm .eq. zero) go to 100 if (a(j,j) .lt. zero) ajnorm = -ajnorm do 50 i = j, m a(i,j) = a(i,j)/ajnorm 50 continue a(j,j) = a(j,j) + one c c apply the transformation to the remaining columns c and update the norms. c jp1 = j + 1 if (n .lt. jp1) go to 100 do 90 k = jp1, n sum = zero do 60 i = j, m sum = sum + a(i,j)*a(i,k) 60 continue temp = sum/a(j,j) do 70 i = j, m a(i,k) = a(i,k) - temp*a(i,j) 70 continue if (.not.pivot .or. sigma(k) .eq. zero) go to 80 temp = a(j,k)/sigma(k) sigma(k) = sigma(k)*sqrt(dmax1(zero,one-temp**2)) if (p05*(sigma(k)/wa(k))**2 .gt. epsmch) go to 80 sigma(k) = enorm(m-j,a(jp1,k)) wa(k) = sigma(k) 80 continue 90 continue 100 continue sigma(j) = -ajnorm 110 continue return c c last card of subroutine qrfac. c end subroutine qrsolv(n,r,ldr,ipvt,diag,qtb,x,sigma,wa) c***begin prologue qrsolv c***refer to snlse,snls c ********** c c subroutine qrsolv c c given an m by n matrix a, an n by n diagonal matrix d, c and an m-vector b, the problem is to determine an x which c solves the system c c a*x = b , d*x = 0 , c c in the least squares sense. c c this subroutine completes the solution of the problem c if it is provided with the necessary information from the c qr factorization, with column pivoting, of a. that is, if c a*p = q*r, where p is a permutation matrix, q has orthogonal c columns, and r is an upper triangular matrix with diagonal c elements of nonincreasing magnitude, then qrsolv expects c the full upper triangle of r, the permutation matrix p, c and the first n components of (q transpose)*b. the system c a*x = b, d*x = 0, is then equivalent to c c t t c r*z = q *b , p *d*p*z = 0 , c c where x = p*z. if this system does not have full rank, c then a least squares solution is obtained. on output qrsolv c also provides an upper triangular matrix s such that c c t t t c p *(a *a + d*d)*p = s *s . c c s is computed within qrsolv and may be of separate interest. c c the subroutine statement is c c subroutine qrsolv(n,r,ldr,ipvt,diag,qtb,x,sigma,wa) c c where c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the order of r. c c r is an n by n array. on input the full upper triangle c must contain the full upper triangle of the matrix r. c on output the full upper triangle is unaltered, and the c strict lower triangle contains the strict upper triangle c (transposed) of the upper triangular matrix s. c c ldr is a positive integer input variable not less than n c which specifies the leading dimension of the array r. c c ipvt is an integer input array of length n which defines the c permutation matrix p such that a*p = q*r. column j of p c is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix. c c diag is an input array of length n which must contain the c diagonal elements of the matrix d. c c qtb is an input array of length n which must contain the first c n elements of the vector (q transpose)*b. c c x is an output array of length n which contains the least c squares solution of the system a*x = b, d*x = 0. c c sigma is an output array of length n which contains the c diagonal elements of the upper triangular matrix s. c c wa is a work array of length n. c c subprograms called c c fortran-supplied ... abs,sqrt c c minpack. version of december 1978. c burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more c c ********** c c copy r and (q transpose)*b to preserve input and initialize s. c in particular, save the diagonal elements of r in x. c c***routines called (none) c***end prologue qrsolv integer n,ldr integer ipvt(n) double precision r(ldr,n),diag(n),qtb(n),x(n),sigma(n),wa(n) integer i,j,jp1,k,kp1,l,nsing double precision cos,cotan,p5,p25,qtbpj,sin,sum,tan,temp,zero data p5,p25,zero /5.0d-1,2.5d-1,0.0d0/ c***first executable statement qrsolv do 20 j = 1, n do 10 i = j, n r(i,j) = r(j,i) 10 continue x(j) = r(j,j) wa(j) = qtb(j) 20 continue c c eliminate the diagonal matrix d using a givens rotation. c do 100 j = 1, n c c prepare the row of d to be eliminated, locating the c diagonal element using p from the qr factorization. c l = ipvt(j) if (diag(l) .eq. zero) go to 90 do 30 k = j, n sigma(k) = zero 30 continue sigma(j) = diag(l) c c the transformations to eliminate the row of d c modify only a single element of (q transpose)*b c beyond the first n, which is initially zero. c qtbpj = zero do 80 k = j, n c c determine a givens rotation which eliminates the c appropriate element in the current row of d. c if (sigma(k) .eq. zero) go to 70 if (abs(r(k,k)) .ge. abs(sigma(k))) go to 40 cotan = r(k,k)/sigma(k) sin = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*cotan**2) cos = sin*cotan go to 50 40 continue tan = sigma(k)/r(k,k) cos = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*tan**2) sin = cos*tan 50 continue c c compute the modified diagonal element of r and c the modified element of ((q transpose)*b,0). c r(k,k) = cos*r(k,k) + sin*sigma(k) temp = cos*wa(k) + sin*qtbpj qtbpj = -sin*wa(k) + cos*qtbpj wa(k) = temp c c accumulate the tranformation in the row of s. c kp1 = k + 1 if (n .lt. kp1) go to 70 do 60 i = kp1, n temp = cos*r(i,k) + sin*sigma(i) sigma(i) = -sin*r(i,k) + cos*sigma(i) r(i,k) = temp 60 continue 70 continue 80 continue 90 continue c c store the diagonal element of s and restore c the corresponding diagonal element of r. c sigma(j) = r(j,j) r(j,j) = x(j) 100 continue c c solve the triangular system for z. if the system is c singular, then obtain a least squares solution. c nsing = n do 110 j = 1, n if (sigma(j) .eq. zero .and. nsing .eq. n) nsing = j - 1 if (nsing .lt. n) wa(j) = zero 110 continue if (nsing .lt. 1) go to 150 do 140 k = 1, nsing j = nsing - k + 1 sum = zero jp1 = j + 1 if (nsing .lt. jp1) go to 130 do 120 i = jp1, nsing sum = sum + r(i,j)*wa(i) 120 continue 130 continue wa(j) = (wa(j) - sum)/sigma(j) 140 continue 150 continue c c permute the components of z back to components of x. c do 160 j = 1, n l = ipvt(j) x(l) = wa(j) 160 continue return c c last card of subroutine qrsolv. c end double precision function r1mach(i) c***begin prologue r1mach c***revision date 850615 (yymmdd) c c***changed to double precision c c***category no. q c***keywords machine constants c***date written 1979 c***author fox p.a.,.hall a.d., schryer n.l. (bell labs) c***purpose c returns single precision machine dependent constants c***description c c r1mach can be used to obtain machine-dependent parameters c for the local machine environment. it is a function c subroutine with one (input) argument, and can be called c as follows, for example c c a = r1mach(i) c c where i=1,...,5. the (output) value of a above is c determined by the (input) value of i. the results for c various values of i are discussed below. c c single-precision machine constants c r1mach(1) = b**(emin-1), the smallest positive magnitude. c r1mach(2) = b**emax*(1 - b**(-t)), the largest magnitude. c r1mach(3) = b**(-t), the smallest relative spacing. c r1mach(4) = b**(1-t), the largest relative spacing. c r1mach(5) = log10(b) c c to alter this function for a particular environment, c the desired set of data statements should be activated by c removing the c from column 1. c c where possible, octal or hexadecimal constants have been used c to specify the constants exactly which has in some cases c required the use of equivalent integer arrays. c c***references c fox p.a., hall a.d., schryer n.l.,*framework for a portable library*, c acm transaction on mathematical software, vol. 4, no. 2, c june 1978, pp. 177-188. c***routines called xerror c***end prologue r1mach c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) c integer small(2) c integer large(2) c integer right(2) c integer diver(2) c integer log10(2) c real*8 rmach(5) c c equivalence (rmach(1),small(1)) c equivalence (rmach(2),large(1)) c equivalence (rmach(3),right(1)) c equivalence (rmach(4),diver(1)) c equivalence (rmach(5),log10(1)) c c machine constants for the burroughs 1700 system. c c data rmach(1) / z400800000 / c data rmach(2) / z5ffffffff / c data rmach(3) / z4e9800000 / c data rmach(4) / z4ea800000 / c data rmach(5) / z500e730e8 / c c machine constants for the burroughs 5700/6700/7700 systems. c c data rmach(1) / o1771000000000000 / c data rmach(2) / o0777777777777777 / c data rmach(3) / o1311000000000000 / c data rmach(4) / o1301000000000000 / c data rmach(5) / o1157163034761675 / c c machine constants for the cdc 6000/7000 series. c c data rmach(1) / 00014000000000000000b / c data rmach(2) / 37767777777777777777b / c data rmach(3) / 16404000000000000000b / c data rmach(4) / 16414000000000000000b / c data rmach(5) / 17164642023241175720b / c c machine constants for the cray 1 c c data rmach(1) / 200004000000000000000b / c data rmach(2) / 577777777777777777777b / c data rmach(3) / 377214000000000000000b / c data rmach(4) / 377224000000000000000b / c data rmach(5) / 377774642023241175720b / c c machine constants for the data general eclipse s/200 c c note - it may be appropriate to include the following card - c static rmach(5) c c data small/20k,0/,large/77777k,177777k/ c data right/35420k,0/,diver/36020k,0/ c data log10/40423k,42023k/ c c machine constants for the harris 220 c c data small(1),small(2) / [20000000, [00000201 / c data large(1),large(2) / [37777777, [00000177 / c data right(1),right(2) / [20000000, [00000352 / c data diver(1),diver(2) / [20000000, [00000353 / c data log10(1),log10(2) / [23210115, [00000377 / c c machine constants for the honeywell 600/6000 series. c c data rmach(1) / o402400000000 / c data rmach(2) / o376777777777 / c data rmach(3) / o714400000000 / c data rmach(4) / o716400000000 / c data rmach(5) / o776464202324 / c c machine constants for the hp 2100 c c 3 word double precision with ftn4 c c data small(1), small(2) / 40000b, 1 / c data large(1), large(2) / 77777b, 177776b / c data right(1), right(2) / 40000b, 325b / c data diver(1), diver(2) / 40000b, 327b / c data log10(1), log10(2) / 46420b, 46777b / c c machine constants for the hp 2100 c 4 word double precision with ftn4 c c data small(1), small(2) / 40000b, 1 / c data large91), large(2) / 77777b, 177776b / c data right(1), right(2) / 40000b, 325b / c data diver(1), diver(2) / 40000b, 327b / c data log10(1), log10(2) / 46420b, 46777b / c c machine constants for the ibm 360/370 series, c the xerox sigma 5/7/9, the sel systems 85/86 and c the perkin elmer (interdata) 7/32. c c data rmach(1) / z00100000 / c data rmach(2) / z7fffffff / c data rmach(3) / z3b100000 / c data rmach(4) / z3c100000 / c data rmach(5) / z41134413 / c c machine constants for the pdp-10 (ka or ki processor). c c data rmach(1) / "000400000000 / c data rmach(2) / "377777777777 / c data rmach(3) / "146400000000 / c data rmach(4) / "147400000000 / c data rmach(5) / "177464202324 / c c machine constants for pdp-11 fortran[s supporting c 32-bit integers (expressed in integer and octal). c c data small(1) / 8388608 / c data large(1) / 2147483647 / c data right(1) / 880803840 / c data diver(1) / 889192448 / c data log10(1) / 1067065499 / c c data rmach(1) / o00040000000 / c data rmach(2) / o17777777777 / c data rmach(3) / o06440000000 / c data rmach(4) / o06500000000 / c data rmach(5) / o07746420233 / c c machine constants for pdp-11 fortran[s supporting c 16-bit integers (expressed in integer and octal). c c data small(1),small(2) / 128, 0 / c data large(1),large(2) / 32767, -1 / c data right(1),right(2) / 13440, 0 / c data diver(1),diver(2) / 13568, 0 / c data log10(1),log10(2) / 16282, 8347 / c c data small(1),small(2) / o000200, o000000 / c data large(1),large(2) / o077777, o177777 / c data right(1),right(2) / o032200, o000000 / c data diver(1),diver(2) / o032400, o000000 / c data log10(1),log10(2) / o037632, o020233 / c c machine constants for the univac 1100 series. c c data rmach(1) / o000400000000 / c data rmach(2) / o377777777777 / c data rmach(3) / o146400000000 / c data rmach(4) / o147400000000 / c data rmach(5) / o177464202324 / c c machine constants for the vax 11/780 c c data small(1) / z00000080 / c data large(2) / zffff7fff / c data right(3) / z00003480 / c data diver(4) / z00003500 / c data log10(5) / z20983f9a / c c machine constants for the ridge double precision data rmach(1) / 2.2250738585072027d-308/ data rmach(2) / 1.7976931348623148d308/ data rmach(3) / 1.110223d-16/ data rmach(4) / 2.220446d-16/ data rmach(5) / 3.010299d-01/ c c***first executable statement r1mach c if (i .lt. 1 .or. i .gt. 5) 1 call xerror (25hr1mach -- i out of bounds,25,1,2) c r1mach = rmach(i) return c end subroutine r1mpyq(m,n,a,lda,v,w) c***begin prologue r1mpyq c c***changed to double precision c c***refer to snsq,snsqe c ********** c c subroutine r1mpyq c c given an m by n matrix a, this subroutine computes a*q where c q is the product of 2*(n - 1) transformations c c gv(n-1)*...*gv(1)*gw(1)*...*gw(n-1) c c and gv(i), gw(i) are givens rotations in the (i,n) plane which c eliminate elements in the i-th and n-th planes, respectively. c q itself is not given, rather the information to recover the c gv, gw rotations is supplied. c c the subroutine statement is c c subroutine r1mpyq(m,n,a,lda,v,w) c c where c c m is a positive integer input variable set to the number c of rows of a. c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the number c of columns of a. c c a is an m by n array. on input a must contain the matrix c to be postmultiplied by the orthogonal matrix q c described above. on output a*q has replaced a. c c lda is a positive integer input variable not less than m c which specifies the leading dimension of the array a. c c v is an input array of length n. v(i) must contain the c information necessary to recover the givens rotation gv(i) c described above. c c w is an input array of length n. w(i) must contain the c information necessary to recover the givens rotation gw(i) c described above. c c subroutines called c c fortran-supplied ... abs,sqrt c c minpack. version of december 1978. c burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more c c ********** c c apply the first set of givens rotations to a. c c***routines called (none) c***end prologue r1mpyq implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer m,n,lda real*8 a(lda,n),v(n),w(n) integer i,j,nmj,nm1 real*8 cos,one,sin,temp data one /1.0d0/ c***first executable statement r1mpyq nm1 = n - 1 if (nm1 .lt. 1) go to 50 do 20 nmj = 1, nm1 j = n - nmj if (abs(v(j)) .gt. one) cos = one/v(j) if (abs(v(j)) .gt. one) sin = sqrt(one-cos**2) if (abs(v(j)) .le. one) sin = v(j) if (abs(v(j)) .le. one) cos = sqrt(one-sin**2) do 10 i = 1, m temp = cos*a(i,j) - sin*a(i,n) a(i,n) = sin*a(i,j) + cos*a(i,n) a(i,j) = temp 10 continue 20 continue c c apply the second set of givens rotations to a. c do 40 j = 1, nm1 if (abs(w(j)) .gt. one) cos = one/w(j) if (abs(w(j)) .gt. one) sin = sqrt(one-cos**2) if (abs(w(j)) .le. one) sin = w(j) if (abs(w(j)) .le. one) cos = sqrt(one-sin**2) do 30 i = 1, m temp = cos*a(i,j) + sin*a(i,n) a(i,n) = -sin*a(i,j) + cos*a(i,n) a(i,j) = temp 30 continue 40 continue 50 continue return c c last card of subroutine r1mpyq. c end subroutine r1updt(m,n,s,ls,u,v,w,sing) c***begin prologue r1updt c c***changed to double precision c c***refer to snsqe,snsq c ********** c c subroutine r1updt c c given an m by n lower trapezoidal matrix s, an m-vector u, c and an n-vector v, the problem is to determine an c orthogonal matrix q such that c c t c (s + u*v )*q c c is again lower trapezoidal. c c this subroutine determines q as the product of 2*(n - 1) c transformations c c gv(n-1)*...*gv(1)*gw(1)*...