import*; import mpi.*; //30 Apr 2002 //Au-Ni binary phase diagram //Set Ni A component, Au B component, Solid A phase, Liquid B phase public class PhaseMPI { public static void main(String[] args) throws MPIException { PrintStream pfout = null; PrintStream iout = null; int guest_processor=1, host_processor=0, myrank, worldsize, con_res = 0, h=0; double temp = 0, T_STEP, T_MAX, T_START; MPI.Init(args); myrank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Rank(); worldsize = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Size(); double timer_array[] = new double [2]; System.out.println("\n"+myrank+": Started"); MPI.COMM_WORLD.Barrier(); timer_array[0] = MPI.Wtime(); if ( myrank == host_processor ) //I am the host processor { System.out.println("\n\n MPI Started \n"); try { FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("AuNi1.dat"); pfout = new PrintStream(fout); FileOutputStream infoOut = new FileOutputStream("MPIinfo10.dat"); iout = new PrintStream(infoOut); } catch(IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Error in FileOutput...."+ioe); } } //these define the start and stop of the temperature loop in Kelvin T_START = 300; T_MAX = 1600; T_STEP = 1; //con_res defines the steps in consintration, the step size across //the concentration axis is 1/con_res con_res = 1000; for (temp = T_START; temp < T_MAX; temp += T_STEP) { if (myrank == guest_processor) //Other computers { CALPHAD auni=new CALPHAD(); TestG test=new TestG(); test.setOmega(21689,0); test.setT(temp); double G0Aa=auni.getG0Aa(temp); test.setG0Aa(G0Aa); double G0Ab=auni.getG0Ab(temp); test.setG0Ab(G0Ab); double G0Ba=auni.getG0Ba(temp); test.setG0Ba(G0Ba); double G0Bb=auni.getG0Bb(temp); test.setG0Bb(G0Bb); double results[]=test.runTest(con_res); MPI.COMM_WORLD.Send(results,0,2*con_res,MPI.DOUBLE,host_processor,10); } if (myrank == host_processor) //Host Computer { double receive[] = new double [2*con_res]; if(temp%10==0){System.out.println(temp);} double TdegC=temp-273.0; MPI.COMM_WORLD.Recv(receive, 0 ,2*con_res, MPI.DOUBLE, guest_processor, 10); while(receive[h]!=0) { pfout.println(receive[h] + "\t" + TdegC); h++; } h=0; } //If we reach the end of the processors, //then reset the current processor to 1 otherwise advance if (guest_processor == (worldsize-1)) { guest_processor=1; } else { guest_processor++; } } timer_array[1] = MPI.Wtime(); MPI.Finalize(); if (myrank==0) { iout.println("\n\n\t Total Processors: "+worldsize+" (including host),\n"); iout.println("\t Processors computing: "+ (worldsize-1)); iout.println("\n\t MPI Total time: "+(timer_array[1]-timer_array[0])+"\n"); } } } class TestG { final double R=8.314; double G0Aa; double G0Ab; double G0Ba; double G0Bb; double T; double NA_beta; double Omega_a; double Omega_b; int res; public TestG() {} public void setT(double temperature) { T=temperature; } public void setG0Aa(double GAa) { G0Aa=GAa; } public void setG0Ab(double GAb) { G0Ab=GAb; } public void setG0Ba(double GBa) { G0Ba=GBa; } public void setG0Bb(double GBb) { G0Bb=GBb; } public void setNA_beta(double N) { NA_beta=N; } public void setOmega(double Oa, double Ob) { Omega_a=Oa; Omega_b=Ob; } public boolean checkA(double NA_alpha) { double G_a=G0Aa+R*T*Math.log(NA_alpha) +Omega_a*Math.pow((1-NA_alpha),2); double G_b=G0Ab+R*T*Math.log(NA_beta) +Omega_b*Math.pow((1-NA_beta),2); double check=G_a-G_b; boolean A; if((check>(-10)) && (check<(10))) {A=true;} else {A=false;} return A; } public boolean checkB(double NA_alpha) { double