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Carbon at the Cutting-Edge: Nanotubes, graphene, and spins in diamond

Carbon at the Cutting-Edge: Nanotubes, graphene, and spins in diamond

Monday, May 12, 2014 at 4:00 pm
Weniger 116
Prof. Benjamín Alemán, Department of Physics, University of Oregon
Several allotropes of carbon, including nanotubes, graphene, and diamond, hold an important role in the exploration of new physics and applications at the nanoscale. As a result of their strength, large surface-to-volume ratio, and small physical size, carbon nanotubes and graphene have enabled the study of new regimes in nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). Also, single spins associated with the nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond are opening pathways toward room-temperature quantum information processing and nanometer-scale sensing. Here, I discuss specific uses of carbon nanotube and graphene NEMS to improve the resolution of scanning probe microscopy and to study novel non-linear dynamics that emerge in NEMS. Furthermore, I will describe the engineering and use of optically trapped nanodiamonds as an approach to three-dimensional spin-based scanning probe magnetometry and thermometry in fluids.