*gw(n-1) c c where gv(i), gw(i) are givens rotations in the (i,n) plane c which eliminate elements in the i-th and n-th planes, c respectively. q itself is not accumulated, rather the c information to recover the gv, gw rotations is returned. c c the subroutine statement is c c subroutine r1updt(m,n,s,ls,u,v,w,sing) c c where c c m is a positive integer input variable set to the number c of rows of s. c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the number c of columns of s. n must not exceed m. c c s is an array of length ls. on input s must contain the lower c trapezoidal matrix s stored by columns. on output s contains c the lower trapezoidal matrix produced as described above. c c ls is a positive integer input variable not less than c (n*(2*m-n+1))/2. c c u is an input array of length m which must contain the c vector u. c c v is an array of length n. on input v must contain the vector c v. on output v(i) contains the information necessary to c recover the givens rotation gv(i) described above. c c w is an output array of length m. w(i) contains information c necessary to recover the givens rotation gw(i) described c above. c c sing is a logical output variable. sing is set true if any c of the diagonal elements of the output s are zero. otherwise c v is set false. c c subprograms called c c minpack-supplied ... r1mach c c fortran-supplied ... abs,sqrt c c minpack. version of december 1978. c burton s. garbow, kenneth e. hillstrom, jorge j. more, c john l. nazareth c c ********** c c giant is the largest magnitude. c c***routines called r1mach c***end prologue r1updt implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer m,n,ls logical sing real*8 s(ls),u(m),v(n),w(m) integer i,j,jj,l,nmj,nm1 real*8 cos,cotan,giant,one,p5,p25,sin,tan,tau,temp,zero real*8 r1mach data one,p5,p25,zero /1.0d0,5.0d-1,2.5d-1,0.0d0/ c***first executable statement r1updt giant = r1mach(2) c c initialize the diagonal element pointer. c jj = (n*(2*m - n + 1))/2 - (m - n) c c move the nontrivial part of the last column of s into w. c l = jj do 10 i = n, m w(i) = s(l) l = l + 1 10 continue c c rotate the vector v into a multiple of the n-th unit vector c in such a way that a spike is introduced into w. c nm1 = n - 1 if (nm1 .lt. 1) go to 70 do 60 nmj = 1, nm1 j = n - nmj jj = jj - (m - j + 1) w(j) = zero if (v(j) .eq. zero) go to 50 c c determine a givens rotation which eliminates the c j-th element of v. c if (abs(v(n)) .ge. abs(v(j))) go to 20 cotan = v(n)/v(j) sin = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*cotan**2) cos = sin*cotan tau = one if (abs(cos)*giant .gt. one) tau = one/cos go to 30 20 continue tan = v(j)/v(n) cos = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*tan**2) sin = cos*tan tau = sin 30 continue c c apply the transformation to v and store the information c necessary to recover the givens rotation. c v(n) = sin*v(j) + cos*v(n) v(j) = tau c c apply the transformation to s and extend the spike in w. c l = jj do 40 i = j, m temp = cos*s(l) - sin*w(i) w(i) = sin*s(l) + cos*w(i) s(l) = temp l = l + 1 40 continue 50 continue 60 continue 70 continue c c add the spike from the rank 1 update to w. c do 80 i = 1, m w(i) = w(i) + v(n)*u(i) 80 continue c c eliminate the spike. c sing = .false. if (nm1 .lt. 1) go to 140 do 130 j = 1, nm1 if (w(j) .eq. zero) go to 120 c c determine a givens rotation which eliminates the c j-th element of the spike. c if (abs(s(jj)) .ge. abs(w(j))) go to 90 cotan = s(jj)/w(j) sin = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*cotan**2) cos = sin*cotan tau = one if (abs(cos)*giant .gt. one) tau = one/cos go to 100 90 continue tan = w(j)/s(jj) cos = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*tan**2) sin = cos*tan tau = sin 100 continue c c apply the transformation to s and reduce the spike in w. c l = jj do 110 i = j, m temp = cos*s(l) + sin*w(i) w(i) = -sin*s(l) + cos*w(i) s(l) = temp l = l + 1 110 continue c c store the information necessary to recover the c givens rotation. c w(j) = tau 120 continue c c test for zero diagonal elements in the output s. c if (s(jj) .eq. zero) sing = .true. jj = jj + (m - j + 1) 130 continue 140 continue c c move w back into the last column of the output s. c l = jj do 150 i = n, m s(l) = w(i) l = l + 1 150 continue if (s(jj) .eq. zero) sing = .true. return c c last card of subroutine r1updt. c end c/* @(#)rhos.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:22:03 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ real*8 function rhos(q) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) common /b/ rhoxc,rhoxv,delx,rbag,imax dimension rhoxc(40),rhoxv(41) if(q .lt. 1.0d-12) b0q=1.0d0 if(q .lt. 1.0d-12) go to 163 b0q=sin(q*rbag)/(q*rbag) 163 rhos=rhoxv(imax+1)*b0q return 162 rhos=0.0d0 return end c/* @(#)rhov.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:22:14 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ real*8 function rhov(q) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension rhoxc(40),rhoxv(41) sumq=0.0d0 itest=2 do 151 iix=2,imax xx=(iix-1)*delx if(abs(q) .lt. 1.0d-12) b0q=1.0d0 if(abs(q) .lt. 1.0d-12) go to 153 qx=q*xx b0q=sin(qx)/qx 153 itest=6-itest sumq=sumq+rhoxv(iix-1)*itest*b0q 151 continue if(abs(q) .lt. 1.0d-12) b0q=1.0d0 if(abs(q) .lt. 1.0d-12) go to 154 b0q=sin(q*rbag)/(q*rbag) 154 rhov=(sumq+rhoxv(imax)*b0q)*delx/3.0d0 return 152 rhov=0.0d0 return end subroutine rwupdt(n,r,ldr,w,b,alpha,cos,sin) c***begin prologue rwupdt c***refer to snlse,snls c ********** c c subroutine rwupdt c c given an n by n upper triangular matrix r, this subroutine c computes the qr decomposition of the matrix formed when a row c is added to r. if the row is specified by the vector w, then c rwupdt determines an orthogonal matrix q such that when the c n+1 by n matrix composed of r augmented by w is premultiplied c by (q transpose), the resulting matrix is upper trapezoidal. c the orthogonal matrix q is the product of n transformations c c g(1)*g(2)* ... *g(n) c c where g(i) is a givens rotation in the (i,n+1) plane which c eliminates elements in the i-th plane. rwupdt also c computes the product (q transpose)*c where c is the c (n+1)-vector (b,alpha). q itself is not accumulated, rather c the information to recover the g rotations is supplied. c c the subroutine statement is c c subroutine rwupdt(n,r,ldr,w,b,alpha,cos,sin) c c where c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the order of r. c c r is an n by n array. on input the upper triangular part of c r must contain the matrix to be updated. on output r c contains the updated triangular matrix. c c ldr is a positive integer input variable not less than n c which specifies the leading dimension of the array r. c c w is an input array of length n which must contain the row c vector to be added to r. c c b is an array of length n. on input b must contain the c first n elements of the vector c. on output b contains c the first n elements of the vector (q transpose)*c. c c alpha is a variable. on input alpha must contain the c (n+1)-st element of the vector c. on output alpha contains c the (n+1)-st element of the vector (q transpose)*c. c c cos is an output array of length n which contains the c cosines of the transforming givens rotations. c c sin is an output array of length n which contains the c sines of the transforming givens rotations. c c subprograms called c c fortran-supplied ... abs,sqrt c c minpack. version of december 1978. c burton s. garbow, dudley v. goetschel, kenneth e. hillstrom, c jorge j. more c c ********** c c***routines called (none) c***end prologue rwupdt integer n,ldr double precision alpha double precision r(ldr,n),w(n),b(n),cos(n),sin(n) integer i,j,jm1 double precision cotan,one,p5,p25,rowj,tan,temp,zero data one,p5,p25,zero /1.0d0,5.0d-1,2.5d-1,0.0d0/ c***first executable statement rwupdt do 60 j = 1, n rowj = w(j) jm1 = j - 1 c c apply the previous transformations to c r(i,j), i=1,2,...,j-1, and to w(j). c if (jm1 .lt. 1) go to 20 do 10 i = 1, jm1 temp = cos(i)*r(i,j) + sin(i)*rowj rowj = -sin(i)*r(i,j) + cos(i)*rowj r(i,j) = temp 10 continue 20 continue c c determine a givens rotation which eliminates w(j). c cos(j) = one sin(j) = zero if (rowj .eq. zero) go to 50 if (abs(r(j,j)) .ge. abs(rowj)) go to 30 cotan = r(j,j)/rowj sin(j) = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*cotan**2) cos(j) = sin(j)*cotan go to 40 30 continue tan = rowj/r(j,j) cos(j) = p5/sqrt(p25+p25*tan**2) sin(j) = cos(j)*tan 40 continue c c apply the current transformation to r(j,j), b(j), and alpha. c r(j,j) = cos(j)*r(j,j) + sin(j)*rowj temp = cos(j)*b(j) + sin(j)*alpha alpha = -sin(j)*b(j) + cos(j)*alpha b(j) = temp 50 continue 60 continue return c c last card of subroutine rwupdt. c end subroutine s88fmt(n,ivalue,ifmt) c***begin prologue s88fmt c c***changed to double precision c c***refer to xerror c abstract c s88fmt replaces ifmt(1), ... ,ifmt(n) with the c characters corresponding to the n least significant c digits of ivalue. c c taken from the bell laboratories port library error handler c latest revision --- 7 june 1978 c c***references c jones r.e., *slatec common mathematical library error handling c package*, sand78-1189, sandia laboratories, 1978. c***routines called (none) c***end prologue s88fmt c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension ifmt(n),idigit(10) data idigit(1),idigit(2),idigit(3),idigit(4),idigit(5), 1 idigit(6),idigit(7),idigit(8),idigit(9),idigit(10) 2 /1h0,1h1,1h2,1h3,1h4,1h5,1h6,1h7,1h8,1h9/ c***first executable statement s88fmt nt = n it = ivalue 10 if (nt .eq. 0) return index = mod(it,10) ifmt(nt) = idigit(index+1) it = it/10 nt = nt - 1 go to 10 end real*8 function scasum(n,cx,incx) c***begin prologue scasum c***revision date 811015 (yymmdd) c***category no. f1a c***keywords blas,vector,complex,sum c***date written october 1979 c c***changed to double precision june 1985 by m.s. c c***author lawson c. (jpl),hanson r. (sla), c kincaid d. (u texas), krogh f. (jpl) c***purpose c sum of magnitudes of real and imaginary components of complex vector c***description c b l a s subprogram c description of parameters c c --input-- c n number of elements in input vector(s) c cx complex vector with n elements c incx storage spacing between elements of cx c c --output-- c scasum single precision result (zero if n.le.0) c c returns sums of magnitudes of real and imaginary parts of c components of cx. note that this is not the l1 norm of cx. c casum = sum from 0 to n-1 of abs(real(cx(1+i*incx))) + c abs(imag(cx(1+i*incx))) c c c***references c lawson c.l., hanson r.j., kincaid d.r., krogh f.t., c *basic linear algebra subprograms for fortran usage*, c algorithm no. 539, transactions on mathematical software, c volume 5, number 3, september 1979, 308-323 c***routines called (none) c***end prologue scasum implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) complex*16 cx(1) c***first executable statement scasum scasum=0. if(n .le. 0) return ns = n*incx do 10 i=1,ns,incx scasum = scasum + abs(dble(cx(i))) + abs(dimag(cx(i))) 10 continue return end subroutine snls(fcn,jac,iopt,m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,ftol,xtol, * gtol,maxfev,epsfcn,diag,mode,factor,nprint, * info,nfev,njev,ipvt,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) c***begin prologue snls c***revision date 811015 (yymmdd) c***category no. e2g1b1,e2g1b2 c***keywords nonlinear least squares,nonlinear data fitting, c levenberg-marquardt c***date written march 1980 c***author hiebert k.l. (sla) c***purpose c snls minimizes the sum of the squares of m nonlinear functions c in n variables by a modification of the levenberg-marquardt c algorithm. this code is the combination of the minpack codes c (argonne) lmder, lmdif, and lmstr. c***description c c c 1. purpose. c c the purpose of snls is to minimize the sum of the squares of m c nonlinear functions in n variables by a modification of the c levenberg-marquardt algorithm. the user must provide a subrou- c tine which calculates the functions. the user has the option c of how the jacobian will be supplied. the user can supply the c full jacobian, or the rows of the jacobian (to avoid storing c the full jacobian), or let the code approximate the jacobian by c forward-differencing. this code is the combination of the c minpack codes (argonne) lmder, lmdif, and lmstr. c c c 2. subroutine and type statements. c c subroutine snls(fcn,jac,iopt,m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,ftol,xtol, c * gtol,maxfev,epsfcn,diag,mode,factor,nprint,info c * ,nfev,njev,ipvt,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) c integer iopt,m,n,ldfjac,maxfev,mode,nprint,info,nfev,njev c integer ipvt(n) c double precision ftol,xtol,gtol,epsfcn,factor c double precision x(n),fvec(m),fjac(ldfjac,n),diag(n),qtf(n), c * wa1(n),wa2(n),wa3(n),wa4(m) c c c 3. parameters. c c parameters designated as input parameters must be specified on c entry to snls and are not changed on exit, while parameters c designated as output parameters need not be specified on entry c and are set to appropriate values on exit from snls. c c fcn is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates c the functions. fcn must be declared in an external statement c in the user calling program, and should be written as follows. c c subroutine fcn(m,n,x,fvec,iflag) c integer m,n,iflag c double precision x(n),fvec(m) c ---------- c calculate the functions at x and c return this vector in fvec. c ---------- c return c end c c the value of iflag should not be changed by fcn unless the c user wants to terminate execution of snls. in this case set c iflag to a negative integer. c c jac is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates c the jacobian. if iopt=1 or 3, then jac must be declared in an c external statement in the user calling program, and should be c written as follows. c c for iopt = 1 c subroutine jac(m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag) c integer m,n,ldfjac,iflag c double precision x(n),fvec(m),fjac(ldfjac,n) c ---------- c calculate the jacobian at x and return this c matrix in fjac. fvec contains the function c values at x and should not be altered. c ---------- c return c end c c for iopt = 3 c subroutine jac(m,n,x,fvec,fjrow,iflag) c integer m,n,iflag c double precision x(n),fvec(m),fjrow(n) c ---------- c if iflag = i, then calculate the i-th row of c jacobian at x and return this vector in fjrow. c fvec contains the function values at x and c should not be altered. c ---------- c return c end c c the value of iflag should not be changed by jac unless the c user wants to terminate execution of snls. in this case set c iflag to a negative integer. c c if iopt=2, jac can be ignored (treat it as a dummy argument). c c iopt is an input variable which specifies how the jacobian will c be calculated. if iopt=1 or 3, then the user must supply the c jacobian through the subroutine jac. if iopt=1, then the user c supplies the full jacobian with each call to jac. if iopt=3, c then the user supplies one row of the jacobian with each call. c (in this manner, storage can be saved because the full jacobia c jacobian is not stored.) if iopt=2, then the code will c approximate the jacobian by forward-differencing. c c m is a positive integer input variable set to the number of c functions. c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the number of c variables. n must not exceed m. c c x is an array of length n. on input x must contain an initial c estimate of the solution vector. on output x contains the c final estimate of the solution vector. c c fvec is an output array of length m which contains the functions c evaluated at the output x. c c fjac is an output array. for iopt=1 and 2, fjac is an m by n c array. for iopt=3, fjac is an n by n array. the upper n by n c submatrix of fjac contains an upper triangular matrix r with c diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude such that c c t t t c p *(jac *jac)*p = r *r, c c where p is a permutation matrix and jac is the final calcu- c lated jacobian. column j of p is column ipvt(j) (see below) c of the identity matrix. the lower part of fjac contains c information generated during the computation of r. c c ldfjac is a positive integer input variable which specifies c the leading dimension of the array fjac. for iopt=1 and 2, c ldfjac must not be less than m. for iopt=3, ldfjac must not c be less than n. c c ftol is a nonnegative input variable. termination occurs when c both the actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum c of squares are at most ftol. therefore, ftol measures the c relative error desired in the sum of squares. section 4 con- c tains more details about ftol. c c xtol is a nonnegative input variable. termination occurs when c the relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most c xtol. therefore, xtol measures the relative error desired in c the approximate solution. section 4 contains more details c about xtol. c c gtol is a nonnegative input variable. termination occurs when c the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the c jacobian is at most gtol in absolute value. therefore, gtol c measures the orthogonality desired between the function vector c and the columns of the jacobian. section 4 contains more c details about gtol. c c maxfev is a positive integer input variable. termination occurs c when the number of calls to fcn has reached maxfev. c c epsfcn is an input variable used in determining a suitable step c for the forward-difference approximation. this approximation c assumes that the relative errors in the functions are of the c order of epsfcn. if epsfcn is less than the machine preci- c sion, it is assumed that the relative errors in the functions c are of the order of the machine precision. if iopt=1 or 3, c then epsfcn can be ignored (treat it as a dummy argument). c c diag is an array of length n. if mode = 1 (see below), diag is c internally set. if mode = 2, diag must contain positive c entries that serve as implicit (multiplicative) scale factors c for the variables. c c mode is an integer input variable. if mode = 1, the variables c will be scaled internally. if mode = 2, the scaling is speci- c fied by the input diag. other values of mode are equivalent c to mode = 1. c c factor is a positive input variable used in determining the ini- c tial step bound. this bound is set to the product of factor c and the euclidean norm of diag*x if nonzero, or else to factor c itself. in most cases factor should lie in the interval c (.1,100.). 