G_a=G0Ba+R*T*Math.log(1-NA_alpha) +Omega_a*Math.pow((NA_alpha),2); double G_b=G0Bb+R*T*Math.log((1-NA_beta)) +Omega_b*Math.pow((NA_beta),2); double check=G_a-G_b; boolean B; if((check>(-10)) && (check<(10))) {B=true;} else {B=false;} return B; } public double[] runTest(int resolution) { res=resolution; int k=0; double internal[] = new double [2*res]; for (int b=1;b=298)&&(T<=1728)) { G0NiS=this.findG_Ni_s_298_1728(T); } else if(T>1728) { G0NiS=this.findG_Ni_s_1728_3000(T); } return G0NiS; } public double getG0Ba(double T) { double G0AuS=0; if((T>=298)&&(T<=933)) { G0AuS=this.findG_Au_s_298_933(T); } else if((T>933)&&(T<=1337)) { G0AuS=this.findG_Au_s_933_1337(T); } else if((T>1337)&&(T<=1735)) { G0AuS=this.findG_Au_s_1337_1735(T); } else if(T>1735) { G0AuS=this.findG_Au_s_1735_3200(T); } return G0AuS; } public double getG0Ab(double T) { double G0NiL=0; if ((T>=298)&&(T<=1728)) { G0NiL=this.findG_Ni_l_298_1728(T); } else if(T>1728) { G0NiL=this.findG_Ni_l_1728_3000(T); } return G0NiL; } public double getG0Bb(double T) { double G0AuL=0; if((T>=298)&&(T<=933)) { G0AuL=this.findG_Au_l_298_933(T); } else if((T>933)&&(T<=1337)) { G0AuL=this.findG_Au_l_933_1337(T); } else if((T>1337)&&(T<=1735)) { G0AuL=this.findG_Au_l_1337_1735(T); } else if(T>1735) { G0AuL=this.findG_Au_l_1735_3200(T); } return G0AuL; } public double findG_Au_l_298_933(double T) { double G=5613.147 +97.446385*T -22.75455*T*Math.log(T) -3.85924*Math.pow(10,-3)*Math.pow(T,2) +0.379625*Math.pow(10,-6)*Math.pow(T,3) -25097*Math.pow(T,-1); return G; } public double findG_Au_l_933_1337(double T) { double G=-81023.261 +1012.217324*T -155.6947*T*Math.log(T) +87.56015*Math.pow(10,-3)*Math.pow(T,2) -11.518713*Math.pow(10,-6)*Math.pow(T,3) +10637210*Math.pow(T,-1); return G; } public double findG_Au_l_1337_1735(double T) { double G=326614.987 -2025.7579*T +263.2523*T*Math.log(T) -118.21685*Math.pow(10,-3)*Math.pow(T,2) +8.923845*Math.pow(10,-6)*Math.pow(T,3) -67999850*Math.pow(T,-1); return G; } public double findG_Au_l_1735_3200(double T) { double G=413.343 +155.893158*T -30.9616*T*Math.log(T); return G; } public double findG_Au_s_298_933(double T) { double G=-6938.853 +106.830495*T -22.75455*T*Math.log(T) -3.85924*Math.pow(10,-3)*Math.pow(T,2) +0.379625*Math.pow(10,-6)*Math.pow(T,3) -25097*Math.pow(T,-1); return G; } public double findG_Au_s_933_1337(double T) { double G=-93575.261 +1021.601434*T -155.6947*T*Math.log(T) +87.56015*Math.pow(10,-3)*Math.pow(T,2) -11.518713*Math.pow(10,-6)*Math.pow(T,3) +10637210*Math.pow(T,-1); return G; } public double findG_Au_s_1337_1735(double T) { double G=314062.987 -2016.37379*T +263.2523*T*Math.log(T) -118.21685*Math.pow(10,-3)*Math.pow(T,2) +8.923845*Math.pow(10,-6)*Math.pow(T,3) -67999850*Math.pow(T,-1); return G; } public double findG_Au_s_1735_3200(double T) { double G=-12138.657 +165.277268*T -30.09616*T*Math.log(T); return G; } public double findG_Ni_l_298_1728(double T) { double G=11235.527 +108.457*T -22.096*T*Math.log(T) -4.8407*Math.pow(10,-3)*Math.pow(T,2) -382.318*Math.pow(10,-23)*Math.pow(T,7); return G; } public double findG_Ni_l_1728_3000(double T) { double G=-9549.775 +268.598*T -43.1*T*Math.log(T); return G; } public double findG_Ni_s_298_1728(double T) { double G=-5179.159 +117.854*T -22.096*T*Math.log(T) -4.8407*Math.pow(10,-3)*Math.pow(T,2); return G; } public double findG_Ni_s_1728_3000(double T) { double G=-27840.655 +279.135*T -43.1*T*Math.log(T) +1127.54*Math.pow(10,28)*Math.pow(T,-9); return G; } }