100. is a generally recommended value. c c nprint is an integer input variable that enables controlled c printing of iterates if it is positive. in this case, fcn is c called with iflag = 0 at the beginning of the first iteration c and every nprint iterations thereafter and immediately prior c to return, with x and fvec available for printing. appropriate c print statements must be added to fcn (see example) and c fvec should not be altered. if nprint is not positive, no c special calls of fcn with iflag = 0 are made. c c info is an integer output variable. if the user has terminated c execution, info is set to the (negative) value of iflag. see c description of fcn and jac. otherwise, info is set as follows. c c info = 0 improper input parameters. c c info = 1 both actual and predicted relative reductions in the c sum of squares are at most ftol. c c info = 2 relative error between two consecutive iterates is c at most xtol. c c info = 3 conditions for info = 1 and info = 2 both hold. c c info = 4 the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column c of the jacobian is at most gtol in absolute value. c c info = 5 number of calls to fcn has reached maxfev. c c info = 6 ftol is too small. no further reduction in the sum c of squares is possible. c c info = 7 xtol is too small. no further improvement in the c approximate solution x is possible. c c info = 8 gtol is too small. fvec is orthogonal to the c columns of the jacobian to machine precision. c c sections 4 and 5 contain more details about info. c c nfev is an integer output variable set to the number of calls to c fcn. c c njev is an integer output variable set to the number of c evaluation of the full jacobian. if iopt=1, only one call to c jac is required. if iopt=3, then m calls to jac are required. c if iopt=2, then njev is set to zero. c c ipvt is an integer output array of length n. ipvt defines a c permutation matrix p such that jac*p = q*r, where jac is the c final calculated jacobian, q is orthogonal (not stored), and r c is upper triangular with diagonal elements of nonincreasing c magnitude. column j of p is column ipvt(j) of the identity c matrix. c c qtf is an output array of length n which contains the first n c elements of the vector (q transpose)*fvec. c c wa1, wa2, and wa3 are work arrays of length n. c c wa4 is a work array of length m. c c c 4. successful completion. c c the accuracy of snls is controlled by the convergence parame- c ters ftol, xtol, and gtol. these parameters are used in tests c which make three types of comparisons between the approximation c x and a solution xsol. snls terminates when any of the tests c is satisfied. if any of the convergence parameters is less than c the machine precision (as defined by the function r1mach(4)) c then snls only attempts to satisfy the test defined by the c machine precision. further progress is not usually possible. c c the tests assume that the functions are reasonably well behaved, c and, if the jacobian is supplied by the user, that the functions c and the jacobian are coded consistently. if these conditions c are not satisfied, then snls may incorrectly indicate conver- c gence. the coding of the jacobian can be checked by the c subroutine chkder. if the jacobian is coded correctly or iopt=2, c then the validity of the answer can be checked, for example, by c rerunning snls with tighter tolerances. c c first convergence test. if enorm(z) denotes the euclidean norm c of a vector z, then this test attempts to guarantee that c c enorm(fvec) .le. (1+ftol)*enorm(fvecs), c c where fvecs denotes the functions evaluated at xsol. if this c condition is satisfied with ftol = 10**(-k), then the final c residual norm enorm(fvec) has k significant decimal digits and c info is set to 1 (or to 3 if the second test is also satis- c fied). unless high precision solutions are required, the c recommended value for ftol is the square root of the machine c precision. c c second convergence test. if d is the diagonal matrix whose c entries are defined by the array diag, then this test attempts c to guarantee that c c enorm(d*(x-xsol)) .le. xtol*enorm(d*xsol). c c if this condition is satisfied with xtol = 10**(-k), then the c larger components of d*x have k significant decimal digits and c info is set to 2 (or to 3 if the first test is also satis- c fied). there is a danger that the smaller components of d*x c may have large relative errors, but if mode = 1, then the c accuracy of the components of x is usually related to their c sensitivity. unless high precision solutions are required, c the recommended value for xtol is the square root of the c machine precision. c c third convergence test. this test is satisfied when the cosine c of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian at x c is at most gtol in absolute value. there is no clear rela- c tionship between this test and the accuracy of snls, and c furthermore, the test is equally well satisfied at other crit- c ical points, namely maximizers and saddle points. therefore, c termination caused by this test (info = 4) should be examined c carefully. the recommended value for gtol is zero. c c c 5. unsuccessful completion. c c unsuccessful termination of snls can be due to improper input c parameters, arithmetic interrupts, or an excessive number of c function evaluations. c c improper input parameters. info is set to 0 if iopt .lt. 1 c or iopt .gt. 3, or n .le. 0, or m .lt. n, or for iopt=1 or 2 c ldfjac .lt. m, or for iopt=3 ldfjac .lt. n, or ftol .lt. 0.e0, c or xtol .lt. 0.e0, or gtol .lt. 0.e0, or maxfev .le. 0, or c factor .le. 0.e0. c c arithmetic interrupts. if these interrupts occur in the fcn c subroutine during an early stage of the computation, they may c be caused by an unacceptable choice of x by snls. in this c case, it may be possible to remedy the situation by rerunning c snls with a smaller value of factor. c c excessive number of function evaluations. a reasonable value c for maxfev is 100*(n+1) for iopt=1 or 3 and 200*(n+1) for c iopt=2. if the number of calls to fcn reaches maxfev, then c this indicates that the routine is converging very slowly c as measured by the progress of fvec, and info is set to 5. c in this case, it may be helpful to restart snls with mode c set to 1. c c c 6. characteristics of the algorithm. c c snls is a modification of the levenberg-marquardt algorithm. c two of its main characteristics involve the proper use of c implicitly scaled variables (if mode = 1) and an optimal choice c for the correction. the use of implicitly scaled variables c achieves scale invariance of snls and limits the size of the c correction in any direction where the functions are changing c rapidly. the optimal choice of the correction guarantees (under c reasonable conditions) global convergence from starting points c far from the solution and a fast rate of convergence for c problems with small residuals. c c timing. the time required by snls to solve a given problem c depends on m and n, the behavior of the functions, the accu- c racy requested, and the starting point. the number of arith- c metic operations needed by snls is about n**3 to process each c evaluation of the functions (call to fcn) and to process each c evaluation of the jacobian it takes m*n**2 for iopt=1 (one c call to jac), m*n**2 for iopt=2 (n calls to fcn) and c 1.5*m*n**2 for iopt=3 (m calls to jac). unless fcn and jac c can be evaluated quickly, the timing of snls will be c strongly influenced by the time spent in fcn and jac. c c storage. snls requires (m*n + 2*m + 6*n) for iopt=1 or 2 and c (n**2 + 2*m + 6*n) for iopt=3 single precision storage c locations and n integer storage locations, in addition to c the storage required by the program. there are no internally c declared storage arrays. c c c 7. example. c c the problem is to determine the values of x(1), x(2), and x(3) c which provide the best fit (in the least squares sense) of c c x(1) + u(i)/(v(i)*x(2) + w(i)*x(3)), i = 1, 15 c c to the data c c y = (0.14,0.18,0.22,0.25,0.29,0.32,0.35,0.39, c 0.37,0.58,0.73,0.96,1.34,2.10,4.39), c c where u(i) = i, v(i) = 16 - i, and w(i) = min(u(i),v(i)). the c i-th component of fvec is thus defined by c c y(i) - (x(1) + u(i)/(v(i)*x(2) + w(i)*x(3))). c c ********** c c program test(input,output,tape6=output) c c c c driver for snls example. c c c integer j,iopt,m,n,ldfjac,maxfev,mode,nprint,info,nfev,njev, c * nwrite c integer ipvt(3) c double precision ftol,xtol,gtol,factor,fnorm,epsfcn c double precision x(3),fvec(15),fjac(15,3),diag(3),qtf(3), c * wa1(3),wa2(3),wa3(3),wa4(15) c double precision enorm,r1mach c external fcn,jac c data nwrite /6/ c c c iopt = 1 c m = 15 c n = 3 c c c c the following starting values provide a rough fit. c c c x(1) = 1.e0 c x(2) = 1.e0 c x(3) = 1.e0 c c c ldfjac = 15 c c c c set ftol and xtol to the square root of the machine precision c c and gtol to zero. unless high precision solutions are c c required, these are the recommended settings. c c c ftol = sqrt(r1mach(4)) c xtol = sqrt(r1mach(4)) c gtol = 0.e0 c c c maxfev = 400 c epsfcn = 0.0 c mode = 1 c factor = 1.e2 c nprint = 0 c c c call snls(fcn,jac,iopt,m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,ftol,xtol, c * gtol,maxfev,epsfcn,diag,mode,factor,nprint, c * info,nfev,njev,ipvt,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) c fnorm = enorm(m,fvec) c write (nwrite,1000) fnorm,nfev,njev,info,(x(j),j=1,n) c stop c 1000 format (5x,31h final l2 norm of the residuals,e15.7 // c * 5x,31h number of function evaluations,i10 // c * 5x,31h number of jacobian evaluations,i10 // c * 5x,15h exit parameter,16x,i10 // c * 5x,27h final approximate solution // 5x,3e15.7) c end c subroutine fcn(m,n,x,fvec,iflag) c integer m,n,iflag c double precision x(n),fvec(m) c integer i c double precision tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4 c double precision y(15) c data y(1),y(2),y(3),y(4),y(5),y(6),y(7),y(8), c * y(9),y(10),y(11),y(12),y(13),y(14),y(15) c * /1.4e-1,1.8e-1,2.2e-1,2.5e-1,2.9e-1,3.2e-1,3.5e-1,3.9e-1, c * 3.7e-1,5.8e-1,7.3e-1,9.6e-1,1.34e0,2.1e0,4.39e0/ c c c if (iflag .ne. 0) go to 5 c c c c insert print statements here when nprint is positive. c c c return c 5 continue c do 10 i = 1, 15 c tmp1 = i c tmp2 = 16 - i c tmp3 = tmp1 c if (i .gt. 8) tmp3 = tmp2 c fvec(i) = y(i) - (x(1) + tmp1/(x(2)*tmp2 + x(3)*tmp3)) c 10 continue c return c end c subroutine jac(m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag) c integer m,n,ldfjac,iflag c double precision x(n),fvec(m),fjac(ldfjac,n) c integer i c double precision tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4 c c c do 10 i = 1, 15 c tmp1 = i c tmp2 = 16 - i c tmp3 = tmp1 c if (i .gt. 8) tmp3 = tmp2 c tmp4 = (x(2)*tmp2 + x(3)*tmp3)**2 c fjac(i,1) = -1.e0 c fjac(i,2) = tmp1*tmp2/tmp4 c fjac(i,3) = tmp1*tmp3/tmp4 c 10 continue c return c end c c c results obtained with different compilers or machines c may be slightly different. c c final l2 norm of the residuals 0.9063596e-01 c c number of function evaluations 6 c c number of jacobian evaluations 5 c c exit parameter 1 c c final approximate solution c c 0.8241058e-01 0.1133037e+01 0.2343695e+01 c c c for iopt = 2, fcn would be the same and jac would not be c supplied. c c for iopt = 3, fcn would be the same, fjac wolud be dimensioned c as fjac(3,3), ldfjac would be set to 3, and jac would be c written as follows. c c subroutine jac(m,n,x,fvec,fjrow,iflag) c integer m,n,iflag c double precision x(n),fvec(m),fjrow(n) c integer i c double precision tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4 c c i = iflag c tmp1 = i c tmp2 = 16 - i c tmp3 = tmp1 c if (i .gt. 8) tmp3 = tmp2 c tmp4 = (x(2)*tmp2 + x(3)*tmp3)**2 c fjrow(1) = -1.e0 c fjrow(2) = tmp1*tmp2/tmp4 c fjrow(3) = tmp1*tmp3/tmp4 c return c end c c c c***references c more, jorge j. c the levenberg-marquardt algorithm, implementation and theory. c numerical analysis, g. a. watson, editor. c lecture notes in mathematics 630, springer-verlag, 1977. c***routines called enorm,fdjac2,lmpar,qrfac,rwupdt,r1mach,xerror c***end prologue snls integer iopt,m,n,ldfjac,maxfev,mode,nprint,info,nfev,njev integer ipvt(n) double precision ftol,xtol,gtol,factor,epsfcn double precision x(n),fvec(m),fjac(ldfjac,n),diag(n), & qtf(n),wa1(n),wa2(n), * wa3(n),wa4(m) logical sing external fcn integer i,iflag,iter,j,l double precision actred,delta,dirder,epsmch,fnorm,fnorm1, & gnorm,one,par, * pnorm,prered,p1,p5,p25,p75,p0001,ratio,sum,temp,temp1, * temp2,xnorm,zero double precision r1mach,enorm data one,p1,p5,p25,p75,p0001,zero * /1.0d0,1.0d-1,5.0d-1,2.5d-1,7.5d-1,1.0d-4,0.0d0/ c c***first executable statement snls epsmch = r1mach(4) c info = 0 iflag = 0 nfev = 0 njev = 0 c c check the input parameters for errors. c if (iopt .lt. 1 .or. iopt .gt. 3 .or. n .le. 0 .or. * m .lt. n .or. ldfjac .lt. n .or. ftol .lt. zero * .or. xtol .lt. zero .or. gtol .lt. zero * .or. maxfev .le. 0 .or. factor .le. zero) go to 300 if (iopt .lt. 3 .and. ldfjac .lt. m) go to 300 if (mode .ne. 2) go to 20 do 10 j = 1, n if (diag(j) .le. zero) go to 300 10 continue 20 continue c c evaluate the function at the starting point c and calculate its norm. c iflag = 1 call fcn(m,n,x,fvec,iflag) nfev = 1 if (iflag .lt. 0) go to 300 fnorm = enorm(m,fvec) c c initialize levenberg-marquardt parameter and iteration counter. c par = zero iter = 1 c c beginning of the outer loop. c 30 continue c c if requested, call fcn to enable printing of iterates. c if (nprint .le. 0) go to 40 iflag = 0 if (mod(iter-1,nprint) .eq. 0) * call fcn(m,n,x,fvec,iflag) if (iflag .lt. 0) go to 300 40 continue c c calculate the jacobian matrix. c if (iopt .eq. 3) go to 475 c c store the full jacobian using m*n storage c iflag = 2 if (iopt .eq. 2) go to 410 c c the user supplies the jacobian c call jac(m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag) njev = njev + 1 go to 420 c c the code approximates the jacobian c 410 call fdjac2(fcn,m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag,epsfcn,wa4) nfev = nfev + n 420 if (iflag .lt. 0) go to 300 c c compute the qr factorization of the jacobian. c call qrfac(m,n,fjac,ldfjac,.true.,ipvt,n,wa1,wa2,wa3) c c form (q transpose)*fvec and store the first n components in c qtf. c do 430 i = 1, m wa4(i) = fvec(i) 430 continue do 470 j = 1, n if (fjac(j,j) .eq. zero) go to 460 sum = zero do 440 i = j, m sum = sum + fjac(i,j)*wa4(i) 440 continue temp = -sum/fjac(j,j) do 450 i = j, m wa4(i) = wa4(i) + fjac(i,j)*temp 450 continue 460 continue fjac(j,j) = wa1(j) qtf(j) = wa4(j) 470 continue go to 560 c c accumulate the jacobian by rows in order to save storage. c compute the qr factorization of the jacobian matrix c calculated one row at a time, while simultaneously c forming (q transpose)*fvec and storing the first c n components in qtf. c 475 do 490 j = 1, n qtf(j) = zero do 480 i = 1, n fjac(i,j) = zero 480 continue 490 continue iflag = 1 do 500 i = 1, m call jac(m,n,x,fvec,wa3,iflag) if (iflag .lt. 0) go to 300 temp = fvec(i) call rwupdt(n,fjac,ldfjac,wa3,qtf,temp,wa1,wa2) iflag = iflag + 1 500 continue njev = njev + 1 c c if the jacobian is rank deficient, call qrfac to c reorder its columns and update the components of qtf. c sing = .false. do 510 j = 1, n if (fjac(j,j) .eq. zero) sing = .true. ipvt(j) = j wa2(j) = enorm(j,fjac(1,j)) 510 continue if (.not.sing) go to 560 call qrfac(n,n,fjac,ldfjac,.true.,ipvt,n,wa1,wa2,wa3) do 550 j = 1, n if (fjac(j,j) .eq. zero) go to 540 sum = zero do 520 i = j, n sum = sum + fjac(i,j)*qtf(i) 520 continue temp = -sum/fjac(j,j) do 530 i = j, n qtf(i) = qtf(i) + fjac(i,j)*temp 530 continue 540 continue fjac(j,j) = wa1(j) 550 continue 560 continue c c on the first iteration and if mode is 1, scale according c to the norms of the columns of the initial jacobian. c if (iter .ne. 1) go to 80 if (mode .eq. 2) go to 60 do 50 j = 1, n diag(j) = wa2(j) if (wa2(j) .eq. zero) diag(j) = one 50 continue 60 continue c c on the first iteration, calculate the norm of the scaled x c and initialize the step bound delta. c do 70 j = 1, n wa3(j) = diag(j)*x(j) 70 continue xnorm = enorm(n,wa3) delta = factor*xnorm if (delta .eq. zero) delta = factor 80 continue c c compute the norm of the scaled gradient. c gnorm = zero if (fnorm .eq. zero) go to 170 do 160 j = 1, n l = ipvt(j) if (wa2(l) .eq. zero) go to 150 sum = zero do 140 i = 1, j sum = sum + fjac(i,j)*(qtf(i)/fnorm) 140 continue gnorm = dmax1(gnorm,abs(sum/wa2(l))) 150 continue 160 continue 170 continue c c test for convergence of the gradient norm. c if (gnorm .le. gtol) info = 4 if (info .ne. 0) go to 300 c c rescale if necessary. c if (mode .eq. 2) go to 190 do 180 j = 1, n diag(j) = dmax1(diag(j),wa2(j)) 180 continue 190 continue c c beginning of the inner loop. c 200 continue c c determine the levenberg-marquardt parameter. c call lmpar(n,fjac,ldfjac,ipvt,diag,qtf,delta,par,wa1,wa2, * wa3,wa4) c c store the direction p and x + p. calculate the norm of p. c do 210 j = 1, n wa1(j) = -wa1(j) wa2(j) = x(j) + wa1(j) wa3(j) = diag(j)*wa1(j) 210 continue pnorm = enorm(n,wa3) c c on the first iteration, adjust the initial step bound. c if (iter .eq. 1) delta = dmin1(delta,pnorm) c c evaluate the function at x + p and calculate its norm. c iflag = 1 call fcn(m,n,wa2,wa4,iflag) nfev = nfev + 1 if (iflag .lt. 0) go to 300 fnorm1 = enorm(m,wa4) c c compute the scaled actual reduction. c actred = -one if (p1*fnorm1 .lt. fnorm) actred = one - (fnorm1/fnorm)**2 c c compute the scaled predicted reduction and c the scaled directional derivative. c do 230 j = 1, n wa3(j) = zero l = ipvt(j) temp = wa1(l) do 220 i = 1, j wa3(i) = wa3(i) + fjac(i,j)*temp 220 continue 230 continue temp1 = enorm(n,wa3)/fnorm temp2 = (sqrt(par)*pnorm)/fnorm prered = temp1**2 + temp2**2/p5 dirder = -(temp1**2 + temp2**2) c c compute the ratio of the actual to the predicted c reduction. c ratio = zero if (prered .ne. zero) ratio = actred/prered c c update the step bound. c if (ratio .gt. p25) go to 240 if (actred .ge. zero) temp = p5 if (actred .lt. zero) * temp = p5*dirder/(dirder + p5*actred) if (p1*fnorm1 .ge. fnorm .or. temp .lt. p1) temp = p1 delta = temp*dmin1(delta,pnorm/p1) par = par/temp go to 260 240 continue if (par .ne. zero .and. ratio .lt. p75) go to 250 delta = pnorm/p5 par = p5*par 250 continue 260 continue c c test for successful iteration. c if (ratio .lt. p0001) go to 290 c c successful iteration. update x, fvec, and their norms. c do 270 j = 1, n x(j) = wa2(j) wa2(j) = diag(j)*x(j) 270 continue do 280 i = 1, m fvec(i) = wa4(i) 280 continue xnorm = enorm(n,wa2) fnorm = fnorm1 iter = iter + 1 290 continue c c tests for convergence. c if (abs(actred) .le. ftol .and. prered .le. ftol * .and. p5*ratio .le. one) info = 1 if (delta .le. xtol*xnorm) info = 2 if (abs(actred) .le. ftol .and. prered .le. ftol * .and. p5*ratio .le. one .and. info .eq. 2) info = 3 if (info .ne. 0) go to 300 c c tests for termination and stringent tolerances. c if (nfev .ge. maxfev) info = 5 if (abs(actred) .le. epsmch .and. prered .le. epsmch * .and. p5*ratio .le. one) info = 6 if (delta .le. epsmch*xnorm) info = 7 if (gnorm .le. epsmch) info = 8 if (info .ne. 0) go to 300 c c end of the inner loop. repeat if iteration unsuccessful. c if (ratio .lt. p0001) go to 200 c c end of the outer loop. c go to 30 300 continue c c termination, either normal or user imposed. c if (iflag .lt. 0) info = iflag iflag = 0 if (nprint .gt. 0) call fcn(m,n,x,fvec,iflag) if (info .lt. 0) call xerror(63hsnls -- execution terminated bec 1ause user set iflag negative.,63,1,1) if (info .eq. 0) call xerror(34hsnls -- invalid input parameter. 1,34,2,1) if (info .eq. 4) call xerror(70hsnls -- third convergence condit 1ion, check results before accepting.,70,1,1) if (info .eq. 5) call xerror(40hsnls -- too many function evalua 1tions.,40,9,1) if (info .ge. 6) call xerror(64hsnls -- tolerances too small, no 1 further improvement possible.,64,3,1) return c c last card of subroutine snls. c end subroutine snlse(fcn,jac,iopt,m,n,x,fvec,tol,nprint,info,iw, * wa,lwa) c***begin prologue snlse c***revision date 811015 (yymmdd) c***category no. e2g1b1,e2g1b2 c***keywords easy-to-use,nonlinear least squares,nonlinear data c fitting,levenberg-marquardt c***date written march 1980 c***author hiebert k.l. (sla) c***purpose c snlse is the easy-to-use version of snls which minimizes the sum c of the squares of m nonlinear functions in n variables by a c modification of the levenberg-marquardt algorithm. this code is c the combination of the minpack codes (argonne) lmder1, lmdif1, c and lmstr. c***description c c c 1. purpose. c c the purpose of snlse is to minimize the sum of the squares of m c nonlinear functions in n variables by a modification of the c levenberg-marquardt algorithm. this is done by using the more c general least-squares solver snls. the user must provide a sub- c routine which calculates the functions. the user has the option c of how the jacobian will be supplied. the user can supply the c full jacobian, or the rows of the jacobian (to avoid storing c the full jacobian), or let the code approximate the jacobian by c forward-differencing. this code is the combination of the c minpack codes (argonne) lmder1, lmdif1, and lmstr1. c c c 2. subroutine and type statements. c c subroutine snlse(fcn,jac,iopt,m,n,x,fvec,tol,nprint, c * info,iw,wa,lwa) c integer iopt,m,n,nprint,info,lwa c integer iw(n) c double precision tol c double precision x(n),fvec(m),wa(lwa) c external fcn,jac c c c 3. parameters. c c parameters designated as input parameters must be specified on c entry to snlse and are not changed on exit, while parameters c designated as output parameters need not be specified on entry c and are set to appropriate values on exit from snlse. c c fcn is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates c the functions. fcn must be declared in an external statement c in the user calling program, and should be written as follows. c c subroutine fcn(m,n,x,fvec,iflag) c integer m,n,iflag c double precision x(n),fvec(m) c ---------- c calculate the functions at x and c return this vector in fvec. c ---------- c return c end c c the value of iflag should not be changed by fcn unless the c user wants to terminate execution of snlse. in this case set c iflag to a negative integer. c c jac is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates c the jacobian. if iopt=1 or 3, then jac must be declared in an c external statement in the user calling program, and should be c written as follows. c c for iopt = 1 c subroutine jac(m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag) c integer m,n,ldfjac,iflag c double precision x(n),fvec(m),fjac(ldfjac,n) c ---------- c calculate the jacobian at x and return this c matrix in fjac. fvec contains the function c values at x and should not be altered. c ---------- c return c end c c for iopt = 3 c subroutine jac(m,n,x,fvec,fjrow,iflag) c integer m,n,iflag c double precision x(n),fvec(m),fjrow(n) c ---------- c if iflag = i, then calculate the i-th row of c jacobian at x and return this vector in fjrow. c fvec contains the function values at x and c should not be altered. c ---------- c return c end c c the value of iflag should not be changed by jac unless the c user wants to terminate execution of snlse. in this case set c iflag to a negative integer. c c if iopt=2, jac can be ignored (treat it as a dummy argument). c c iopt is an input variable which specifies how the jacobian will c be calculated. if iopt=1 or 3, then the user must supply the c jacobian through the subroutine jac. if iopt=1, then the user c supplies the full jacobian with each call to jac. if iopt=3, c then the user supplies one row of the jacobian with each call. c (in this manner, storage can be saved because the full c jacobian is not stored.) if iopt=2, then the code will c approximate the jacobian by forward-differencing. c c m is a positive integer input variable set to the number of c functions. c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the number of c variables. n must not exceed m. c c x is an array of length n. on input x must contain an initial c estimate of the solution vector. on output x contains the c final estimate of the solution vector. c c fvec is an output array of length m which contains the functions c evaluated at the output x. c c tol is a nonnegative input variable. termination occurs when c the algorithm estimates either that the relative error in the c sum of squares is at most tol or that the relative error c between x and the solution is at most tol. section 4 contains c more details about tol. c c nprint is an integer input variable that enables controlled c printing of iterates if it is positive. in this case, fcn is c called with iflag = 0 at the beginning of the first iteration c and every nprint iterations thereafter and immediately prior c to return, with x and fvec available for printing. appropriate c print statements must be added to fcn (see example) and c fvec should not be altered. if nprint is not positive, no c special calls of fcn with iflag = 0 are made. c c info is an integer output variable. if the user has terminated c execution, info is set to the (negative) value of iflag. see c description of fcn and jac. otherwise, info is set as follows. c c info = 0 improper input parameters. c c info = 1 algorithm estimates that the relative error in the c sum of squares is at most tol. c c info = 2 algorithm estimates that the relative error between c x and the solution is at most tol. c c info = 3 conditions for info = 1 and info = 2 both hold. c c info = 4 fvec is orthogonal to the columns of the jacobian to c machine precision. c c info = 5 number of calls to fcn has reached 100*(n+1) c for iopt=1 or 3 or 200*(n+1) for iopt=2. c c info = 6 tol is too small. no further reduction in the sum c of squares is possible. c c info = 7 tol is too small. no further improvement in the c approximate solution x is possible. c c sections 4 and 5 contain more details about info. c c iw is an integer work array of length n. c c wa is a work array of length lwa. c c lwa is a positive integer input variable not less than c n*(m+5)+m for iopt=1 and 2 or n*(n+5)+m for iopt=3. c c c 4. successful completion. c c the accuracy of snlse is controlled by the convergence parame- c ter tol. this parameter is used in tests which make three types c of comparisons between the approximation x and a solution xsol. c snlse terminates when any of the tests is satisfied. if tol is c less than the machine precision (as defined by the function c r1mach(4)), then snlse only attempts to satisfy the test c defined by the machine precision. further progress is not usu- c ally possible. unless high precision solutions are required, c the recommended value for tol is the square root of the machine c precision. c c the tests assume that the functions are reasonably well behaved, c and, if the jacobian is supplied by the user, that the functions c and the jacobian are coded consistently. if these conditions c are not satisfied, then snlse may incorrectly indicate conver- c gence. the coding of the jacobian can be checked by the c subroutine chkder. if the jacobian is coded correctly or iopt=2, c then the validity of the answer can be checked, for example, by c rerunning snlse with tighter tolerances. c c first convergence test. if enorm(z) denotes the euclidean norm c of a vector z, then this test attempts to guarantee that c c enorm(fvec) .le. (1+tol)*enorm(fvecs), c c where fvecs denotes the functions evaluated at xsol. if this c condition is satisfied with tol = 10**(-k), then the final c residual norm enorm(fvec) has k significant decimal digits and c info is set to 1 (or to 3 if the second test is also satis- c fied). c c second convergence test. if d is a diagonal matrix (implicitly c generated by snlse) whose entries contain scale factors for c the variables, then this test attempts to guarantee that c c enorm(d*(x-xsol)) .le. tol*enorm(d*xsol). c c if this condition is satisfied with tol = 10**(-k), then the c larger components of d*x have k significant decimal digits and c info is set to 2 (or to 3 if the first test is also satis- c fied). there is a danger that the smaller components of d*x c may have large relative errors, but the choice of d is such c that the accuracy of the components of x is usually related to c their sensitivity. c c third convergence test. this test is satisfied when fvec is c orthogonal to the columns of the jacobian to machine preci- c sion. there is no clear relationship between this test and c the accuracy of snlse, and furthermore, the test is equally c well satisfied at other critical points, namely maximizers and c saddle points. therefore, termination caused by this test c (info = 4) should be examined carefully. c c c 5. unsuccessful completion. c c unsuccessful termination of snlse can be due to improper input c parameters, arithmetic interrupts, or an excessive number of c function evaluations. c c improper input parameters. info is set to 0 if iopt .lt. 1 c or iopt .gt. 3, or n .le. 0, or m .lt. n, or tol .lt. 0.e0, c or for iopt=1 or 2 lwa .lt. n*(m+5)+m, or for iopt=3 c lwa .lt. n*(n+5)+m. c c arithmetic interrupts. if these interrupts occur in the fcn c subroutine during an early stage of the computation, they may c be caused by an unacceptable choice of x by snlse. in this c case, it may be possible to remedy the situation by not evalu- c ating the functions here, but instead setting the components c of fvec to numbers that exceed those in the initial fvec. c c excessive number of function evaluations. if the number of c calls to fcn reaches 100*(n+1) for iopt=1 or 3 or 200*(n+1) c for iopt=2, then this indicates that the routine is converging c very slowly as measured by the progress of fvec, and info is c set to 5. in this case, it may be helpful to restart snlse c thereby forcing it to disregaad old (and possibly harmful) c information. c c c 6. characteristics of the algorithm. c c snlse is a modification of the levenberg-marquardt algorithm. c two of its main characteristics involve the proper use of c implicitly scaled variables and an optimal choice for the cor- c rection. the use of implicitly scaled variables achieves scale c invariance of snlse and limits the size of the correction in c any direction where the functions are changing rapidly. the c optimal choice of the correction guarantees (under reasonable c conditions) global convergence from starting points far from the c solution and a fast rate of convergence for problems with small c residuals. c c timing. the time required by snlse to solve a given problem c depends on m and n, the behavior of the functions, the accu- c racy requested, and the starting point. the number of arith- c metic operations needed by snlse is about n**3 to process each c evaluation of the functions (call to fcn) and to process each c evaluation of the jacobian snlse takes m*n**2 for iopt=1 (one c call to jac), m*n**2 for iopt=2 (n calls to fcn) and c 1.5*m*n**2 for iopt=3 (m calls to jac). unless fcn and jac c can be evaluated quickly, the timing of snlse will be c strongly influenced by the time spent in fcn and jac. c c storage. snlse requires (m*n + 2*m + 6*n) for iopt=1 or 2 and c (n**2 + 2*m + 6*n) for iopt=3 single precision storage c locations and n integer storage locations, in addition to c the storage required by the program. there are no internally c declared storage arrays. c c c c 7. example. c c the problem is to determine the values of x(1), x(2), and x(3) c which provide the best fit (in the least squares sense) of c c x(1) + u(i)/(v(i)*x(2) + w(i)*x(3)), i = 1, 15 c c to the data c c y = (0.14,0.18,0.22,0.25,0.29,0.32,0.35,0.39, c 0.37,0.58,0.73,0.96,1.34,2.10,4.39), c c where u(i) = i, v(i) = 16 - i, and w(i) = min(u(i),v(i)). the c i-th component of fvec is thus defined by c c y(i) - (x(1) + u(i)/(v(i)*x(2) + w(i)*x(3))). c c ********** c c program test(input,output,tape6=output) c c c c driver for snlse example. c c c integer j,iopt,m,n,nprint,info,lwa,nwrite c integer iw(3) c double precision tol,fnorm c double precision x(3),fvec(15),wa(75) c double precision enorm,r1mach c external fcn,jac c data nwrite /6/ c c c iopt = 1 c m = 15 c n = 3 c c c c the following starting values provide a rough fit. c c c x(1) = 1.e0 c x(2) = 1.e0 c x(3) = 1.e0 c c c lwa = 75 c nprint = 0 c c c c set tol to the square root of the machine precision. c c unless high precision solutions are required, c c this is the recommended setting. c c c tol = sqrt(r1mach(4)) c c c call snlse(fcn,jac,iopt,m,n,x,fvec,tol,nprint, c * info,iw,wa,lwa) c fnorm = enorm(m,fvec) c write (nwrite,1000) fnorm,info,(x(j),j=1,n) c stop c 1000 format (5x,31h final l2 norm of the residuals,e15.7 // c * 5x,15h exit parameter,16x,i10 // c * 5x,27h final approximate solution // 5x,3e15.7) c end c subroutine fcn(m,n,x,fvec,iflag) c integer m,n,iflag c double precision x(n),fvec(m) c integer i c double precision tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4 c double precision y(15) c data y(1),y(2),y(3),y(4),y(5),y(6),y(7),y(8), c * y(9),y(10),y(11),y(12),y(13),y(14),y(15) c * /1.4e-1,1.8e-1,2.2e-1,2.5e-1,2.9e-1,3.2e-1,3.5e-1,3.9e-1, c * 3.7e-1,5.8e-1,7.3e-1,9.6e-1,1.34e0,2.1e0,4.39e0/ c c c do 10 i = 1, 15 c tmp1 = i c tmp2 = 16 - i c tmp3 = tmp1 c if (i .gt. 8) tmp3 = tmp2 c fvec(i) = y(i) - (x(1) + tmp1/(x(2)*tmp2 + x(3)*tmp3)) c 10 continue c return c end c subroutine jac(m,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag) c integer m,n,ldfjac,iflag c double precision x(n),fvec(m),fjac(ldfjac,n) c integer i c double precision tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4 c c c do 10 i = 1, 15 c tmp1 = i c tmp2 = 16 - i c tmp3 = tmp1 c if (i .gt. 8) tmp3 = tmp2 c tmp4 = (x(2)*tmp2 + x(3)*tmp3)**2 c fjac(i,1) = -1.e0 c fjac(i,2) = tmp1*tmp2/tmp4 c fjac(i,3) = tmp1*tmp3/tmp4 c 10 continue c return c end c c results obtained with different compilers or machines c may be slightly different. c c final l2 norm of the residuals 0.9063596e-01 c c exit parameter 1 c c final approximate solution c c 0.8241058e-01 0.1133037e+01 0.2343695e+01 c c c for iopt = 2, fcn would be the same and jac would not be c supplied. c c for iopt = 3, fcn would be the same, fjac wolud be dimensioned c as fjac(3,3), ldfjac would be set to 3, and jac would be c written as follows. c c subroutine jac(m,n,x,fvec,fjrow,iflag) c integer m,n,iflag c double precision x(n),fvec(m),fjrow(n) c integer i c double precision tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4 c c i = iflag c tmp1 = i c tmp2 = 16 - i c tmp3 = tmp1 c if (i .gt. 8) tmp3 = tmp2 c tmp4 = (x(2)*tmp2 + x(3)*tmp3)**2 c fjrow(1) = -1.e0 c fjrow(2) = tmp1*tmp2/tmp4 c fjrow(3) = tmp1*tmp3/tmp4 c return c end c c c***references c more, jorge j. c the levenberg-marquardt algorithm, implementation and theory. c numerical analysis, g. a. watson, editor. c lecture notes in mathematics 630, springer-verlag, 1977. c***routines called snls,xerror c***end prologue snlse integer m,n,nprint,info,lwa,iopt integer iw(n) double precision tol double precision x(n),fvec(m),wa(lwa) external fcn,jac integer maxfev,mode,nfev,njev double precision factor,ftol,gtol,xtol,zero,epsfcn data factor,zero /1.0d2,0.0d0/ c***first executable statement snlse info = 0 c c check the input parameters for errors. c if (iopt .lt. 1 .or. iopt .gt. 3 .or. * n .le. 0 .or. m .lt. n .or. tol .lt. zero * .or. lwa .lt. n*(n+5) + m) go to 10 if (iopt .lt. 3 .and. lwa .lt. n*(m+5) + m) go to 10 c c call snls. c maxfev = 100*(n + 1) if (iopt .eq. 2) maxfev = 2*maxfev ftol = tol xtol = tol gtol = zero epsfcn = zero mode = 1 index = 5*n+m call snls(fcn,jac,iopt,m,n,x,fvec,wa(index+1),m,ftol,xtol,gtol, * maxfev,epsfcn,wa(1),mode,factor,nprint,info,nfev,njev, * iw,wa(n+1),wa(2*n+1),wa(3*n+1),wa(4*n+1),wa(5*n+1)) if (info .eq. 8) info = 4 10 continue if (info .eq. 0) call xerror(34hsnlse -- invalid input parameter. 1,34,2,1) return c c last card of subroutine snlse. c end subroutine snsq(fcn,jac,iopt,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,xtol,maxfev, * ml,mu,epsfcn,diag,mode,factor,nprint,info,nfev, * njev,r,lr,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) c***begin prologue snsq c***revision date 850615 (yymmdd) c c***changed to double precision c c***category no. c5a,c5b c***keywords nonlinear square system, zero, powell hybrid method c***date written march 1980 c***author hiebert k.l. (sla) c***purpose c snsq finds to find a zero of a system of n nonlinear functions c in n variables by a modification of the powell hybrid method. c this code is the combination of the minpack codes (argonne) c hybrd and hybrdj. c***description c c c 1. purpose. c c the purpose of snsq is to find a zero of a system of n non- c linear functions in n variables by a modification of the powell c hybrid method. the user must provide a subroutine which calcu- c lates the functions. the user has the option of either to c provide a subroutine which calculates the jacobian or to let the c code calculate it by a forward-difference approximation. c this code is the combination of the minpack codes (argonne) c hybrd and hybrdj. c c c 2. subroutine and type statements. c c subroutine snsq(fcn,jac,iopt,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,xtol,maxfev, c * ml,mu,epsfcn,diag,mode,factor,nprint,info,nfev, c * njev,r,lr,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) c integer iopt,n,maxfev,ml,mu,mode,nprint,info,nfev,ldfjac,njev,lr c real xtol,epsfcn,factor c real x(n),fvec(n),diag(n),fjac(ldfjac,n),r(lr),qtf(n), c * wa1(n),wa2(n),wa3(n),wa4(n) c external fcn,jac c c c 3. parameters. c c parameters designated as input parameters must be specified on c entry to snsq and are not changed on exit, while parameters c designated as output parameters need not be specified on entry c and are set to appropriate values on exit from snsq. c c fcn is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates c the functions. fcn must be declared in an external statement c in the user calling program, and should be written as follows. c c subroutine fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) c integer n,iflag c real x(n),fvec(n) c ---------- c calculate the functions at x and c return this vector in fvec. c ---------- c return c end c c the value of iflag should not be changed by fcn unless the c user wants to terminate execution of snsq. in this case set c iflag to a negative integer. c c jac is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates c the jacobian. if iopt=1, then jac must be declared in an c external statement in the user calling program, and should be c written as follows. c c subroutine jac(n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag) c integer n,ldfjac,iflag c real x(n),fvec(n),fjac(ldfjac,n) c ---------- c calculate the jacobian at x and return this c matrix in fjac. fvec contains the function c values at x and should not be altered. c ---------- c return c end c c the value of iflag should not be changed by jac unless the c user wants to terminate execution of snsq. in this case set c iflag to a negative integer. c c if iopt=2, jac can be ignored (treat it as a dummy argument). c c iopt is an input variable which specifies how the jacobian will c be calculated. if iopt=1, then the user must supply the c jacobian through the subroutine jac. if iopt=2, then the c code will approximate the jacobian by forward-differencing. c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the number of c functions and variables. c c x is an array of length n. on input x must contain an initial c estimate of the solution vector. on output x contains the c final estimate of the solution vector. c c fvec is an output array of length n which contains the functions c evaluated at the output x. c c fjac is an output n by n array which contains the orthogonal c matrix q produced by the qr factorization of the final approx- c imate jacobian. c c ldfjac is a positive integer input variable not less than n c which specifies the leading dimension of the array fjac. c c xtol is a nonnegative input variable. termination occurs when c the relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most c xtol. therefore, xtol measures the relative error desired in c the approximate solution. section 4 contains more details c about xtol. c c maxfev is a positive integer input variable. termination occurs c when the number of calls to fcn is at least maxfev by the end c of an iteration. c c ml is a nonnegative integer input variable which specifies the c number of subdiagonals within the band of the jacobian matrix. c if the jacobian is not banded or iopt=1, set ml to at c least n - 1. c c mu is a nonnegative integer input variable which specifies the c number of superdiagonals within the band of the jacobian c matrix. if the jacobian is not banded or iopt=1, set mu to at c least n - 1. c c epsfcn is an input variable used in determining a suitable step c for the forward-difference approximation. this approximation c assumes that the relative errors in the functions are of the c order of epsfcn. if epsfcn is less than the machine preci- c sion, it is assumed that the relative errors in the functions c are of the order of the machine precision. if iopt=1, then c epsfcn can be ignored (treat it as a dummy argument). c c diag is an array of length n. if mode = 1 (see below), diag is c internally set. if mode = 2, diag must contain positive c entries that serve as implicit (multiplicative) scale factors c for the variables. c c mode is an integer input variable. if mode = 1, the variables c will be scaled internally. if mode = 2, the scaling is speci- c fied by the input diag. other values of mode are equivalent c to mode = 1. c c factor is a positive input variable used in determining the ini- c tial step bound. this bound is set to the product of factor c and the euclidean norm of diag*x if nonzero, or else to factor c itself. in most cases factor should lie in the interval c (.1,100.). 100. is a generally recommended value. c c nprint is an integer input variable that enables controlled c printing of iterates if it is positive. in this case, fcn is c called with iflag = 0 at the beginning of the first iteration c and every nprint iterations thereafter and immediately prior c to return, with x and fvec available for printing. appropriate c print statements must be added to fcn(see example). if nprint c is not positive, no special calls of fcn with iflag = 0 are c made. c c info is an integer output variable. if the user has terminated c execution, info is set to the (negative) value of iflag. see c description of fcn and jac. otherwise, info is set as follows. c c info = 0 improper input parameters. c c info = 1 relative error between two consecutive iterates is c at most xtol. c c info = 2 number of calls to fcn has reached or exceeded c maxfev. c c info = 3 xtol is too small. no further improvement in the c approximate solution x is possible. c c info = 4 iteration is not making good progress, as measured c by the improvement from the last five jacobian eval- c uations. c c info = 5 iteration is not making good progress, as measured c by the improvement from the last ten iterations. c c sections 4 and 5 contain more details about info. c c nfev is an integer output variable set to the number of calls to c fcn. c c njev is an integer output variable set to the number of calls to c jac. (if iopt=2, then njev is set to zero.) c c r is an output array of length lr which contains the upper c triangular matrix produced by the qr factorization of the c final approximate jacobian, stored rowwise. c c lr is a positive integer input variable not less than c (n*(n+1))/2. c c qtf is an output array of length n which contains the vector c (q transpose)*fvec. c c wa1, wa2, wa3, and wa4 are work arrays of length n. c c c 4. successful completion. c c the accuracy of snsq is controlled by the convergence parameter c xtol. this parameter is used in a test which makes a comparison c between the approximation x and a solution xsol. snsq termi- c nates when the test is satisfied. if the convergence parameter c is less than the machine precision (as defined by the function c r1mach(4)), then snsq only attempts to satisfy the test c defined by the machine precision. further progress is not c usually possible. c c the test assumes that the functions are reasonably well behaved, c and, if the jacobian is supplied by the user, that the functions c and the jacobian are coded consistently. if these conditions c are not satisfied, then snsq may incorrectly indicate conver- c gence. the coding of the jacobian can be checked by the c subroutine chkder. if the jacobian is coded correctly or iopt=2, c then the validity of the answer can be checked, for example, by c rerunning snsq with a tighter tolerance. c c convergence test. if enorm(z) denotes the euclidean norm of a c vector z and d is the diagonal matrix whose entries are c defined by the array diag, then this test attempts to guaran- c tee that c c enorm(d*(x-xsol)) .le. xtol*enorm(d*xsol). c c if this condition is satisfied with xtol = 10**(-k), then the c larger components of d*x have k significant decimal digits and c info is set to 1. there is a danger that the smaller compo- c nents of d*x may have large relative errors, but the fast rate c of convergence of snsq usually avoids this possibility. c unless high precision solutions are required, the recommended c value for xtol is the square root of the machine precision. c c c 5. unsuccessful completion. c c unsuccessful termination of snsq can be due to improper input c parameters, arithmetic interrupts, an excessive number of func- c tion evaluations, or lack of good progress. c c improper input parameters. info is set to 0 if iopt .lt .1, c or iopt .gt. 2, or n .le. 0, or ldfjac .lt. n, or c xtol .lt. 0.e0, or maxfev .le. 0, or ml .lt. 0, or mu .lt. 0, c or factor .le. 0.e0, or lr .lt. (n*(n+1))/2. c c arithmetic interrupts. if these interrupts occur in the fcn c subroutine during an early stage of the computation, they may c be caused by an unacceptable choice of x by snsq. in this c case, it may be possible to remedy the situation by rerunning c snsq with a smaller value of factor. c c excessive number of function evaluations. a reasonable value c for maxfev is 100*(n+1) for iopt=1 and 200*(n+1) for iopt=2. c if the number of calls to fcn reaches maxfev, then this c indicates that the routine is converging very slowly as c measured by the progress of fvec, and info is set to 2. this c situation should be unusual because, as indicated below, lack c of good progress is usually diagnosed earlier by snsq, c causing termination with info = 4 or info = 5. c c lack of good progress. snsq searches for a zero of the system c by minimizing the sum of the squares of the functions. in so c doing, it can become trapped in a region where the minimum c does not correspond to a zero of the system and, in this situ- c ation, the iteration eventually fails to make good progress. c in particular, this will happen if the system does not have a c zero. if the system has a zero, rerunning snsq from a dif- c ferent starting point may be helpful. c c c 6. characteristics of the algorithm. c c snsq is a modification of the powell hybrid method. two of its c main characteristics involve the choice of the correction as a c convex combination of the newton and scaled gradient directions, c and the updating of the jacobian by the rank-1 method of broy- c den. the choice of the correction guarantees (under reasonable c conditions) global convergence for starting points far from the c solution and a fast rate of convergence. the jacobian is c calculated at the starting point by either the user-supplied c subroutine or a forward-difference approximation, but it is not c recalculated until the rank-1 method fails to produce satis- c factory progress. c c timing. the time required by snsq to solve a given problem c depends on n, the behavior of the functions, the accuracy c requested, and the starting point. the number of arithmetic c operations needed by snsq is about 11.5*(n**2) to process c each evaluation of the functions (call to fcn) and 1.3*(n**3) c to process each evaluation of the jacobian (call to jac, c if iopt = 1). unless fcn and jac can be evaluated quickly, c the timing of snsq will be strongly influenced by the time c spent in fcn and jac. c c storage. snsq requires (3*n**2 + 17*n)/2 single precision c storage locations, in addition to the storage required by the c program. there are no internally declared storage arrays. c c c 7. example. c c the problem is to determine the values of x(1), x(2), ..., x(9), c which solve the system of tridiagonal equations c c (3-2*x(1))*x(1) -2*x(2) = -1 c -x(i-1) + (3-2*x(i))*x(i) -2*x(i+1) = -1, i=2-8 c -x(8) + (3-2*x(9))*x(9) = -1 c c ********** c c program test(input,output,tape6=output) c c c c driver for snsq example. c c c integer j,iopt,n,maxfev,ml,mu,mode,nprint,info,nfev,ldfjac,lr, c * nwrite c real xtol,epsfcn,factor,fnorm c real x(9),fvec(9),diag(9),fjac(9,9),r(45),qtf(9), c * wa1(9),wa2(9),wa3(9),wa4(9) c real enorm,r1mach c external fcn c data nwrite /6/ c c c iopt = 2 c n = 9 c c c c the following starting values provide a rough solution. c c c do 10 j = 1, 9 c x(j) = -1.e0 c 10 continue c c c ldfjac = 9 c lr = 45 c c c c set xtol to the square root of the machine precision. c c unless high precision solutions are required, c c this is the recommended setting. c c c xtol = sqrt(r1mach(4)) c c c maxfev = 2000 c ml = 1 c mu = 1 c epsfcn = 0.e0 c mode = 2 c do 20 j = 1, 9 c diag(j) = 1.e0 c 20 continue c factor = 1.e2 c nprint = 0 c c c call snsq(fcn,jac,iopt,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,xtol,maxfev,ml,mu, c * epsfcn,diag,mode,factor,nprint,info,nfev,njev, c * r,lr,qtf,wa1,wa2,wa3,wa4) c fnorm = enorm(n,fvec) c write (nwrite,1000) fnorm,nfev,info,(x(j),j=1,n) c stop c 1000 format (5x,31h final l2 norm of the residuals,e15.7 // c * 5x,31h number of function evaluations,i10 // c * 5x,15h exit parameter,16x,i10 // c * 5x,27h final approximate solution // (5x,3e15.7)) c end c subroutine fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) c integer n,iflag c real x(n),fvec(n) c integer k c real one,temp,temp1,temp2,three,two,zero c data zero,one,two,three /0.e0,1.e0,2.e0,3.e0/ c c c if (iflag .ne. 0) go to 5 c c c c insert print statements here when nprint is positive. c c c return c 5 continue c do 10 k = 1, n c temp = (three - two*x(k))*x(k) c temp1 = zero c if (k .ne. 1) temp1 = x(k-1) c temp2 = zero c if (k .ne. n) temp2 = x(k+1) c fvec(k) = temp - temp1 - two*temp2 + one c 10 continue c return c end c c results obtained with different compilers or machines c may be slightly different. c c final l2 norm of the residuals 0.1192636e-07 c c number of function evaluations 14 c c exit parameter 1 c c final approximate solution c c -0.5706545e+00 -0.6816283e+00 -0.7017325e+00 c -0.7042129e+00 -0.7013690e+00 -0.6918656e+00 c -0.6657920e+00 -0.5960342e+00 -0.4164121e+00 c c c***references c powell, m. j. d. c a hybrid method for nonlinear equations. c numerical methods for nonlinear algebraic equations, c p. rabinowitz, editor. gordon and breach, 1970. c***routines called dogleg,enorm,fdjac1,qform,qrfac,r1mach, c r1mpyq,r1updt,xerror c***end prologue snsq implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer iopt,n,maxfev,ml,mu,mode,nprint,info,nfev,ldfjac,lr,njev real*8 xtol real*8 epsfcn,factor real*8 x(n),fvec(n),diag(n),fjac(ldfjac,n),r(lr),qtf(n),wa1(n), * wa2(n),wa3(n),wa4(n) external fcn integer i,iflag,iter,j,jm1,l,ncfail,ncsuc,nslow1,nslow2 integer iwa(1) logical jeval,sing real*8 actred,delta,epsmch,fnorm,fnorm1,one,pnorm,prered,p1,p5, * p001,p0001,ratio,sum,temp,xnorm,zero real*8 r1mach,enorm data one,p1,p5,p001,p0001,zero * /1.0d0,1.0d-1,5.0d-1,1.0d-3,1.0d-4,0.0d0/ c c***first executable statement snsq epsmch = r1mach(4) c info = 0 iflag = 0 nfev = 0 njev = 0 c c check the input parameters for errors. c if (iopt .lt. 1 .or. iopt .gt. 2 .or. * n .le. 0 .or. xtol .lt. zero .or. maxfev .le. 0 * .or. ml .lt. 0 .or. mu .lt. 0 .or. factor .le. zero * .or. ldfjac .lt. n .or. lr .lt. (n*(n + 1))/2) go to 300 if (mode .ne. 2) go to 20 do 10 j = 1, n if (diag(j) .le. zero) go to 300 10 continue 20 continue c c evaluate the function at the starting point c and calculate its norm. c iflag = 1 call fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) nfev = 1 if (iflag .lt. 0) go to 300 fnorm = enorm(n,fvec) c c initialize iteration counter and monitors. c iter = 1 ncsuc = 0 ncfail = 0 nslow1 = 0 nslow2 = 0 c c beginning of the outer loop. c 30 continue jeval = .true. c c calculate the jacobian matrix. c if (iopt .eq. 2) go to 31 c c user supplies jacobian c call jac(n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag) njev = njev+1 go to 32 c c code approximates the jacobian c 31 iflag = 2 call fdjac1(fcn,n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag,ml,mu,epsfcn,wa1, * wa2) nfev = nfev + min0(ml+mu+1,n) c 32 if (iflag .lt. 0) go to 300 c c compute the qr factorization of the jacobian. c call qrfac(n,n,fjac,ldfjac,.false.,iwa,1,wa1,wa2,wa3) c c on the first iteration and if mode is 1, scale according c to the norms of the columns of the initial jacobian. c if (iter .ne. 1) go to 70 if (mode .eq. 2) go to 50 do 40 j = 1, n diag(j) = wa2(j) if (wa2(j) .eq. zero) diag(j) = one 40 continue 50 continue c c on the first iteration, calculate the norm of the scaled x c and initialize the step bound delta. c do 60 j = 1, n wa3(j) = diag(j)*x(j) 60 continue xnorm = enorm(n,wa3) delta = factor*xnorm if (delta .eq. zero) delta = factor 70 continue c c form (q transpose)*fvec and store in qtf. c do 80 i = 1, n qtf(i) = fvec(i) 80 continue do 120 j = 1, n if (fjac(j,j) .eq. zero) go to 110 sum = zero do 90 i = j, n sum = sum + fjac(i,j)*qtf(i) 90 continue temp = -sum/fjac(j,j) do 100 i = j, n qtf(i) = qtf(i) + fjac(i,j)*temp 100 continue 110 continue 120 continue c c copy the triangular factor of the qr factorization into r. c sing = .false. do 150 j = 1, n l = j jm1 = j - 1 if (jm1 .lt. 1) go to 140 do 130 i = 1, jm1 r(l) = fjac(i,j) l = l + n - i 130 continue 140 continue r(l) = wa1(j) if (wa1(j) .eq. zero) sing = .true. 150 continue c c accumulate the orthogonal factor in fjac. c call qform(n,n,fjac,ldfjac,wa1) c c rescale if necessary. c if (mode .eq. 2) go to 170 do 160 j = 1, n diag(j) = dmax1(diag(j),wa2(j)) 160 continue 170 continue c c beginning of the inner loop. c 180 continue c c if requested, call fcn to enable printing of iterates. c if (nprint .le. 0) go to 190 iflag = 0 if (mod(iter-1,nprint) .eq. 0) call fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) if (iflag .lt. 0) go to 300 190 continue c c determine the direction p. c call dogleg(n,r,lr,diag,qtf,delta,wa1,wa2,wa3) c c store the direction p and x + p. calculate the norm of p. c do 200 j = 1, n wa1(j) = -wa1(j) wa2(j) = x(j) + wa1(j) wa3(j) = diag(j)*wa1(j) 200 continue pnorm = enorm(n,wa3) c c on the first iteration, adjust the initial step bound. c if (iter .eq. 1) delta = dmin1(delta,pnorm) c c evaluate the function at x + p and calculate its norm. c iflag = 1 call fcn(n,wa2,wa4,iflag) nfev = nfev + 1 if (iflag .lt. 0) go to 300 fnorm1 = enorm(n,wa4) c c compute the scaled actual reduction. c actred = -one if (fnorm1 .lt. fnorm) actred = one - (fnorm1/fnorm)**2 c c compute the scaled predicted reduction. c l = 1 do 220 i = 1, n sum = zero do 210 j = i, n sum = sum + r(l)*wa1(j) l = l + 1 210 continue wa3(i) = qtf(i) + sum 220 continue temp = enorm(n,wa3) prered = zero if (temp .lt. fnorm) prered = one - (temp/fnorm)**2 c c compute the ratio of the actual to the predicted c reduction. c ratio = zero if (prered .gt. zero) ratio = actred/prered c c update the step bound. c if (ratio .ge. p1) go to 230 ncsuc = 0 ncfail = ncfail + 1 delta = p5*delta go to 240 230 continue ncfail = 0 ncsuc = ncsuc + 1 if (ratio .ge. p5 .or. ncsuc .gt. 1) * delta = dmax1(delta,pnorm/p5) if (abs(ratio-one) .le. p1) delta = pnorm/p5 240 continue c c test for successful iteration. c if (ratio .lt. p0001) go to 260 c c successful iteration. update x, fvec, and their norms. c do 250 j = 1, n x(j) = wa2(j) wa2(j) = diag(j)*x(j) fvec(j) = wa4(j) 250 continue xnorm = enorm(n,wa2) fnorm = fnorm1 iter = iter + 1 260 continue c c determine the progress of the iteration. c nslow1 = nslow1 + 1 if (actred .ge. p001) nslow1 = 0 if (jeval) nslow2 = nslow2 + 1 if (actred .ge. p1) nslow2 = 0 c c test for convergence. c if (delta .le. xtol*xnorm .or. fnorm .eq. zero) info = 1 if (info .ne. 0) go to 300 c c tests for termination and stringent tolerances. c if (nfev .ge. maxfev) info = 2 if (p1*dmax1(p1*delta,pnorm) .le. epsmch*xnorm) info = 3 if (nslow2 .eq. 5) info = 4 if (nslow1 .eq. 10) info = 5 if (info .ne. 0) go to 300 c c criterion for recalculating jacobian c if (ncfail .eq. 2) go to 290 c c calculate the rank one modification to the jacobian c and update qtf if necessary. c do 280 j = 1, n sum = zero do 270 i = 1, n sum = sum + fjac(i,j)*wa4(i) 270 continue wa2(j) = (sum - wa3(j))/pnorm wa1(j) = diag(j)*((diag(j)*wa1(j))/pnorm) if (ratio .ge. p0001) qtf(j) = sum 280 continue c c compute the qr factorization of the updated jacobian. c call r1updt(n,n,r,lr,wa1,wa2,wa3,sing) call r1mpyq(n,n,fjac,ldfjac,wa2,wa3) call r1mpyq(1,n,qtf,1,wa2,wa3) c c end of the inner loop. c jeval = .false. go to 180 290 continue c c end of the outer loop. c go to 30 300 continue c c termination, either normal or user imposed. c if (iflag .lt. 0) info = iflag iflag = 0 if (nprint .gt. 0) call fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) if (info .lt. 0) call xerror(63hsnsq -- execution terminated bec 1ause user set iflag negative.,63,1,1) if (info .eq. 0) call xerror(34hsnsq -- invalid input parameter. 1 ,34,2,1) if (info .eq. 2) call xerror(40hsnsq -- too many function evalua 1tions.,40,9,1) if (info .eq. 3) call xerror(58hsnsq -- xtol too small. no furth 1er improvement possible.,58,3,1) if (info .gt. 4) call xerror(45hsnsq -- iteration not making goo 1d progress.,45,1,1) return c c last card of subroutine snsq. c end subroutine snsqe(fcn,jac,iopt,n,x,fvec,tol,nprint,info,wa,lwa 1 ,maxfev) c***begin prologue snsqe c***revision date 850627 (yymmdd) c***latest revision by M. Sagen c changed to double precision c allows maximum number of iterations to be read in c c***category no. c5a,c5b c***keywords easy-to-use,nonlinear square system, zero, powell c hybrid method c***date written march 1980 c***author hiebert k.l. (sla) c***purpose c snsqe is the easy-to-use version of snsq which finds a zero c of a system of n nonlinear functions in n variables by a modi- c fication of powell hybrid method. this code is the combination c of the minpack codes (argonne) hybrd1 and hybrj1. c***description c c c 1. purpose. c c c the purpose of snsqe is to find a zero of a system of n non- c linear functions in n variables by a modification of the powell c hybrid method. this is done by using the more general nonlinear c equation solver snsq. the user must provide a subroutine which c calculates the functions. the user has the option of either to c provide a subroutine which calculates the jacobian or to let the c code calculate it by a forward-difference approximation. this c code is the combination of the minpack codes (argonne) hybrd1 c and hybrj1. c c c 2. subroutine and type statements. c c subroutine snsqe(fcn,jac,iopt,n,x,fvec,tol,nprint,info, c * wa,lwa,maxfev) c integer iopt,n,nprint,info,lwa,maxfev c real tol c real x(n),fvec(n),wa(lwa) c external fcn,jac c c c 3. parameters. c c parameters designated as input parameters must be specified on c entry to snsqe and are not changed on exit, while parameters c designated as output parameters need not be specified on entry c and are set to appropriate values on exit from snsqe. c c fcn is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates c the functions. fcn must be declared in an external statement c in the user calling program, and should be written as follows. c c subroutine fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) c integer n,iflag c real x(n),fvec(n) c ---------- c calculate the functions at x and c return this vector in fvec. c ---------- c return c end c c the value of iflag should not be changed by fcn unless the c user wants to terminate execution of snsqe. in this case set c iflag to a negative integer. c c jac is the name of the user-supplied subroutine which calculates c the jacobian. if iopt=1, then jac must be declared in an c external statement in the user calling program, and should be c written as follows. c c subroutine jac(n,x,fvec,fjac,ldfjac,iflag) c integer n,ldfjac,iflag c real x(n),fvec(n),fjac(ldfjac,n) c ---------- c calculate the jacobian at x and return this c matrix in fjac. fvec contains the function c values at x and should not be altered. c ---------- c return c end c c the value of iflag should not be changed by jac unless the c user wants to terminate execution of snsqe. in this case set c iflag to a negative integer. c c if iopt=2, jac can be ignored (treat it as a dummy argument). c c iopt is an input variable which specifies how the jacobian will c be calculated. if iopt=1, then the user must supply the c jacobian through the subroutine jac. if iopt=2, then the c code will approximate the jacobian by forward-differencing. c c n is a positive integer input variable set to the number of c functions and variables. c c x is an array of length n. on input x must contain an initial c estimate of the solution vector. on output x contains the c final estimate of the solution vector. c c fvec is an output array of length n which contains the functions c evaluated at the output x. c c tol is a nonnegative input variable. termination occurs when c the algorithm estimates that the relative error between x and c the solution is at most tol. section 4 contains more details c about tol. c c nprint is an integer input variable that enables controlled c printing of iterates if it is positive. in this case, fcn is c called with iflag = 0 at the beginning of the first iteration c and every nprint iterations thereafter and immediately prior c to return, with x and fvec available for printing. appropriate c print statements must be added to fcn(see example). if nprint c is not positive, no special calls of fcn with iflag = 0 are c made. c c info is an integer output variable. if the user has terminated c execution, info is set to the (negative) value of iflag. see c description of fcn and jac. otherwise, info is set as follows. c c info = 0 improper input parameters. c c info = 1 algorithm estimates that the relative error between c x and the solution is at most tol. c c info = 2 number of calls to fcn has reached or exceeded c maxfev if maxfev > 0. If maxfev .le. 0 then c number of calls is 100*(n+1) for iopt = 1 and c 200*(n+1) for iopt = 2. c c info = 3 tol is too small. no further improvement in the c approximate solution x is possible. c c info = 4 iteration is not making good progress. c c sections 4 and 5 contain more details about info. c c wa is a work array of length lwa. c c lwa is a positive integer input variable not less than c (3*n**2+13*n))/2. c c maxfev is the maximum number of iterations c c 4. successful completion. c c the accuracy of snsqe is controlled by the convergence parame- c ter tol. this parameter is used in a test which makes a compar- c ison between the approximation x and a solution xsol. snsqe c terminates when the test is satisfied. if tol is less than the c machine precision (as defined by the function r1mach(4)), then c snsqe only attempts to satisfy the test defined by the machine c precision. further progress is not usually possible. unless c high precision solutions are required, the recommended value c for tol is the square root of the machine precision. c c the test assumes that the functions are reasonably well behaved, c and, if the jacobian is supplied by the user, that the functions c and the jacobian are coded consistently. if these conditions are c not satisfied, then snsqe may incorrectly indicate convergence. c the coding of the jacobian can be checked by the subroutine c chkder. if the jacobian is coded correctly or iopt=2, then c the validity of the answer can be checked, for example, by c rerunning snsqe with a tighter tolerance. c c convergence test. if enorm(z) denotes the euclidean norm of a c vector z, then this test attempts to guarantee that c c enorm(x-xsol) .le. tol*enorm(xsol). c c if this condition is satisfied with tol = 10**(-k), then the c larger components of x have k significant decimal digits and c info is set to 1. there is a danger that the smaller compo- c nents of x may have large relative errors, but the fast rate c of convergence of snsqe usually avoids this possibility. c c c 5. unsuccessful completion. c c unsuccessful termination of snsqe can be due to improper input c parameters, arithmetic interrupts, an excessive number of func- c tion evaluations, errors in the functions, or lack of good prog- c ress. c c improper input parameters. info is set to 0 if iopt .lt. 1, or c iopt .gt. 2, or n .le. 0, or tol .lt. 0.e0, or c lwa .lt. (3*n**2+13*n)/2. c c arithmetic interrupts. if these interrupts occur in the fcn c subroutine during an early stage of the computation, they may c be caused by an unacceptable choice of x by snsqe. in this c case, it may be possible to remedy the situation by not evalu- c ating the functions here, but instead setting the components c of fvec to numbers that exceed those in the initial fvec. c c excessive number of function evaluations. if the number of c calls to fcn reaches maxfev for maxfev .gt. 0 or 100*(n+1) for c for iopt=1 or 200*(n+1) for iopt=2 when maxfev .le. 0, c then this indicates that the routine is converging c very slowly as measured by the progress of fvec, and info is c set to 2. this situation should be unusual because, as c indicated below, lack of good progress is usually diagnosed c earlier by snsqe, causing termination with info = 4. c c errors in the functions. when iopt=2, the choice of step length c in the forward-difference approximation to the jacobian c assumes that the relative errors in the functions are of the c order of the machine precision. if this is not the case, c snsqe may fail (usually with info = 4). the user should c then either use snsq and set the step length or use iopt=1 c and supply the jacobian. c c lack of good progress. snsqe searches for a zero of the system c by minimizing the sum of the squares of the functions. in so c doing, it can become trapped in a region where the minimum c does not correspond to a zero of the system and, in this situ- c ation, the iteration eventually fails to make good progress. c in particular, this will happen if the system does not have a c zero. if the system has a zero, rerunning snsqe from a dif- c ferent starting point may be helpful. c c c 6. characteristics of the algorithm. c c snsqe is a modification of the powell hybrid method. two of c its main characteristics involve the choice of the correction as c a convex combination of the newton and scaled gradient direc- c tions, and the updating of the jacobian by the rank-1 method of c broyden. the choice of the correction guarantees (under reason- c able conditions) global convergence for starting points far from c the solution and a fast rate of convergence. the jacobian is c calculated at the starting point by either the user-supplied c subroutine or a forward-difference approximation, but it is not c recalculated until the rank-1 method fails to produce satis- c factory progress. c c timing. the time required by snsqe to solve a given problem c depends on n, the behavior of the functions, the accuracy c requested, and the starting point. the number of arithmetic c operations needed by snsqe is about 11.5*(n**2) to process c each evaluation of the functions (call to fcn) and 1.3*(n**3) c to process each evaluation of the jacobian (call to jac, c if iopt = 1). unless fcn and jac can be evaluated quickly, c the timing of snsqe will be strongly influenced by the time c spent in fcn and jac. c c storage. snsqe requires (3*n**2 + 17*n)/2 single precision c storage locations, in addition to the storage required by the c program. there are no internally declared storage arrays. c c c 7. example. c c the problem is to determine the values of x(1), x(2), ..., x(9), c which solve the system of tridiagonal equations c c (3-2*x(1))*x(1) -2*x(2) = -1 c -x(i-1) + (3-2*x(i))*x(i) -2*x(i+1) = -1, i=2-8 c -x(8) + (3-2*x(9))*x(9) = -1 c c ********** c c program test(input,output,tape6=output) c c c c driver for snsqe example. c c c integer j,n,iopt,nprint,info,lwa,nwrite,maxfev c real tol,fnorm c real x(9),fvec(9),wa(180) c real enorm,r1mach c external fcn c data nwrite /6/ c c c iopt = 2 c n = 9 c c c c the following starting values provide a rough solution. c c c do 10 j = 1, 9 c x(j) = -1.e0 c 10 continue c c lwa = 180 c nprint = 0 c maxfev = 20 c c c c set tol to the square root of the machine precision. c c unless high precision solutions are required, c c this is the recommended setting. c c c tol = sqrt(r1mach(4)) c c c call snsqe(fcn,jac,iopt,n,x,fvec,tol,nprint,info,wa,lwa,maxfev) c fnorm = enorm(n,fvec) c write (nwrite,1000) fnorm,info,(x(j),j=1,n) c stop c 1000 format (5x,31h final l2 norm of the residuals,e15.7 // c * 5x,15h exit parameter,16x,i10 // c * 5x,27h final approximate solution // (5x,3e15.7)) c end c subroutine fcn(n,x,fvec,iflag) c integer n,iflag c real x(n),fvec(n) c integer k c real one,temp,temp1,temp2,three,two,zero c data zero,one,two,three /0.e0,1.e0,2.e0,3.e0/ c c c do 10 k = 1, n c temp = (three - two*x(k))*x(k) c temp1 = zero c if (k .ne. 1) temp1 = x(k-1) c temp2 = zero c if (k .ne. n) temp2 = x(k+1) c fvec(k) = temp - temp1 - two*temp2 + one c 10 continue c return c end c c results obtained with different compilers or machines c may be slightly different. c c final l2 norm of the residuals 0.1192636e-07 c c exit parameter 1 c c final approximate solution c c -0.5706545e+00 -0.6816283e+00 -0.7017325e+00 c -0.7042129e+00 -0.7013690e+00 -0.6918656e+00 c -0.6657920e+00 -0.5960342e+00 -0.4164121e+00 c c c***references c powell, m. j. d. c a hybrid method for nonlinear equations. c numerical methods for nonlinear algebraic equations, c p. rabinowitz, editor. gordon and breach, 1970. c***routines called snsq,xerror c***end prologue snsqe implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer iopt,n,nprint,info,lwa real*8 tol,xtol real*8 x(n),fvec(n),wa(lwa) external fcn,jac integer index,j,lr,maxfev,ml,mode,mu,nfev,njev real*8 epsfcn,factor,one,zero data factor,one,zero /1.0d2,1.0d0,0.0d0/ c***first executable statement snsqe info = 0 c c check the input parameters for errors. c if (iopt .lt. 1 .or. iopt .gt. 2 .or. n .le. 0 * .or. tol .lt. zero .or. lwa .lt. (3*n**2 +13*n)/2) * go to 20 c c call snsq. c if (maxfev .le. 0) then maxfev = 100*(n + 1) if (iopt .eq. 2) maxfev = 2*maxfev endif xtol = tol ml = n - 1 mu = n - 1 epsfcn = zero mode = 2 do 10 j = 1, n wa(j) = one 10 continue lr = (n*(n + 1))/2 index=6*n+lr call snsq(fcn,jac,iopt,n,x,fvec,wa(index+1),n,xtol,maxfev,ml,mu, * epsfcn,wa(1),mode,factor,nprint,info,nfev,njev, * wa(6*n+1),lr,wa(n+1),wa(2*n+1),wa(3*n+1),wa(4*n+1), * wa(5*n+1)) if (info .eq. 5) info = 4 20 continue if (info .eq. 0) call xerror(34hsnsqe -- invalid input parameter. 1,34,2,1) return c c last card of subroutine snsqe. c end c/* @(#)vcdiag.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:22:27 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine vcdiag(ak,i2,aparam,xhl1,xhl2,vl,ldmax,nif,n1,kk,wt) c vcdiag calculates the diagnol term of point coulomb pot c including the subtractions implicit real*8 (a-h,k,m,o-z) dimension vl(30),vcoull(30),ail(30),pl(30),kk(64),wt(64) data nit/0/,ail/0.,1.,1.2247449,1.3228549,1.3777022,1.4127050, 1 1.4369752,1.4547898,1.4684210,1.4791869,1.4879047,19*1.5/ if(nit.ne.0) go to 10 c 1st call intialize nit=1 pi2=3.14159265/2. ngp=n1-1 if(ldmax .gt. 11) write(6,900)ldmax 900 format(' ldmax too large for il s in vcdiag ,ldmax=',i3//) c c set up sl(p)...diff norm than tabakin slp=+(pi2)*aparam*xhl1/1.5 lmax=ldmax-1 10 ak2=ak*ak twoak=2.*ak do 5 l=1,ldmax 5 vl(l)=0. c do loop over grid points do 100 npt=1,ngp if(npt.eq.i2)go to 100 kn=kk(npt) zmn=(ak2+kn*kn)/twoak/kn call vcoulb(ak,kn,aparam,xhl1,xhl2,vcoull,ldmax,nif) c legendre poly and vl for all l s up to lmax pl(1)=1. pl(2)=zmn do 20 l=1,ldmax if (l.eq.1)go to 15 g=zmn*pl(l) pl(l+1)=2.*g-pl(l-1)-(g-pl(l-1))/l 15 vl(l)=vl(l) + vcoull(l)*wt(npt)/pl(l) 20 continue 100 continue do 25 l=1,ldmax 25 vl(l)=(slp*(pi2-ail(l))/ak- vl(l))/wt(i2) return end c/* @(#)vcoulb.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:22:44 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine vcoulb(k,kp,a,rc,r,vl,nls,nif) c point coulomb potential....to add to reg vcoul implicit real*8 (a-h,k,m,o-z) dimension vl(30) zee=+(a/1.5)*rc/2. if (nif.ge.5)go to 100 c put reg sub here continue 100 continue c c point coulomb potenetial/non diagnol 110 fac=zee/k/kp z=(k*k+kp*kp)/2./k/kp call qlfun(nls,z,vl) do 120 i=1,nls 120 vl(i)=fac*vl(i) return end c/* @(#)vkbag.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:22:56 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine vkbag(xaki,xakj,xe,g) c eliane veit prog 7-22-84 of bagmodel potential,no interp implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension rhoxc(40),rhoxv(41),g(3) common /c/ oms,omp,pi common /b/ rhoxc,rhoxv,delx,rbag,imax data fpi/120.0d0/fk/120.0d0/rbag/1.0d0/xmb/1630.0d0/imax/20d0/ hbarc=197.3d0 e=xe/hbarc aki=xaki/hbarc akj=xakj/hbarc amsig=1192.5d0/hbarc amn=938.9d0/hbarc ampi=139.6d0/hbarc amk=493.7d0/hbarc pi=3.14159265d0 pi2=pi/2./hbarc/hbarc rt3=sqrt(3.) omsr=2.0428d0 ompr=3.8115d0 rpi=sqrt(3.14159265d0) c anorm=2.*pi**2 vf1=-1.41421d0*hbarc/(fk*2.0d0) vf2=-1.73205d0*hbarc/(fpi*2.0d0) v11=-1.5d0 v12=-0.612372d0 v21=v12 v22=-2.0d0 con1=hbarc/(fk*1.41421d0) con2=hbarc/(fpi*1.41421d0) imax=(imax/2)*2 c c space density xmb=xmb/hbarc oms=omsr/rbag omp=ompr/rbag b0s=sin(omsr)/omsr b0p=sin(ompr)/ompr xnors2=omsr/((omsr-1.0d0)*2.0d0*rbag**3*b0s**2) xnorp2=ompr/((ompr+1.0d0)*2.0d0*rbag**3*b0p**2) xnors=sqrt(xnors2) xnorp=sqrt(xnorp2) delx=rbag/imax c do 140 ix=1,imax x=ix*delx omsx=oms*x ompx=omp*x b0s=sin(omsx)/omsx b0p=sin(ompx)/ompx b1s=(b0s-cos(omsx))/omsx b1p=(b0p-cos(ompx))/ompx rhoxc(ix)=xnors2*x**2*(b0s**2+b1s**2) rhoxv(ix)=xnors*xnorp*x**2*(b0s*b0p+b1s*b1p) 140 continue c rhoxv(imax+1) = contribution from the surface piece rhoxv(imax+1)=2.0d0*xnors*xnorp*rbag**2*b0s*b0p c vsi=rhos(aki) vvi=rhov(aki) wi1=sqrt(amk**2+aki**2) wi2=sqrt(ampi**2+aki**2) vsepi1=(vsi-(oms-omp+wi1)*vvi)*vf1/sqrt(2.0d0*wi1)/sqrt(anorm) vsepi2=(vsi-(oms-omp+wi2)*vvi)*vf2/sqrt(2.0d0*wi2)/sqrt(anorm) vsi=rhos(akj) vvi=rhov(akj) wj1=sqrt(amk**2+akj**2) wj2=sqrt(ampi**2+akj**2) vsepj1=(vsi-(oms-omp+wj1)*vvi)*vf1/sqrt(2.0d0*wj1)/sqrt(anorm) vsepj2=(vsi-(oms-omp+wj2)*vvi)*vf2/sqrt(2.0d0*wj2)/sqrt(anorm) vcont=xrho(aki,akj)/anorm c wi1=sqrt(amk**2+aki**2) wi2=sqrt(ampi**2+aki**2) wf1=sqrt(amk**2+akj**2) wf2=sqrt(ampi**2+akj**2) ak11=(wi1+wf1)/(2.0d0*sqrt(wi1*wf1)) ak22=(wi2+wf2)/(2.0d0*sqrt(wi2*wf2)) ak12=(wi1+wf2)/(2.0d0*sqrt(wi1*wf2)) ak21=(wi2+wf1)/(2.0d0*sqrt(wi2*wf1)) c c k to k g(1)=+(ak11*v11*con1**2*vcont+vsepi1*vsepj1/(e-xmb)) c c pi to pi g(2)=+(ak22*v22*con2**2*vcont+vsepi2*vsepj2/(e-xmb)) c c k to pi g(3)=+(ak12*v12*con1*con2*vcont+vsepi1*vsepj2/(e-xmb)) c c convert pots to rhl s mev-2 from fms g(1)=g(1)*pi2 g(2)=g(2)*pi2/3. g(3)=g(3)*pi2/rt3 return end c/* @(#)vkbarp.f 1.3 latest revision 9/3/86 12:06:08 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine vkbarp(kp,k ) c sub to calculate the henley alberg willets (haw) kn and sigma pi c two body potentials using their params yet with the lpott conventions c also the schick-gibson potentials c so that the potential is added directly to the optpbs potent c nnb potentials are complex*16, have 3 channels, and are in /sec2/ c nb only s waves for the present form, no spin dependeece c nes in /sec2/ is iset, switch for the 3 potent sets(i=1) c c channel labels: 1 k-p 2 sigma pi (only i=0 part for haw) c 3 kobar-n c iset lt 0 is a switch for only k-p in this sub(used as prog check) c cc iset switch : for i=1, 1,2,3, refer to sets a, b, c (nes=switch) c iset= 30...use bag model i=0 via sub vkbag implicit real*8 (a,b,c-h,m,k, o-u,w-z) complex*16 vkp,l,bsq,l0,l1,b1,b0,bo,lo,g ,l0haw,l1haw,zi 1 ,kp,k,k2,kp2,rhl c 2 ,b1i.l1i dimension l0(3),lo(3),l1(5),b1(5),vkp(3,3),fl(3) dimension nifty(20),bnuc(20),bnucf(20),bn(16),bnf(16),retij(14), 1 aimtij(14) common/sec2/bnuc,bn,bnucf,bnf,retij,aimtij,hbarc,pi,mpi,mn,nz,nes 1 ,nwaves,nifty,na equivalence(l0,lo),(b0,bo),(bnuc(1),vkp(1,1)),(iset,nes), 1 (fl(1),l0(1)) data l0/(-326.,0.),(-112.,0.),(-412.,0.)/,b0,zi/(5.56,0.),(0.,1.)/ 1 , l1/(-232.,-64.9),(-388.,-175.),(-30.8,-22.4),2*(0.,0.)/, 2b1/(0.824,2.29),(4.,0.),(2.,0.),2*(0.,0.)/,nit /0 / g(bsq,l)= l/(bsq+k2)/(bsq+kp2) c intialize...convert to mev + do mult so no need repeat ea time if(nit.ne.0) go to 10 fourpi=4.*pi icoul=0 rt2=sqrt(2.) i1chan=1 acoup=1. if (iset.eq.6) then read(5,800) b0 read(5,800) l0(1) read(5,800) l0(2) read(5,800) l0(3) read(5,800) b1(1) read(5,800) l1(1) c ****** convert units to those of HAW 1980 do 15 i=1,3 l0(i)=l0(i)/b0 15 continue l1(1)=l1(1)/hbarc b0=b0/hbarc b1(1)=b1(1)/hbarc c ****** treat as HAW iset=1 endif c switch for pure elastic kp only if(iset .lt.0)i1chan=0 iset=abs(iset) ibag=0 if(iset.ne.30)go to 20 c use bag model pot ibag=1 iset=3 20 if(iset.eq.5)go to 7 if(iset.eq.4)go to 6 if(iset.ge.100)icoul=1 if(iset.eq.99)icoul=2 if(iset.gt.100)iset=iset-100 if(iset.le.3)go to 4 if(nwaves.le.0)acoup=-nwaves/100. c set pot real*8 for iset=25 if(iset.eq.25)a=l1(3) if(iset.eq.25)l1(3)=a write(6,901)ibag, iset,acoup 901 format(' iset gt 3 in vkbarp,set=3 ibag,iset,acoup=',2i3,f10.3) iset=3 go to 4 c schick-gibson complex*16 single channel potentials(kim or bea) c c kim 6 b0=0.180 lo(1)=(-6.45,-0.5928) b1(4)=0.180 l1(4)=(-3.855,-3.101) go to 8 c bea 7 b0=0.07643 l0(1)=(-77.89,-3.289) b1(5)=0.07643 l1(5)=(-54.94,-16.55) 8 l0(2)=0. l0(3)=0. 4 continue c special run,pure i=0 with 2x strength for b.s. if(i1chan.eq.0)l0(2)=l0(2)*rt2 if(i1chan.eq.0)l0(1)=2.*l0(1) if(i1chan.eq.0)l1(iset)=0. write(6,900)ibag, 1 iset,b0,acoup,i1chan,(l0(i),i=1,3),b1(iset),l1(iset) 900 format(' ibag,iset,b0=',2i3,2d15.5,'acoup,i1chanl=',f10.3,i3/ 1 ' l0/b0(1,2,3 )=',6d15.5/' b1,l1(iset)=',4d15.5/) nit=1 if(iset.eq.4.or.iset.eq.5)go to 9 b0=b0*hbarc do 5 i=1,3 l1(i)=hbarc*l1(i)*fourpi c reduce im part of potential by amount reduce coupling if(acoup.eq.1) go to 12 b=l1(i) a=-acoup*zi*l1(i) l1(i)=b+zi*a 12 l0(i)=l0(i)*fourpi*b0 5 b1(i)=(b1(i)*hbarc)**2 b0=b0**2 go to 11 c intialize and convert s-g pot into lpt convention 9 b0=(hbarc/b0)**2 b1(iset)=(hbarc/b1(iset))**2 l0haw=l0(1)*pi/2. l1haw=l1(iset)*pi/2. l0(1)=l0haw*(hbarc**2)*fourpi l1(iset)=l1haw*(hbarc**2)*fourpi 11 write(6,899) 899 format(' now in mev units,b=b*b,l=4pi*l--for lpt pot') write(6,900)ibag, 1 iset,b0,acoup,i1chan,(l0(i),i=1,3),b1(iset),l1(iset) c compute the l=0 optical potetial, lpt conventins 10 kp2=kp*kp if(ibag.ne.1)go to 21 ak=k akp=kp c call bag model v,now using threshold energy xe=1432.6 call vkbag(ak,akp,xe,fl) if(i1chan.eq.0)fl(1)=2.*fl(1) if(i1chan.eq.0)fl(2)=rt2*fl(2) rhl=fl(1) 21 k2=k*k if(ibag.ne.1)rhl=g(b0,l0(1)) c mods for rf compiler c b1i=b1(iset) c l1i=l1(iset) vkp(1,1)=0.5*(rhl + g(b1(iset),l1(iset))) bsq=5.569836 l=-0.1626465 if(icoul.eq.1)vkp(1,1)=vkp(1,1)+g(bsq,l) if(icoul.eq.2)vkp(1,1)=g(bsq,l) if(ibag.ne.1)vkp(2,2)= g(b0,l0(3)) if(ibag.eq.1)vkp(2,2)=fl(2) vkp(3,3)=vkp(1,1) if(ibag.ne.1)vkp(1,2)= acoup*g(b0,l0(2))/rt2 if(ibag.eq.1)vkp(1,2)=acoup*fl(3)/rt2 c the equivalent separable coulomb pot of rcb vkp(2,1)=vkp(1,2) vkp(3,2)=-vkp(1,2) vkp(2,3)=vkp(3,2) vkp(1,3)=acoup*0.5*(g(b1(iset),l1(iset)) - rhl) vkp(3,1)=vkp(1,3) c 800 format(2(2x,e15.8)) return end c/* @(#)vpbar.f 1.7 latest revision 4/30/87 09:15:02 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine vpbar(kp,k,ze,ldum) c *********************************************************************** c the full potential for the graz nbar-n potentials. c ze is the complex kinetic energy parameter (nr here). c the p|p and n|n channels are truly coupled, yet no interaction c within the annihilation channel so the model can be reduced c to a coupled channels optical potential. c s and p waves included, coupled channels-spin not c nes in /sec2/ is iset, the switch for spin-isospin state c potential equivalenced to bnuc c c iset code 1- 1s0 2- 3s1 3- 1p1 4- 3p0 5- 3p1 c iset code 11- 1s0 12-3s1 13-1p1 14-3p0 15-3p1 only I=0 c iset code 21- 1s0 22-3s1 23-1p1 24-3p0 25-3p1 only I=1 c c channels: 1-pbarp 3-nbarn 2-empty c implicit real*8 (a-h,m,k,o-y), complex*16 (z) dimension nifty(20),bnuc(20),bnucf(20),bn(16),bnf(16),retij(14), 1 aimtij(14),zvpbar(3,3) common/sec2/bnuc,bn,bnucf,bnf,retij,aimtij,hbarc,pi,mpi,mn,nz, 1 nes,nwaves,nifty,na equivalence (iset,nes),(bnuc(1),zvpbar(1,1)) data init/0/ c set switch for pure isospin iset gt 10 for pure isospin if(init.ne.0)goto5 c intialize swich init=1 iso=-1 if (iset.gt.10)iso=0 if (iset.gt.20)iso=1 if(iset.gt.20.)iset=iset-20 if(iset.gt.10.)iset=iset-10 c check that ldum and eigenchannel are consistent, else no strong pot 5 do 11 i1=1,3 do 10 i2=1,3 10 zvpbar(i1,i2)=0. 11 continue if(ldum.eq.1.and.iset.ge.3)return if(ldum.gt.1.and.iset.le.2)return ispin=1 call gpbarp(ispin,kp,alamb,rhl1) call gpbarp(ispin,k ,alamb,rhl2) call vpbara(ispin,kp,k,ze,zvanh0) rev0=rhl1*rhl2*alamb c write(6,900)ispin, kp,k,ze,rev0,zvanh0 900 format(' iset ,kp,k,ze,revstrong,vannhl=',i3,4f10.1,3d12.2) ispin=2 call gpbarp(ispin,kp,alamb,rhl1) call gpbarp(ispin,k ,alamb,rhl2) call vpbara(ispin,kp,k,ze,zvanh1) rev1=rhl1*rhl2*alamb c write(6,900)iset, kp,k,ze,rev1,zvanh1 c c change to charge channel potentials c c pure isospin possible, only chnnel 1 zvpbar(1,1)=0.5*(rev0+rev1+zvanh0+zvanh1) zvpbar(1,3)=0.5*(rev0-rev1+zvanh0-zvanh1) if(iso.eq.0)zvpbar(1,1)=rev0+zvanh0 if(iso.eq.0)zvpbar(1,3)=0. if(iso.eq.1)zvpbar(1,1)=rev1+zvanh1 if(iso.eq.1)zvpbar(1,3)=0. zvpbar(3,3)=zvpbar(1,1) zvpbar(3,1)=zvpbar(1,3) return end c/* @(#)vpbara.f 1.29 latest revision 6/3/87 12:28:02 */ c/* %w% latest revision %g% %u% */ subroutine vpbara(ispin1,kp,k,ze,zvopt) c *********************************************************************** c c the annihilation optical potential for the graz nbar-n potentials. c ze is the ke, just a real parameter c the p|p and n|n channels are truly coupled, yet no interaction c within the annihilation channel so the model can be reduced c to a coupled channels optical potential. c s and p waves included, coupled channels-spin not c nes in /sec2/ is iwave, the switch for spin-isospin state c c iwave code 1- 1s0 2- 3s1 3- 1p1 4- 3p0 5- 3p1 c the l and j refer to intial nnbar channels c in boson-boson channel have power p**jnn and bb state c 1- 1s0 2- 1p1 3- 1p1 4- 1s0 5- 1p1 c implicit real*8 (a-h,m,k,o-y), complex*16 (z) dimension nifty(20),bnuc(20),bnucf(20),bn(16),bnf(16),retij(14), 1 aimtij(14),zgkap(2),zgko(2) common/sec2/bnuc,bn,bnucf,bnf,retij,aimtij,hbarc,pi,mpi,mn,nz, 1 nes,nwaves,nifty,na equivalence (iwave,nes),(zko,zk0),(zko2,zk02) data zi,zeold/(0.,1.),(1.,0.)/ c c evaluate zko2, above threshold on-shell momentum c echan=-300. mb=938. + echan/2. reEa=ze-echan zko2=mb*(ze-echan) c keep reko>0 for gamow states zko= sqrt(zko2) reko = zko aiko = -zi*zko c for resonace-like or open annh channel, make rek0 >0 if(reko.lt.0 .and. reEa .gt.0.)zko=-zko c for deeply bound (below thresold) make imk0>0 if(aiko.lt.0 .and. reEa .lt.0.)zko=-zko if (zold.ne. ze) write(6,900)zko zold = ze 900 format(' zkann=',2e13.5) 100 icall=iwave zkp =kp zk = k call gpbara(icall,ispin1,zkp,kap,gam2,zrhl1) call gpbara(icall,ispin1,zk,kap, gam2,zrhl2) zvopt = (pi/2.)*mb*zrhl1*zrhl2*kap*kap gam=sqrt(gam2) c c numerical il calc,need keep ko real here for now, otherwise c need change prin value part (no biggie to do) c c for internal part of annih pot, need include different channel c label for bosons than for fermions (the l value changes) c if (iwave .eq. 1) icall =1 if (iwave .eq. 2) icall =3 if (iwave .eq. 3) icall =3 if (iwave .eq. 4) icall =1 if (iwave .eq. 5) icall =3 if(ispin1.eq.1)call dcalc(icall,zko,zgkap,zgko) zil= -zi*pi*zko*zgko(ispin1)**2/2. + zgkap(ispin1) zvopt = zvopt*zil c scale Vannh by nwaves if(nwaves .le.0)zvopt =-nwaves*zvopt/100. return end subroutine xerabt(messg,nmessg) c***begin prologue xerabt c***revision date 850615 (yymmdd) c c***changed to double precision c c***category no. q c***keywords xerror,error,abort c***date written august 1979 c***author jones r.e. (sla) c***purpose c aborts program execution and prints error message c***description c abstract c ***note*** machine dependent routine c xerabt aborts the execution of the program. c the error message causing the abort is given in the calling c sequence in case one needs it for printing on a dayfile, c for example. c c description of parameters c messg and nmessg are as in xerror, except that nmessg may c be zero, in which case no message is being supplied. c c written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee c latest revision --- 7 june 1978 c c***references c jones r.e., *slatec common mathematical library error handling c package*, sand78-1189, sandia laboratories, 1978. c***routines called (none) c***end prologue xerabt c dimension messg(nmessg) c***first executable statement xerabt stop c return end subroutine xerctl(messg1,nmessg,nerr,level,kontrl) c***begin prologue xerctl c***revision date 850615 (yymmdd) c c***changed to double precision c c***category no. q c***keywords xerror,error,control c***date written august 1979 c***author jones r.e. (sla) c***purpose c allows user control over handling of individual errors c***description c abstract c allows user control over handling of individual errors. c just after each message is recorded, but before it is c processed any further (i.e., before it is printed or c a decision to abort is made) a call is made to xerctl. c if the user has provided his own version of xerctl, he c can then override the value of kontrol used in processing c this message by redefining its value. c kontrl may be set to any value from -2 to 2. c the meanings for kontrl are the same as in xsetf, except c that the value of kontrl changes only for this message. c if kontrl is set to a value outside the range from -2 to 2, c it will be moved back into that range. c c description of parameters c c --input-- c messg1 - the first word (only) of the error message. c nmessg - same as in the call to xerror or xerrwv. c nerr - same as in the call to xerror or xerrwv. c level - same as in the call to xerror or xerrwv. c kontrl - the current value of the control flag as set c by a call to xsetf. c c --output-- c kontrl - the new value of kontrl. if kontrl is not c defined, it will remain at its original value. c this changed value of control affects only c the current occurrence of the current message. c c***references c jones r.e., *slatec common mathematical library error handling c package*, sand78-1189, sandia laboratories, 1978. c***routines called (none) c***end prologue xerctl c c***first executable statement xerctl return end subroutine xerprt(messg,nmessg) c***begin prologue xerprt c***revision date 850615 (yymmdd) c c***changed to double precision c c***category no. q c***keywords xerror,error,print c***date written august 1979 c***author jones r.e. (sla) c***purpose c prints error messages c***description c abstract c print the hollerith message in messg, of length nmessg, c on each file indicated by xgetua. c c prepare format c***references c jones r.e., *slatec common mathematical library error handling c package*, sand78-1189, sandia laboratories, 1978. c***routines called xgetua,s88fmt,i1mach c***end prologue xerprt c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer f(10),g(14),lun(5) dimension messg(nmessg) data f(1),f(2),f(3),f(4),f(5),f(6),f(7),f(8),f(9),f(10) 1 / 1h( ,1h1 ,1hx ,1h, ,1h ,1h ,1ha ,1h ,1h ,1h) / data g(1),g(2),g(3),g(4),g(5),g(6),g(7),g(8),g(9),g(10) 1 / 1h( ,1h1 ,1hx ,1h ,1h ,1h ,1h ,1h ,1h ,1h / data g(11),g(12),g(13),g(14) 1 / 1h ,1h ,1h ,1h) / data la/1ha/,lcom/1h,/,lblank/1h / c prepare format for whole lines c***first executable statement xerprt nchar = i1mach(6) nfield = 72/nchar call s88fmt(2,nfield,f(5)) call s88fmt(2,nchar,f(8)) c prepare format for last, partial line, if needed ncharl = nfield*nchar nlines = nmessg/ncharl nword = nlines*nfield nchrem = nmessg - nlines*ncharl if (nchrem.le.0) go to 40 do 10 i=4,13 10 g(i) = lblank nfield = nchrem/nchar if (nfield.le.0) go to 20 c prepare whole word fields g(4) = lcom call s88fmt(2,nfield,g(5)) g(7) = la call s88fmt(2,nchar,g(8)) 20 continue nchlst = mod(nchrem,nchar) if (nchlst.le.0) go to 30 c prepare partial word field g(10) = lcom g(11) = la call s88fmt(2,nchlst,g(12)) 30 continue 40 continue c print the message nword1 = nword+1 nword2 = (nmessg+nchar-1)/nchar call xgetua(lun,nunit) do 50 kunit = 1,nunit iunit = lun(kunit) if (iunit.eq.0) iunit = i1mach(4) if (nword.gt.0) write (iunit,f) (messg(i),i=1,nword) if (nchrem.gt.0) write (iunit,g) (messg(i),i=nword1,nword2) 50 continue return end subroutine xerror(messg,nmessg,nerr,level) c***begin prologue xerror c***revision date 850615 (yymmdd) c c***changed to double precision c c***category no. q c***keywords xerror,error c***date written august 1979 c***author jones r.e. (sla) c***purpose c processes an error (diagnostic) message c***description c abstract c xerror processes a diagnostic message, in a manner c determined by the value of level and the current value c of the library error control flag, kontrl. c (see subroutine xsetf for details.) c c description of parameters c --input-- c messg - the hollerith message to be processed, containing c no more than 72 characters. c nmessg- the actual number of characters in messg. c nerr - the error number associated with this message. c nerr must not be zero. c level - error category. c =2 means this is an unconditionally fatal error. c =1 means this is a recoverable error. (i.e., it is c non-fatal if xsetf has been appropriately called.) c =0 means this is a warning message only. c =-1 means this is a warning message which is to be c printed at most once, regardless of how many c times this call is executed. c c examples c call xerror(23hsmooth -- num was zero.,23,1,2) c call xerror(43hinteg -- less than full accuracy achieved., c 43,2,1) c call xerror(65hrooter -- actual zero of f found before interval c 1 fully collapsed.,65,3,0) c call xerror(39hexp -- underflows being set to zero.,39,1,-1) c c written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee c latest revision --- 7 feb 1979 c c***references c jones r.e., *slatec common mathematical library error handling c package*, sand78-1189, sandia laboratories, 1978. c***routines called xerrwv c***end prologue xerror c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension messg(nmessg) c***first executable statement xerror call xerrwv(messg,nmessg,nerr,level,0,0,0,0,0.d00,0.d00) return end subroutine xerrwv(messg,nmessg,nerr,level,ni,i1,i2,nr,r1,r2) c***begin prologue xerrwv c***revision date 850615 (yymmdd) c c***changed to double precision c c***category no. q c***keywords xerror,error,print with values c***date written march 19, 1980 c***author jones r.e. (sla) c***purpose c processes error message allowing 2 integer and two real values c to be included in the message. c***description c abstract c xerrwv processes a diagnostic message, in a manner c determined by the value of level and the current value c of the library error control flag, kontrl. c (see subroutine xsetf for details.) c in addition, up to two integer values and two real c values may be printed along with the message. c c description of parameters c --input-- c messg - the hollerith message to be processed. c nmessg- the actual number of characters in messg. c nerr - the error number associated with this message. c nerr must not be zero. c level - error category. c =2 means this is an unconditionally fatal error. c =1 means this is a recoverable error. (i.e., it is c non-fatal if xsetf has been appropriately called.) c =0 means this is a warning message only. c =-1 means this is a warning message which is to be c printed at most once, regardless of how many c times this call is executed. c ni - number of integer values to be printed. (o to 2) c i1 - first integer value. c i2 - second integer value. c nr - number of real values to be printed. (0 to 2) c r1 - first real value. c r2 - second real value. c c examples c call xerror(29hsmooth -- num (=i1) was zero.,29,1,2, c 1 1,num,0,0,0.,0.) c call xerrwv(54hquadxy -- requested error (r1) less than minimum c 1 (r2).,54,77,1,0,0,0,2,errreq,errmin) c c written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee c latest revision --- 19 mar 1980 c c***references c jones r.e., *slatec common mathematical library error handling c package*, sand78-1189, sandia laboratories, 1978. c***routines called fdump,i1mach,j4save,xerabt,xerctl,xerprt, c xersav c***end prologue xerrwv c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension messg(nmessg),lun(5) c***first executable statement xerrwv lkntrl = j4save(2,0,.false.) maxmes = j4save(4,0,.false.) c check for valid input if ((nmessg.gt.0).and.(nerr.ne.0).and. 1 (level.ge.(-1)).and.(level.le.2)) go to 10 if (lkntrl.gt.0) call xerprt(17hfatal error in...,17) call xerprt(23hxerror -- invalid input,23) if (lkntrl.gt.0) call fdump if (lkntrl.gt.0) call xerprt(29hjob abort due to fatal error., 1 29) if (lkntrl.gt.0) call xersav(1h ,0,0,0,kdummy) call xerabt(23hxerror -- invalid input,23) return 10 continue c record message junk = j4save(1,nerr,.true.) call xersav(messg,nmessg,nerr,level,kount) c let user override lfirst = messg(1) lmessg = nmessg lerr = nerr llevel = level call xerctl(lfirst,lmessg,lerr,llevel,lkntrl) c reset to original values lmessg = nmessg lerr = nerr llevel = level lkntrl = max0(-2,min0(2,lkntrl)) mkntrl = iabs(lkntrl) c decide whether to print message if ((llevel.lt.2).and.(lkntrl.eq.0)) go to 100 if (((llevel.eq.(-1)).and.(kount.gt.min0(1,maxmes))) 1.or.((llevel.eq.0) .and.(kount.gt.maxmes)) 2.or.((llevel.eq.1) .and.(kount.gt.maxmes).and.(mkntrl.eq.1)) 3.or.((llevel.eq.2) .and.(kount.gt.max0(1,maxmes)))) go to 100 if (lkntrl.le.0) go to 20 call xerprt(1h ,1) c introduction if (llevel.eq.(-1)) call xerprt 1(57hwarning message...this message will only be printed once.,57) if (llevel.eq.0) call xerprt(13hwarning in...,13) if (llevel.eq.1) call xerprt 1 (23hrecoverable error in...,23) if (llevel.eq.2) call xerprt(17hfatal error in...,17) 20 continue c message call xerprt(messg,lmessg) call xgetua(lun,nunit) do 50 kunit=1,nunit iunit = lun(kunit) if (iunit.eq.0) iunit = i1mach(4) if (ni.ge.1) write (iunit,22) i1 if (ni.ge.2) write (iunit,23) i2 if (nr.ge.1) write (iunit,24) r1 if (nr.ge.2) write (iunit,25) r2 22 format (11x,21hin above message, i1=,i10) 23 format (11x,21hin above message, i2=,i10) 24 format (11x,21hin above message, r1=,e20.10) 25 format (11x,21hin above message, r2=,e20.10) if (lkntrl.le.0) go to 40 c error number write (iunit,30) lerr 30 format (15h error number =,i10) 40 continue 50 continue c trace-back call fdump 100 continue ifatal = 0 if ((llevel.eq.2).or.((llevel.eq.1).and.(mkntrl.eq.2))) 1ifatal = 1 c quit here if message is not fatal if (ifatal.le.0) return if ((lkntrl.le.0).or.(kount.gt.max0(1,maxmes))) go to 120 c print reason for abort if (llevel.eq.1) call xerprt 1 (35hjob abort due to unrecovered error.,35) if (llevel.eq.2) call xerprt 1 (29hjob abort due to fatal error.,29) c print error summary call xersav(1h ,-1,0,0,kdummy) 120 continue c abort if ((llevel.eq.2).and.(kount.gt.max0(1,maxmes))) lmessg = 0 call xerabt(messg,lmessg) return end subroutine xersav(messg,nmessg,nerr,level,icount) c***begin prologue xersav c***revision date 850615 (yymmdd) c c***changed to double precision c c***category no. q c***keywords xerror,error,record c***date written march 19, 1980 c***author jones r.e. (sla) c***purpose c records that an error occurred. c***description c abstract c record that this error occurred. c c description of parameters c --input-- c messg, nmessg, nerr, level are as in xerror, c except that when nmessg=0 the tables will be c dumped and cleared, and when nmessg is less than zero the c tables will be dumped and not cleared. c --output-- c icount will be the number of times this message has c been seen, or zero if the table has overflowed and c does not contain this message specifically. c when nmessg=0, icount will not be altered. c c written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee c latest revision --- 19 mar 1980 c c***references c jones r.e., *slatec common mathematical library error handling c package*, sand78-1189, sandia laboratories, 1978. c***routines called xgetua,s88fmt,i1mach c***end prologue xersav c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) integer f(17),lun(5) dimension messg(1) dimension mestab(10),nertab(10),levtab(10),kount(10) data mestab(1),mestab(2),mestab(3),mestab(4),mestab(5), 1 mestab(6),mestab(7),mestab(8),mestab(9),mestab(10) 2 /0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/ data nertab(1),nertab(2),nertab(3),nertab(4),nertab(5), 1 nertab(6),nertab(7),nertab(8),nertab(9),nertab(10) 2 /0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/ data levtab(1),levtab(2),levtab(3),levtab(4),levtab(5), 1 levtab(6),levtab(7),levtab(8),levtab(9),levtab(10) 2 /0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/ data kount(1),kount(2),kount(3),kount(4),kount(5), 1 kount(6),kount(7),kount(8),kount(9),kount(10) 2 /0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0/ data kountx/0/ data f(1),f(2),f(3),f(4),f(5),f(6),f(7),f(8),f(9),f(10), 1 f(11),f(12),f(13),f(14),f(15),f(16),f(17) 2 /1h( ,1h1 ,1hx ,1h, ,1ha ,1h ,1h ,1h, ,1hi ,1h , 3 1h ,1h, ,1h2 ,1hi ,1h1 ,1h0 ,1h) / c***first executable statement xersav if (nmessg.gt.0) go to 80 c dump the table if (kount(1).eq.0) return c prepare format nchar = i1mach(6) call s88fmt(2,nchar,f(6)) ncol = 20 - nchar call s88fmt(2,ncol,f(10)) c print to each unit call xgetua(lun,nunit) do 60 kunit=1,nunit iunit = lun(kunit) if (iunit.eq.0) iunit = i1mach(4) c print table header write (iunit,10) 10 format (32h0 error message summary/ 1 41h first word nerr level count) c print body of table do 20 i=1,10 if (kount(i).eq.0) go to 30 write (iunit,f) mestab(i),nertab(i),levtab(i),kount(i) 20 continue 30 continue c print number of other errors if (kountx.ne.0) write (iunit,40) kountx 40 format (41h0other errors not individually tabulated=,i10) write (iunit,50) 50 format (1x) 60 continue if (nmessg.lt.0) return c clear the error tables do 70 i=1,10 70 kount(i) = 0 kountx = 0 return 80 continue c process a message... c search for this messg, or else an empty slot for this messg, c or else determine that the error table is full. do 90 i=1,10 ii = i if (kount(i).eq.0) go to 110 if (messg(1).ne.mestab(i)) go to 90 if (nerr.ne.nertab(i)) go to 90 if (level.ne.levtab(i)) go to 90 go to 100 90 continue c three possible cases... c table is full kountx = kountx+1 icount = 1 return c message found in table 100 kount(ii) = kount(ii) + 1 icount = kount(ii) return c empty slot found for new message 110 mestab(ii) = messg(1) nertab(ii) = nerr levtab(ii) = level kount(ii) = 1 icount = 1 return end subroutine xgetua(iunit,n) c***begin prologue xgetua c***revision date 850615 (yymmdd) c c***changed to double precision c c***category no. q c***keywords xerror,error,unit number c***date written august 1979 c***author jones r.e. (sla) c***purpose c returns unit number(s) to which error messages are being sent c***description c abstract c xgetua may be called to determine the unit number or numbers c to which error messages are being sent. c these unit numbers may have been set by a call to xsetun, c or a call to xsetua, or may be a default value. c c description of parameters c --output-- c iunit - an array of one to five unit numbers, depending c on the value of n. a value of zero refers to the c default unit, as defined by the i1mach machine c constant routine. only iunit(1),...,iunit(n) are c defined by xgetua. the values of iunit(n+1),..., c iunit(5) are not defined (for n.lt.5) or altered c in any way by xgetua. c n - the number of units to which copies of the c error messages are being sent. n will be in the c range from 1 to 5. c c written by ron jones, with slatec common math library subcommittee c c***references c jones r.e., *slatec common mathematical library error handling c package*, sand78-1189, sandia laboratories, 1978. c***routines called j4save c***end prologue xgetua c implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) dimension iunit(5) c***first executable statement xgetua n = j4save(5,0,.false.) do 30 i=1,n index = i+4 if (i.eq.1) index = 3 iunit(i) = j4save(index,0,.false.) 30 continue return end c/* @(#)xrho.f 1.1 latest revision 7/30/86 14:24:17 */ real*8 function xrho(q1,q2) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) common /c/ oms,omp,pi common /b/ rhoxc,rhoxv,delx,rbag,imax dimension rhoxc(40),rhoxv(41) sumq=0.0d0 imax=rbag/delx+0.01 itest=2 do 141 iix=2,imax xx=(iix-1)*delx if(abs(q1) .lt. 1.0d-12) b0q1=1.0d0 if(abs(q1) .lt. 1.0d-12) go to 143 qx1=q1*xx b0q1=sin(qx1)/qx1 143 if(abs(q2) .lt. 1.0d-12) b0q2=1.0d0 if(abs(q2) .lt. 1.0d-12) go to 149 qx2=q2*xx b0q2=sin(qx2)/qx2 149 itest=6-itest sumq=sumq+rhoxc(iix-1)*b0q1*b0q2*itest 141 continue if(abs(q1) .lt. 1.d-12) b0q1=1.d0 if(abs(q1) .lt. 1.d-12) go to 147 b0q1=sin(q1*rbag)/(q1*rbag) 147 if(abs(q2) .lt. 1.d-12) b0q2=1.d0 if(abs(q2) .lt. 1.d-12) go to 144 b0q2=sin(q2*rbag)/(q2*rbag) 144 xrho=(sumq+rhoxc(imax)*b0q1*b0q2)*delx/3.0d0 return 142 xrho=0.0d0 return end